Denon AH-D7000
May 8, 2012 at 4:30 PM Post #5,403 of 7,464
Maybe they'll upgrade you to the 7100 ... poor person.

Hope they come home soon.
Been listening to a lot of cello since I got these ... excellent cans.

Very frustrating and hope not  just want a straight answer
May 8, 2012 at 4:36 PM Post #5,404 of 7,464
I was just kidding. I'm sure they'll be able to get you a nice new D7K. They aren't even admitting/confirming whether it's eventually being discontinued, as I understand it.

Sucks they can't give you a quick turn around though. Sorry to hear.
May 8, 2012 at 5:02 PM Post #5,406 of 7,464
Maybe they'll upgrade you to the 7100 ... poor person.

Hope they come home soon.
Been listening to a lot of cello since I got these ... excellent cans.

Someone say "Cello?" "D7000??" Just enjoyed Janos Starker yet again, Sunday night with my Zeus re-cabled D7000's. 
 I feel really bad about our fellow member's experience.
May 8, 2012 at 5:25 PM Post #5,408 of 7,464
The whole saga is getting weirder and weirder with the deleted thread.  That vendor is an A-list sponsor/vendor.  For them to post about a discontinued item, the replacement model numbers, the presumed release schedule, and inform that their seemingly endless backorders will probably not be fulfilled, and then to have that thread deleted, and summarily ignored by all other vendors, modders, etc, after a year of silence from Denon combines for a very weird situation.
No doubt other dealers/modders/vendors and maybe Denon itself was upset about the leaked announcement before they've unloaded their current inventory at full price and probably asked the mods to remove the thread.  On the other hand, any customer who wants to order said backordered headphones from said vendor, will be told they are discontinued by Denon, and will probably post about it here.  And they're a very popular vendor...
It makes me almost wonder if Denon wrongly told them they're discontinuing while Denon is still trying to sort out if they are indeed discontinuing or not.  Maybe some crazy contract disputes with Foster or something.  Typical Japanese silence....if you're used to dealing with Japanese companies you get used to this sort of mystery "you don't need to know" mentality.  On the flip side my favorite thing about Japanese companies is their obsession with fixing every little flaw in a product and telling no one.  One day they just fix things people didn't like, spend a fortune on doing so, and forever insist they didn't touch a thing!
I'm wondering if they're getting afraid to formally pull the plug on the Dx000 line fearing backlash on the new ugly ones?  Or if they're just buying time for dealers to unload inventory. 

To me, with respect to Japanese culture, Japanese companies are dealing with a combination of pride, avoiding confrontation and saving face. Searching for truth is certainly admirable. It's what outsiders do when armed with findings, true or no, that can prove troubling. Shame lurks close behind every behavior, just waiting for mis-steps. Is it really necessary for people to always remind parties involved "Look what you've done!" ?
No absolutes, just expressing my thoughts with the wonderful membership here on head-fi... over an afternoon tea. 
May 8, 2012 at 5:30 PM Post #5,409 of 7,464
Someone say "Cello?" "D7000??" Just enjoyed Janos Starker yet again, Sunday night with my Zeus re-cabled D7000's...

Lovely! Starker brings so much energy to the instrument.

I posted this recommendation in the DX100 thread but it belongs here.

"I've been breaking in the D7K's using the DX and this:

The resonance and full body of the strings sounds sinfully good ....

"Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love." -Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (well okay, he was talking about coffee ... but only because he was too slow to get in on the second batch of DX100s)"
May 8, 2012 at 5:49 PM Post #5,411 of 7,464
What difference recabling made? Who did it?

My Audio Dealer, Robert of Aphrodite Cu29. I bought them re-cabled to order, as opposed to sending them in. Therefore, I've never known their signature in stock form. Nor have I been curious.
 What I can do and have been asked to do recently, is hear the stock version in my system to compare. Even this exercise will lack accuracy since: a) not likely two headphones/drivers will be alike b) hours/play time & frequency of use matters as well. 
Yes, I'm one who believes in the concepts of burn-in, play-in and degradation of materials. Anyway, I wanted both a somewhat thicker gauge and separate cables (4 conductors) from cup to adapter. No ground sharing or Y-connectors. Theoretically, lower cross-talk, increased stereo imaging and decreased resistance.
May 8, 2012 at 6:02 PM Post #5,412 of 7,464
More than likely none, but many around here believe it makes a world of difference. In my experience about the only thing Ive tried so far that made a world of difference was different headphones and even that difference can vary.

 Um, if you say so. Your opinion is certainly welcomed. In your reply, you omitted a whole lot of users somewhere in the middle. Not every user who believes feels it made a world of difference. Please keep in mind that everything in audio matters. And a good tweak should never offer up a world of difference. If it does, your system was never dialed-in to begin with. All tweaks should be subtle unless one has problems somewhere.
Also overlooked is viewing a tweak or a component in isolation. Looking for a MVP? An upgrade may make a bigger contribution toward system synergy than realized, but missed when looking for specific things. Speaking to your opening "More than likely none..." speaks to your not having the experience but you can't see how it would make a difference, yes?

May 8, 2012 at 6:03 PM Post #5,413 of 7,464
Lovely! Starker brings so much energy to the instrument.
I posted this recommendation in the DX100 thread but it belongs here.
"I've been breaking in the D7K's using the DX and this:

The resonance and full body of the strings sounds sinfully good ....
"Black as the devil, hot as hell, pure as an angel, sweet as love." -Charles Maurice de Talleyrand (well okay, he was talking about coffee ... but only because he was too slow to get in on the second batch of DX100s)"

Will chase it down when time and tweaks permit. Thanks!
May 9, 2012 at 11:02 PM Post #5,414 of 7,464
My Audio Dealer, Robert of Aphrodite Cu29. I bought them re-cabled to order, as opposed to sending them in. Therefore, I've never known their signature in stock form. Nor have I been curious.
 What I can do and have been asked to do recently, is hear the stock version in my system to compare. Even this exercise will lack accuracy since: a) not likely two headphones/drivers will be alike b) hours/play time & frequency of use matters as well. 
Yes, I'm one who believes in the concepts of burn-in, play-in and degradation of materials. Anyway, I wanted both a somewhat thicker gauge and separate cables (4 conductors) from cup to adapter. No ground sharing or Y-connectors. Theoretically, lower cross-talk, increased stereo imaging and decreased resistance.

Thanks a lot. The reason i asked is i do BELIEVE AND HEAR difference and my beloved HD650 are perfect example FOR ME so i defenitely planning to recable D7000
May 10, 2012 at 7:20 AM Post #5,415 of 7,464
What difference recabling made? Who did it?

More than likely none, but many around here believe it makes a world of difference. In my experience about the only thing Ive tried so far that made a world of difference was different headphones and even that difference can vary.

It makes no audible difference that I've ever heard or in any tests that I've seen, but they generally do look more aesthetically appealing. Also, a shorter, lighter cable for the D7000 may be a very good thing, I'm considering doing it to my D7000s myself just for that reason alone.

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