H3 Meet Impressions LA 8/18/2012 Thread
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:40 AM Post #136 of 191
Yeah most of the time i didn't know who i was talking too as far as handles, good idea with name and avatar.   I think i was at a meet a while back that did that and it made connections easier.
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:44 AM Post #137 of 191

OMG, this next one is gonna be like the best. meet. evar!

So much pressure lols.
Here's what I did for the Austin meet earlier this year, nothing all that fancy, just basic identification:
Head-fi logo with name/user:

Avatar at time of printing, user:

To see table tags in use: http://www.flickr.com/photos/dan1son/sets/72157629566689561/with/6975178371/


Can i steal this from you? This would be great to have at the next meet in LA.
Aug 23, 2012 at 1:54 AM Post #138 of 191
Can i steal this from you? This would be great to have at the next meet in LA.

If you do steal the idea, I volunteer to gather member names, avatars, and real names in advance of the meet.  I can also print/prep the badges & tags based on the final attendance list the night before (at Kinko's or whatever).  In other words, I'll take care of that detail if you like. 

Aug 23, 2012 at 2:05 AM Post #139 of 191
Steal away. I prepared everything with just my $50 printer, some card stock and some normal paper (the table tags are just 8.5x11 sheets folded in a particular way). No need to go to Kinko's, etc unless you just want to get fancy.
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:08 AM Post #141 of 191
Yeah those are nice, like real badges from a convention. Mine were cheap :xf_eek:
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:10 AM Post #142 of 191
Yeah those are nice, like real badges from a convention. Mine were cheap

i definitely wasnt trying to put down what you did at all man, the fact that you had printed badges for a local meet is a step above anything ive ever seen, Props 

it was merely meant as a point of reference since i can definitely see this turning into a "real" canjam next year 

Aug 23, 2012 at 2:20 AM Post #143 of 191
Steal away. I prepared everything with just my $50 printer, some card stock and some normal paper (the table tags are just 8.5x11 sheets folded in a particular way). No need to go to Kinko's, etc unless you just want to get fancy.

Okay cool!  Though, I might just get a little fancy.  Maybe.  But still, good to know!
This is what they looked like at the last "real" canjam, in chicago in 2010, as a point of reference

Edit: added the back too since its pretty cool as well

Yeah, that is cool.  I doubt I'll get that fancy.  Wouldn't want to upstage the actual CanJam.  BTW, I was a working graphic (and then web) designer for like 16 years in a previous life.
i definitely wasnt trying to put down what you did at all man, the fact that you had printed badges for a local meet is a step above anything ive ever seen, Props 

Aug 23, 2012 at 2:31 AM Post #145 of 191
Aug 23, 2012 at 2:32 AM Post #146 of 191
Where's the beef?
Okay, been busy but this thread deserves some IMPRESSIONS!
Friday Night 2-3 hours:
DIY T2 with 007 MK II and purrin's "modded 'stat".  So fast, clear, detailed (but not shrill).  Not "unnatural", but I think I now like presentation a bit more lush. Respect, though!!!
HEV90/HE90 "Orpheus".  This combo just removes the need to classify the phones as "electrostatic".  Such a warm, lush, enveloping, and dynamic/connected sound but still has detail.  Did notice a tiny bit of residual energy at upper mids and treble with a certain recording...  Love hearing this rig.  Thanks for the third audition, n3rdling!
Marantz CD Player (so strong it spun and played two discs stuck together- "that disc must be mislabeled"!)
PWD MKII  I like PWDs...bit of warmth with the detail...will patiently wait for them to come down in price. (Hope.)
Liquid Lightning  Wanted to try it since it was in the room, but it seemed "flat" in dynamics and presentation vs. the other amps.  Heard great things about the Liquid Glass though...missed hearing that amp!
Meet Day:
HD800/Eddie Current Super 7 (Mine & @Anaxilus')  Renewed faith in this set-up.  Got more of my tubes back from testing before meet and rolled a combo that handled all kinds of recordings and is still tunable.   
LCD3 @Teufelshunde's  Still don't like them, but this pair didn't have TP and sounded a bit better than the first pair that made the rounds.  LCD-2 r2 still the best of the LCD's to me.
NAD M51 @Teufelshunde's  Too "???" for my set-up. Would have to re-tune my system for it.  Seemed a bit "brittle" or bright and no one (even those directly comparing to PWD) seems to call it that.
T50rp Stock (Mine)  "Wonky" and spatially disconnected out of many amps but surprisingly "decent" stock out of Super 7.  Wanted to compare directly to the Paradox and maybe leave my pair with LFF.
Paradox (@LFF's)  Left my pair with LFF after A/B.  Was surprised at how different his sounded!  Later I want to compare to rhythmdevils. One of his mods made me want a pair. Phone can dramatically change.
2 x HD650  @Uzi's and @Mackat's.  (3 if you count Bellatone Audio.)  First time (first TWO times) that I have REALLY liked this phone!  Changed out some tubes with Super 7 and Uzi's pair was great.  Mackat's had a teeny bit less "air" but were more comfortable (in direct A/B on Mackat's rig).  
Sony Turntable > ?Pre-amp > Bottlehead Crack > HD650  @Mackat's  DAMN.  For all of the "twists and turns and reports" out of Mackat- he showed up!  This set-up was great.  Turned the TT/Tube/650 "dark thing" on it's head...made me glad to have a turntable and now I will be sure to invest the time in setting it up right.  
Pico Power- made me hear the noise in my mini^3.  Seems very linear and not harsh but not "warm".  (Was looking for signature and couldn't find one.)  I'm on the list for one.
mini^3- still a great value and great sound, but the Pico Power will take precedence over the mini^3. 
Eddie Current Electra  Friday night I mentioned that it would be nice if the DIY T2 presentation moved a bit towards the Orpheus presentation with the Electra.  It did and at a MUCH better price.  @purrin's modded phones on this amp sounded like an end-game rig for me...if I could recreate it and I decide to upgrade from my S7/HD800 set-up in the future (without going Balancing Act).  Some "weight/stage/romance" is just addictive,  pleasing, and more forgiving...
@Dallan's Zana Deux HD800 rig with "everything" customized (including the table/chair/tablecloth/air?)  This set-up flies in the face of all HD800 stereotypes. Cables/tubes/DAC, everything EXCEPT the HD800 cups heavily modified to create the presentation that he wanted...not harsh/brittle at all!
HD800 with an HD650 on top from B22  (Dave Matthews Band "So Much To Say")  Didn't need the HD650, IMHO.  Added some weight low, but the HD800 out of the B22 is already kinda smooth and pleasing. Don't know about his source but the B22 challenges the SS vs. Tube characterizing. iPodPJ's B22 looked gorgeous and took the edge off the 800's from the one track I heard...during my modeling shoot.
@jazzfan's HE-6 with Trends Audio 12W Class T transportable amp! (iBasso D6 as source) THIS was the "sleeper" set-up!!  Tiny amp (and maybe iBasso as source) took the 6k and treble ringing off of the HE-6 and controlled/hit with this transportable $240 amp...anyone else shocked?
@tehmom's  April Music Eximus DP-1 > Yamamoto Amp> AT W3000ANV  This phone is beautiful, comfortable, closed, and has the liveliness of the Grados without the exaggeration of peaks and other discomfort.  All three together made for a beautiful & sweet system. 
LFF remasters of some popular funk/rock  Wow- what stands out is how much we're missing in some modern recordings.  Good and bad.  Some of the instrument tracking sounded great while the vocals were recorded so poorly that they had to smash it.  Unfortunate.  With the LFF remastering, you get to hear it all...wish he had done the initial recording too.  I want to spend half a day sometime, learning from some of the files he has...not enough time!
Uzi's "MoFi Remaster"of Beck's Sea Change vs. Standard  This was tough call.  I love the album so much that I will try to seek MoFi version out.  Bit less forward in vocals/presentation and with my rig I will find out if I prefer one or just enjoy both.  More separation and possibly a lot more information in the remaster.  Glad to know about these.
Didn't get to listen to UEPRM...oh well, I'm really happy with RM anyway.  Got to see friends and hear the uber-rigs get even better.
Was fantastic to hang out with you purrin, n3rdling, and Anaxilus!  Thanks for making ALL of the meets special that I have been to. (And for letting me spend so much time with all of your gear over the past couple years!)
The amount of space was unbelievable.  Seemed to soak up so much of the sound.  (Hope so, I was talking too much...) Fantastic meet, purrin!
Nice to FINALLY meet LFF, blubliss, Dallan, Justin, Anetode, iPodPJ.  Also met some other really nice members and wish I wrote down their names! 
Great to see Frank Cooter.  Thanks for coming to this meet too, Jude.
@Questhate, it's crazy that I have not yet had a mini-meet with you in the Bay Area.  jazzfan, Elysian, Mkubota1 and some other locals should be up for one.  You have been great and thanks for now helping out so much at the NorCal AND SoCal meets!
shipsupt was missed.  He could have had five tables.  

Edit:  @Teufelshunde, was wonderful to meet you and thank you for bringing your NAD across the room.  Everyone who has heard that DAC loves it.  I think it revealed a little too much in my set-up that I try to tame...I look forward to trying it again in a 'stat or Ortho rig!

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