Mar 23, 2012 at 11:01 PM Post #107 of 173

Meh, I think it's time to kick some off the list first, then it's "enie menie miney mo" time, and it's "mo" not "moe" (not that I have anything against that because we all love moe).

moe... :3  ok wrong thread. Sorry :)
It's going to be hard man. And then you need to synergize your final answer or find an amp and dac that does well with it and what not. and then sometimes that changes what your headphone is...ahh!!
Mar 23, 2012 at 11:04 PM Post #108 of 173

Definitely considering the T50RP because it's usually under $100.
I did get some bad feedback too about the Q701 with some J-music. Will take that (and the K702) off the list.
  1. Q701 (rather unlikely)
  2. K550
  3. K702 (I heard the Q701 does better)
  4. A900X (very likely)
  5. A900
  6. DT770
  7. DT880
  8. DT990 (probably not but just throwing it in here)
  9. D2K (will try to find these at $250)
  10. D5K (if I can find them at $300 or so)
  11. T50RP and some mods

This thread makes me sad. For Jpop with vocals, Why oh why do you want a headphone where mids are not the main focus? Many of those are slightly V-shaped.
Keeping the DT-770-990 and removing the Q701 makes no sense. The Q701's soundstage isn't abnormally large IMO. Depends on the recording.
You should read some other threads. If you posted that list in the older threads they'll just laugh at you.

Sounds like you took too much advice from only a couple people.
K550 for female vocals would be just a very bad idea..
Mar 23, 2012 at 11:42 PM Post #109 of 173

This thread makes me sad. For Jpop with vocals, Why oh why do you want a headphone where mids are not the main focus? Many of those are slightly V-shaped.
Keeping the DT-770-990 and removing the Q701 makes no sense. The Q701's soundstage isn't abnormally large IMO. Depends on the recording.
You should read some other threads. If you posted that list in the older threads they'll just laugh at you.

Sounds like you took too much advice from only a couple people.
K550 for female vocals would be just a very bad idea..

If I had to listen to J-pop, I would sooner put a gun to my ear than a headphone.
Mar 24, 2012 at 1:41 AM Post #112 of 173
Still haven't decided anything yet? I really enjoy Vocaloid out of my AD1000PRM over my STAX or Beyer, AD2000 is one of the best choice for sure. Others good one mentioned here I have tried or owned: K701, SRH940, SA5000 are all great for vocal centric pieces.
Mar 24, 2012 at 1:46 AM Post #113 of 173
This thread makes me sad. For Jpop with vocals, Why oh why do you want a headphone where mids are not the main focus? Many of those are slightly V-shaped.
Keeping the DT-770-990 and removing the Q701 makes no sense. The Q701's soundstage isn't abnormally large IMO. Depends on the recording.
You should read some other threads. If you posted that list in the older threads they'll just laugh at you.

Sounds like you took too much advice from only a couple people.
K550 for female vocals would be just a very bad idea..

You are very much in the right. We're also just trying to be one of the voices in many, or at least it is my intention. My opinion is just my bias, whether Hybrid will think the same is up to him after all. Reason why they're but opinions, but shouldn't be the only ones if given the chance.

I was actually getting to the Beyers. I love them, more so than the Q701 (that I also like, just have a few issues with that SS for this kind of music... Other genres, makes me cry that I don't have that kind of headphone) but also find them to portray a more distant mids. Very relaxing sound, perhaps not ideal. Dispersed should be a better wording. Once again, this is just because I like limited SS for j-music, shouldn't be a standard choice.

Oddly enough, I don't like the SRH840 but find them more suitable, as an example.

Retracted all that. I shouldn't keep it too far from me at all times that my preferences are kind of weird lol. Each type has their own pros and cons. Whether I was given a Q701 or a DT770/880/990 or T50RP, I'd be happy with the music. The dynamics drivers will have better extension without nearly as much work, and it can certainly be VERY appreciated. I guess I just like a little more mid-forwards than the balanced cans mentioned above provide.
If I loan my bro's Q701 I'd be very happy listening to anything I own, because they would genuinely sound good. Better than what I own. Oh but that headband hurts :S
Mar 24, 2012 at 9:12 AM Post #115 of 173

moe... :3  ok wrong thread. Sorry :)
It's going to be hard man. And then you need to synergize your final answer or find an amp and dac that does well with it and what not. and then sometimes that changes what your headphone is...ahh!!

Haha, yeah. Reminds me, there hasn't been much moe stuff in the lounge.
Back on topic.

This thread makes me sad. For Jpop with vocals, Why oh why do you want a headphone where mids are not the main focus? Many of those are slightly V-shaped.
Keeping the DT-770-990 and removing the Q701 makes no sense. The Q701's soundstage isn't abnormally large IMO. Depends on the recording.
You should read some other threads. If you posted that list in the older threads they'll just laugh at you.

Sounds like you took too much advice from only a couple people.
K550 for female vocals would be just a very bad idea..

I'll go read some other threads.
Okay. No K550.

+1 thanks
Comming to a thread whos title explains a genre just to come troll is looked down upon.

This. We all have feelings you know.

Still haven't decided anything yet? I really enjoy Vocaloid out of my AD1000PRM over my STAX or Beyer, AD2000 is one of the best choice for sure. Others good one mentioned here I have tried or owned: K701, SRH940, SA5000 are all great for vocal centric pieces.


I wish I could give more help/advice, but most of them goes off from reading around and not tried and true experience, where IMO what counts the most. But then Hybrid have you guys, so that helps him quite a bit I reckon. 

Yes, lot's of help.
Mar 24, 2012 at 10:59 AM Post #116 of 173

This thread makes me sad. For Jpop with vocals, Why oh why do you want a headphone where mids are not the main focus? Many of those are slightly V-shaped.
Keeping the DT-770-990 and removing the Q701 makes no sense. The Q701's soundstage isn't abnormally large IMO. Depends on the recording.
You should read some other threads. If you posted that list in the older threads they'll just laugh at you.

Sounds like you took too much advice from only a couple people.
K550 for female vocals would be just a very bad idea..

J-pop needs good bass as well though. I recall you saying in a similar thread that you hate anything song with lots of bass (or something along those lines), and that those kinds of songs make up 90% of J-pop. I don't believe j-pop is Overhauled by bass centric songs, but a good bass is essential to any pop song and a lot of the mid-centric headphones are very anemic in that category. 
Mar 24, 2012 at 12:36 PM Post #117 of 173

J-pop needs good bass as well though. I recall you saying in a similar thread that you hate anything song with lots of bass (or something along those lines), and that those kinds of songs make up 90% of J-pop. I don't believe j-pop is Overhauled by bass centric songs, but a good bass is essential to any pop song and a lot of the mid-centric headphones are very anemic in that category. 

Yeah I know it needs bass, but that shouldn't be the focus IMO. To me it should be balanced or slightly mid forward.
Yes, it's true I don't listen to a LOT of bass heavy music but I never would have said I hate any songs with lots of bass. If I didn't care about bass I'd probably be listening to an AD700 or RE0.
Jpop with lots of bass makes up 90% of it? Not sure what kind you listen to, but that hasn't been the case for me. Doesn't really matter.
Mar 24, 2012 at 2:03 PM Post #118 of 173

+1 thanks
Comming to a thread whos title explains a genre just to come troll is looked down upon.

Didn't realize you guys were so sensitive... actually I had no idea what you were talking about so I had to google j-pop and listened to a song and it was terrible. Just sharing my opinion. Sorry that it wasn't a positive one.
Mar 24, 2012 at 2:12 PM Post #119 of 173

Didn't realize you guys were so sensitive... actually I had no idea what you were talking about so I had to google j-pop and listened to a song and it was terrible. Just sharing my opinion. Sorry that it wasn't a positive one.

That's okay. Here's one. It's [Glitter] by Perfume. It's kind of new to me.
I don't know many J-pop songs but I'm venturing into that part of Japanese music because I've enjoyed Vocaloids and Anime Music so much.

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