Future Sonics Custom Dynamic Driver MG6pro. What the wha...?! (Now with reviews!)
Jan 6, 2011 at 11:33 PM Post #46 of 66

 I could see if someone just had good things to say about one company over and over, but I haven't seen that. I go by reputation of the reviewer and never wonder how they got that product.
I'm responding in red! I've totally seen reviews that were painfully, sickeningly positive to the point where it was weird. Those reviews didn't always come from a person who had a relationship with the company, but they sometimes did.
Truth be told, kunlun, you may be surprised to know how much free stuff your so called reputable publications get. And this not a professional publication.  That's a good point. I think there should be transparency. Reviews, both professional ones and ones here often do disclose where they got what they have.
Anyway, like I said, I'll mention how much I paid, etc. in my review.

Jan 7, 2011 at 12:52 AM Post #47 of 66
Fine, just ignore me.  

Jan 7, 2011 at 7:16 AM Post #48 of 66

They are in!
And...I'm sending them back for a quick fit adjustment! Just a little fix is needed and they will be effortlessly comfortable and pass the "can't hear a stream of water" test.
I'll give a full review when they are back and I've had them a while.
For now, these are incredible with fantastic extention above and below, very accurate timbre, very natural, great detail, very clear at all frequencies and coherent, real bass that can only come from a dynamic driver (part of our sensation of bass comes from feeling moving air, armatures just plain don't do this), fantastic soundstage that is intimate or immense depending on the recording. They are stage/studio monitors, so the treble is crisp and extended, but the harshness and sibilance aren't there--they are incredibly non-fatiguing yet there is full extention and detail and sparkle, just not in an artificially boosted way.
I'm impressed with the balance of these and I'm looking forward to hearing them more when they get back to me.

I must have missed it that you got them and then they left just as fast as they appeared :p
However just became something is meant for stage use doesn't mean the treble is crisp and well extended. On the contrary many earphones and such that I have used before that's meant for stage use typically does not have the best extended treble. There are exceptions of course but typically the treble does not have the best extension and it tends to smooth after the upper mids region. It's so the user will not have listening fatigue. Also a lot of the ones I've used do have a slightly elevated mid bass response.
Jan 7, 2011 at 7:26 AM Post #49 of 66

They are in!
And...I'm sending them back for a quick fit adjustment! Just a little fix is needed and they will be effortlessly comfortable and pass the "can't hear a stream of water" test.
I'll give a full review when they are back and I've had them a while.
For now, these are incredible with fantastic extention above and below, very accurate timbre, very natural, great detail, very clear at all frequencies and coherent, real bass that can only come from a dynamic driver (part of our sensation of bass comes from feeling moving air, armatures just plain don't do this), fantastic soundstage that is intimate or immense depending on the recording. They are stage/studio monitors, so the treble is crisp and extended, but the harshness and sibilance aren't there--they are incredibly non-fatiguing yet there is full extention and detail and sparkle, just not in an artificially boosted way.
I'm impressed with the balance of these and I'm looking forward to hearing them more when they get back to me.

I must have missed it that you got them and then they left just as fast as they appeared :p
However just became something is meant for stage use doesn't mean the treble is crisp and well extended. On the contrary many earphones and such that I have used before that's meant for stage use typically does not have the best extended treble. There are exceptions of course but typically the treble does not have the best extension and it tends to smooth after the upper mids region. It's so the user will not have listening fatigue. Also a lot of the ones I've used do have a slightly elevated mid bass response.

Hi, I've changed the way you've bolded part of my sentence to highlight my meaning. Hope that's clearer.
Jan 7, 2011 at 8:40 AM Post #51 of 66

They are in!
And...I'm sending them back for a quick fit adjustment! Just a little fix is needed and they will be effortlessly comfortable and pass the "can't hear a stream of water" test.
I'll give a full review when they are back and I've had them a while.
For now, these are incredible with fantastic extention above and below, very accurate timbre, very natural, great detail, very clear at all frequencies and coherent, real bass that can only come from a dynamic driver (part of our sensation of bass comes from feeling moving air, armatures just plain don't do this), fantastic soundstage that is intimate or immense depending on the recording. They are stage/studio monitors, so the treble is crisp and extended, but the harshness and sibilance aren't there--they are incredibly non-fatiguing yet there is full extention and detail and sparkle, just not in an artificially boosted way.
I'm impressed with the balance of these and I'm looking forward to hearing them more when they get back to me.

Gratz!  Look forward to hearing more and I bet you do too!!  Is it possible to say what universal signature you have heard might be comparable to the Future Sonics Ear Monitors?

This is only after two days of listening, so opinions are subject to change without notice!
 I don't think I've really heard anything quite like FS Ear Monitors in terms of neutral, clear mids and treble with a bass that has great energy but doesn't intrude. The Monster turbine pro coppers maybe--but that's misleading as those do sound different in sound signature. The Coppers are more colored, have comparatively more bite in the treble, the Ear Monitors are utterly smooth and non-fatiguing. The coppers don't compare, bass-quality wise or on detail generally (although I do like my coppers, they are almost perfect for me--I'll be getting the custom tips from 1964 Ears for them today, hopefully). I'll compare more to the mtpc in my review in a few weeks.
I didn't get a chance to play too much with the LVFs (low-frequency vents), but you can change the size of the vent or block it entirely for quite a different sound. Blocking it shows you that there is quite a bit of air being moved by the driver, it's interesting. 
Jan 7, 2011 at 3:56 PM Post #52 of 66

 I could see if someone just had good things to say about one company over and over, but I haven't seen that. I go by reputation of the reviewer and never wonder how they got that product.
I'm responding in red! I've totally seen reviews that were painfully, sickeningly positive to the point where it was weird. Those reviews didn't always come from a person who had a relationship with the company, but they sometimes did.
Truth be told, kunlun, you may be surprised to know how much free stuff your so called reputable publications get. And this not a professional publication.  That's a good point. I think there should be transparency. Reviews, both professional ones and ones here often do disclose where they got what they have.
Anyway, like I said, I'll mention how much I paid, etc. in my review.

We'll stay clear of this one :)
Both of you have good points.
Jan 7, 2011 at 6:59 PM Post #53 of 66
Your staying clear. Pause -let me suit up- Congratulations mister your were being reviewed on how many times you could be a ******* you actually were subscribed naturally to a magazine called Idiot, another called Shut the F up, and another called Weirdo hopefully this does not offend you over here we're the same. We just censor are's.....sorta kinda. Confispect out.

Eric or somebody in journalism please come edit my post I think I went to far Note: This will mysteriously disappear in a couple of hours simply because I didn't go far enough now I'm going to smoke a cigarette.
Jan 7, 2011 at 9:17 PM Post #54 of 66

Your staying clear. Pause -let me suit up- Congratulations mister your were being reviewed on how many times you could be a ******* you actually were subscribed naturally to a magazine called Idiot, another called Shut the F up, and another called Weirdo hopefully this does not offend you over here we're the same. We just censor are's.....sorta kinda. Confispect out.

Eric or somebody in journalism please come edit my post I think I went to far Note: This will mysteriously disappear in a couple of hours simply because I didn't go far enough now I'm going to smoke a cigarette.

There, now it's saved for eternity.
j/k! pm me if you get worried and I'll delete it!

Jan 17, 2011 at 3:52 PM Post #55 of 66
Wow, came for some IEM impressions and man this is a weeeeeeeeird thread going on here.  lol
I'll have to drop back in once the refit comes back and the full opinion is n!
Jan 17, 2011 at 9:16 PM Post #56 of 66
Just LOL and shaking my head.
Jan 26, 2011 at 5:13 PM Post #57 of 66
Hi, I am in the market for a new custom and since dynamic driver iems in general are favoured for me with universal fit I added this one. Although I havent heard too much positive stuff about the atrios with the onslaught of new iems the past few years. IMHO your universal fit iems should be a sort of mirror of your customs so that people at least get an IDEA of what they sound like. It is pretty cool that future sonics does demos though, i didnt know any custom iem manufacturer did this. Unfortunately they dont have a dealer for me locally. I thought that there was only one custom model but i guess the mg6 is their top model? Since there are demos of these I wonder if anyone with another custom iem will be able to compare it to the demo?
Greetings, Anouk,
Feb 16, 2011 at 12:49 AM Post #58 of 66
Feb 16, 2011 at 2:53 PM Post #59 of 66
Feb 16, 2011 at 3:16 PM Post #60 of 66
I love how weird the thread became as well. 

Anyhow, nice review. The PM wasn't enough!!!!!
I figured they would deliver the changeable plates make it even greater. Congrats.

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