Happy as a Pig in Schiit: Introducing Modi Multibit
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:44 AM Post #2,446 of 4,621
  Actually, there's a bit more to it than just that. All humility aside, we produce more multibit DACs than anyone else for this market. There is a smattering of entry level 1x NonOverSampling style stuff and a few used to new car priced high, high end entries. This leaves me no option but to compete with myself. Seriously. As a believer in free markets being the best for both buyer and seller, competition results in the best for the most. Keeps me on my toes. Resting on laurels makes the whole line go stale.
Many on this thread have pronounced the mb Bifrost either dead or a poor value. I have a non production engineered Bifrost future model running which is absolutely hair raising. This will (when tamed down) will be offered as upgrades – you bet. Oh, and someone posted a Bifrost would cost $1200 if bought when first offered and steadily upgraded. Hmm, $240 per year over the Bifrost's life. Ten bucks less than a Multi-Modi per year. Twenty bucks a month. How much is Tidal? How often does the average guy change DACs?
So here's the bottom line: Modi Multis cater to those who want the best deal and want it right away. If you are willing to wait and willing to spend half to a fraction of what you spend on streaming or physical media on your DAC, a Bifrost will be a much better value over time.
Have it your way!

+1.  Thanks for the response.
I love my Bimby and will be interested in any and all future upgrades.
Feb 23, 2017 at 11:55 AM Post #2,447 of 4,621
  I have a non production engineered Bifrost future model running which is absolutely hair raising. This will (when tamed down) will be offered as upgrades – you bet.

Excellent! I started with the Bifrost Uber, then upgraded to Multibit. I look forward to upgrading again when the Bifrost Future Model becomes available.
Feb 23, 2017 at 12:03 PM Post #2,448 of 4,621
  Actually, there's a bit more to it than just that. All humility aside, we produce more multibit DACs than anyone else for this market. There is a smattering of entry level 1x NonOverSampling style stuff and a few used to new car priced high, high end entries. This leaves me no option but to compete with myself. Seriously. As a believer in free markets being the best for both buyer and seller, competition results in the best for the most. Keeps me on my toes. Resting on laurels makes the whole line go stale.
Many on this thread have pronounced the mb Bifrost either dead or a poor value. I have a non production engineered Bifrost future model running which is absolutely hair raising. This will (when tamed down) will be offered as upgrades – you bet. Oh, and someone posted a Bifrost would cost $1200 if bought when first offered and steadily upgraded. Hmm, $240 per year over the Bifrost's life. Ten bucks less than a Multi-Modi per year. Twenty bucks a month. How much is Tidal? How often does the average guy change DACs?
So here's the bottom line: Modi Multis cater to those who want the best deal and want it right away. If you are willing to wait and willing to spend half to a fraction of what you spend on streaming or physical media on your DAC, a Bifrost will be a much better value over time.
Have it your way!

Couple of points:
- Based on Modi MB vs Bifrost MB and their prices Bifrost loses in terms value for money/SQ. Bifrost MB however is a very good value comparing to the competition, but not so good in Shiit's own line-up after Modi MB was released.
- Comparing Bifrost to Tidal. The same way one can compare Bifrost to Starbucks. How much much money do they spend on coffee per year? That's irrelevant in this conversation - it has nothing to do with DACs. Person who has a Tidal subscription will most likely not cancel it to buy/upgrade Schiit DAC.
- Here is a quick comparison in $ of Bifrost MB + future hair raising Bifrost upgrade vs Modi MB + future hair raising Bifrost purchase. Assumption is that new hair raising Bifrost (Bifrost HR) will cost $750 and upgrade will cost $250 for existing owners.
  Modi MB  Bifrost MB  Sale  Bifrost HR Total 
Non-upgrade Modi MB path             250.00                      -            (150.00)             750.00             850.00
Bifrost MB upgrade path                      -               600.00                      -               250.00             850.00
At the end of the day if one with Modi MB decides that Bifrost HR at $750 really worth it, they sell their Modi MB for $150 and purchase brand new with 5-year warranty Bifrost HR. At the end of the day, total cost will be the same.
- $10 bucks more than Modi MB per year. I guess no one will be replacing Modi every year - just with new version release. Here is a quick comparison - hopefully it pastes OK from Excel.
  Purchases/upgrades   Sales   
  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016   2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  Total
Modi UBER/Modi 2 UBER/MB             150.00                      -               150.00                      -               250.00                -                 -       (75.00)               -       (75.00)       400.00
Bifrost/UBER/gen 2/MB             500.00                      -               300.00             300.00                      -                  -                 -                 -                 -                 -      1,100.00
One can say that Bifrost is head and shoulder in SQ over Modi/Modi 2 UBER. I don't think that's the case.
I'd like to repeat that I like Schiit DACs and amps (I have magni 2 uber - another great value for money) as I think they offer tremendous value for money and my comments are strictly on Bifrost vs Modi. Thanks.
EDIT: Forgot to mention Schiit's upgrade program. I think it should be different for long term customers, i.e. upgrade from UBER to MB should be less than from 4490 to MB for couple of reasons:
- long term customers have already spent a lot to upgrade from orig. Bifrost to gen 2 and UBER;
- customers who purchase 4490 had a choice to buy MB in first place.
just my $0.02 Thanks.
P.S. That's my modest setup at work.

Feb 23, 2017 at 12:07 PM Post #2,449 of 4,621
Who knew the secret to better audio was hidden in a $13 circuit board and a $5 coax cable.


It was a tight fit, but thankfully the spdif header was right there at the bottom.

The glorious natural sound coming from my Mimby right now... Just wow.

This looks like a nice and neat solution.  Considering the quality of the wire they are using to the header it doesn't make much sense to go high end on the coax cable from circuit board to DAC.  Before I saw this devise I had been considering having Blue Jean Cables build a coax cable that would hook up directly to the MB header.  A high quality version of a cable like this.
EDIT: Just heard back from Blue Jeans cable.  Not able to supply a cable with the 2 pin end.  Going to order this Asus unit now.
Feb 23, 2017 at 12:48 PM Post #2,452 of 4,621
Couple of points:
- Based on Modi MB vs Bifrost MB and their prices Bifrost loses in terms value for money/SQ. Bifrost MB however is a very good value comparing to the competition, but not so good in Shiit's own line-up after Modi MB was released.
- Comparing Bifrost to Tidal. The same way one can compare Bifrost to Starbucks. How much much money do they spend on coffee per year? That's irrelevant in this conversation - it has nothing to do with DACs. Person who has a Tidal subscription will most likely not cancel it to buy/upgrade Schiit DAC.
- Here is a quick comparison in $ of Bifrost MB + future hair raising Bifrost upgrade vs Modi MB + future hair raising Bifrost purchase. Assumption is that new hair raising Bifrost (Bifrost HR) will cost $750 and upgrade will cost $250 for existing owners.
  Modi MB Bifrost MB Sale Bifrost HR Total
Non-upgrade Modi MB path             250.00                      -           (150.00)             750.00             850.00
Bifrost MB upgrade path                      -              600.00                      -              250.00             850.00
At the end of the day if one with Modi MB decides that Bifrost HR at $750 really worth it, they sell their Modi MB for $150 and purchase brand new with 5-year warranty Bifrost HR. At the end of the day, total cost will be the same.
- $10 bucks more than Modi MB per year. I guess no one will be replacing Modi every year - just with new version release. Here is a quick comparison - hopefully it pastes OK from Excel.
  Purchases/upgrades  Sales  
  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016  2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total
Modi UBER/Modi 2 UBER/MB             150.00                      -              150.00                      -              250.00                -                -      (75.00)               -      (75.00)       400.00
Bifrost/UBER/gen 2/MB             500.00                      -              300.00             300.00                      -                 -                -                -                -                -     1,100.00
One can say that Bifrost is head and shoulder in SQ over Modi/Modi 2 UBER. I don't think that's the case.
I'd like to repeat that I like Schiit DACs and amps (I have magni 2 uber - another great value for money) as I think they offer tremendous value for money and my comments are strictly on Bifrost vs Modi. Thanks.
EDIT: Forgot to mention Schiit's upgrade program. I think it should be different for long term customers, i.e. upgrade from UBER to MB should be less than from 4490 to MB for couple of reasons:
- long term customers have already spent a lot to upgrade from orig. Bifrost to gen 2 and UBER;
- customers who purchase 4490 had a choice to buy MB in first place.
just my $0.02 Thanks.
P.S. That's my modest setup at work.

And 5 years of the use of a great DAC, priceless...
Feb 23, 2017 at 1:17 PM Post #2,454 of 4,621
That's why I've made upgrades $300 and not $250 - Assumed that shipping is $50 per upgrade.

That shipping is pretty steep.  As I understand it, shipping back from Schiit is included in the upgrade price.  FedEx shipping from here in Orlando to California is around $25.00.

Feb 23, 2017 at 1:21 PM Post #2,455 of 4,621
Sorry I was trying to read your charts on my Samsung phone and am having trouble getting the charting lined up. However I was referring to your Bifrost HR chart that doesnt show shipping costs...shows a wash at $850.

Let's assume that it is a wash - didn't want to complicate things.
Modi' scenario - shipping when sold plus shipping when purchase new Bifrost HR.
Bifrost's scenario - shipping both ways when upgraded to HR.
Feb 23, 2017 at 1:22 PM Post #2,456 of 4,621
That shipping is pretty steep.  As I understand it, shipping back from Schiit is included in the upgrade price.  FedEx shipping from here in Orlando to California is around $25.00.


I think when upgrading customer pays shipping both ways. Thanks.
Feb 23, 2017 at 2:04 PM Post #2,457 of 4,621
  - Comparing Bifrost to Tidal. The same way one can compare Bifrost to Starbucks. How much much money do they spend on coffee per year? That's irrelevant in this conversation - it has nothing to do with DACs. Person who has a Tidal subscription will most likely not cancel it to buy/upgrade Schiit DAC.

Viewed in total cost of dollars -  both software and hardware.  Neither a Multi-Modi nor a Bifrost does not drink starbucks - it drinks software, either physical or streamed.  If one is willing to spend x$ on hardware, what is the relative x$ of software and the hobby as a whole.  Starbuck's is irrelevant - physical media and streamed media is NOT.
Schiit Audio Stay updated on Schiit Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
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Feb 23, 2017 at 2:59 PM Post #2,458 of 4,621

When can I use PayPal Refunded Returns service?

Subject to the terms and conditions of these GCU, You may be reimbursed under the PayPal Refunded Returns service only if all of the following requirements are met:· You are registered with PayPal as an holder of a PayPal account resident in Czech Republic, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovenia, Croatia,    Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus, Malta and Portugal and your PayPal account is not suspended or limited


Looks like it's only for those countries.

Feb 23, 2017 at 3:20 PM Post #2,459 of 4,621
Viewed in total cost of dollars -  both software and hardware.  A Bifrost does not drink starbucks - it drinks software, either physical or streamed.  If one is willing to spend x$ on hardware, what is the relative x$ of software and the hobby as a whole.  Starbuck's is irrelevant - physical media and streamed media is NOT.

Software is irrelevant in this case. User has to have a source in any case (Tidal, Spotify, cds, pandora etc.), regardless of their DAC - Yggy, Gumby, Bimby etc.

There are tons of things relevant to the hobby and headphones are #1.

My comments were not related to the entire chain of things in this hobby and were made ONLY to Modi vs Bifrost and upgradability. Thanks.
Feb 23, 2017 at 3:35 PM Post #2,460 of 4,621
I think Schiit is brilliant! The Modi Multibit was the bait that caused me to order an Yggdrasil! My Mimby has been a revelation as to what one can get with Schiit multibit IP.
I don't know if Schiit looks at their lower end stuff as bait. But it is what got me to try their stuff in the first place. I started out looking for a nice not too expensive nearfield/headphone setup for my computer. I got that with Mimby and a Vali 2. The sound was so good I decided to upgrade to the Lyr 2. The Mimby was such a great performer I couldn't justify the jump to Bimby. The Mimby/Lyr 2 combination sounded spectacular and inspired me to start planning a nice 2 channel system. Yggdrasil is the root of that system!
Schiit offers great value at every level within their product line. If they keep doing that, I will keep buying their products.

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