Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread
Jun 13, 2013 at 4:45 PM Post #2,371 of 11,668
Eke and Inks, here's my unsolicited 2c, you're both right from your respective point of views. I'd love to have a beer with you and settle the matter... though not sure if I'd survive the effort. :wink:

Oh boy, you and Rin would make best friends, he loves to settle matters with booze :).
Jun 13, 2013 at 4:51 PM Post #2,372 of 11,668
Ooo, love the David Sylvian Music! Reminds me of days at college. Pixie boots, leather tie.. Ah the eighties! :D
Jun 13, 2013 at 4:51 PM Post #2,373 of 11,668
Oh boy, you and Rin would make best friends, he loves to settle matters with booze :).

Now I want in on this. :D
Jun 13, 2013 at 4:56 PM Post #2,374 of 11,668
I don't know Rin personally (or ever communicated with him), but my guess is I could possibly have a pint or 4 with him (at least once or twice), but certainly not with his mouthpiece.
Jun 13, 2013 at 4:57 PM Post #2,375 of 11,668
And you say I derail the thread....have you not understood that even though we share philosophies, even we have differences. Calling names isn't necessary or mature
Jun 13, 2013 at 4:59 PM Post #2,376 of 11,668
Now I want in on this.

I'm starting to get a rough idea how the Inks - Rin symbiosis works.

Jun 13, 2013 at 5:08 PM Post #2,378 of 11,668
Your post led me to think of the following: the trouble—or perhaps a kind of odd blessing—is that there may not be an actual end to music. On the other hand, we certainly do a lot (unconsciously) to prevent Music (with a capital 'M') to enter our lives, which is a way of killing Music.

Sometimes you must force music back into your life. I spent 20 years in mobile audio (I happen to think a well sorted out car system can sound better than a home system - and definitely better than IEM's - but that's a different story) It came to a head when I had a lovely 2000 watt audio system - and I don't mean a thump mobile - and I found myself listening to sports radio more than music. It has been only in the last few years I have become reacquainted with my music collection. Enjoying the hell out it.
Jun 13, 2013 at 5:10 PM Post #2,379 of 11,668
I'm starting to get a rough idea how the Inks - Rin symbiosis works. :wink:


@Music sorry I rain on your parade with my opinion on sonics, but I'm glad i haven't fallen as low as to name calling as you have, though in Ekes case he had it coming.
Jun 13, 2013 at 5:18 PM Post #2,380 of 11,668

@Music sorry I rain on your parade with my opinion on sonics, but I'm glad i haven't fallen as low as to name calling as you have, though in Ekes case he had it coming.


Sometimes I wish this site was a giant video chatroom. There'd be a dramatic decrease in communication mishaps.
Jun 13, 2013 at 5:27 PM Post #2,381 of 11,668
have you not understood that even though we share philosophies, even we have differences. Calling names isn't necessary or mature

I see you edited your post (after my reply) and added the bit above. Let me ask you this, Inks: Does one need to call someone names to be disrespectful? Are you sure what maturity means? Does playing a musical instrument (eg the piano for 10 years) make someone an eminence in music or in the knowledge of the proper sounds of music? What exactly does playing the piano for 10 years entail? How many hours in those 10 years? How many hours of quality playing? Where has attention been during every single hour? And, what level/quality of attention? What degree of presence? There are several other questions I could ask but I'll leave it at that.
FWIW, here's something I posted over a month ago in a different thread: "... at one point in my life, after having met several classically-trained musicians, I almost lost faith in music, but Music is quite a bit more than the characters that often make it 'happen', or those who are often able to produce the most pristine sound out of their chosen instrument..."
@Music sorry I rain on your parade with my opinion on sonics, but I'm glad i haven't fallen as low as to name calling as you have, though in Ekes case he had it coming.

You did not "rain on my parade", and I don't often see your posts as mere "opinions on sonics", but something rather different I don't want to get into.
Jun 13, 2013 at 5:36 PM Post #2,382 of 11,668
I see you edited your post (after my reply). Let me ask you this, Inks: Does one need to call someone names to be disrespectful? Are you sure what maturity means? Does playing a musical instrument (eg the piano for 10 years) make someone an eminence on music or the proper sounds of music? What exactly is playing does the piano for 10 years entail? How many hours? How many hours of quality playing? Where has attention been during every single hour? And, what level/quality of attention? What degree of presence? There are several more questions but I'll leave it at that.

FWIW, here's something I posted over a month ago in a different thread: "... at one point in my life, after having met several classically-trained musicians, I almost lost faith in music, but Music is quite a bit more than the characters that often make it 'happen', or those who are often able to produce the most pristine sound out of their chosen instrument..."

You did not "rain on my parade", and I don't often see your posts as mere "opinions on sonics", but something rather different I don't want to get into.

Once you start name calling, you do show a lack of respect, surprised you dont see it this way. In this forum just focus on sonic discussion, no need to make it personal.

I practice twice a week, you're making assumptions I just mentioned it to show that if anything, I'm listening to music pretty much constantly in my life. I'm actually a Jazz pianist, into the avant-garde and will sometimes listen to what some call atonal music, guess I'm not as rigid as I am with rating sonic performance of gear here. I don't see the point of this, I'm very involved in music, I don't understand how knowing measurements makes you not like music or not prone to the pure feelings it brings out.
Jun 13, 2013 at 6:23 PM Post #2,383 of 11,668
This track was recorded 40 years ago (1973), but released a year later. It was 23 years after the release (1997) that people learned this was not a studio track but a live track, an improv, in fact (Amsterdam, 1973). Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this piece of music is the drummer's contribution, a rare occasion where a musician realises—possibly without their fully being aware of it at the time—that the best contribution they can make is to play nothing:
Jun 13, 2013 at 7:10 PM Post #2,384 of 11,668
This track was recorded 40 years ago (1973), but released a year later. It was 23 years after the release (1997) that people learned this was not a studio track but a live track, an improv, in fact (Amsterdam, 1973). Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this piece of music is the drummer's contribution, a rare occasion where a musician realises—possibly without their fully being aware of it at the time—that the best contribution they can make is to play nothing:

Another King Crimson fan! Neat - Did you enjoy the Adrian Bellew version? (I was a fan around the release of Lark's Tongues in Aspic) Saw them in concert a few times - Met Fripp when I worked in radio - very quiet and unassuming fellow.
Jun 13, 2013 at 7:20 PM Post #2,385 of 11,668
Another King Crimson fan! Neat - Did you enjoy the Adrian Bellew version? (I was a fan around the release of Lark's Tongues in Aspic) Saw them in concert a few times - Met Fripp when I worked in radio - very quiet and unassuming fellow.

Music_4321 is probably the premier KC fan. He's only recently started posting songs by artists other than them.

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