Campfire Audio - Introducing 2 new models Hello Andromeda and Nova
May 23, 2016 at 10:01 AM Post #1,157 of 9,829
contribute a review first before you slam others

audio123, it isn’t necessary that I’m journalist or write for newspaper to know the difference between good journalism/articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, The Financial Times, or BBC News, and not good or very bad articles from The Sun, Fox News, etc.
Totally reverse order here (not sure why), so sorry: of course what you wrote was a criticism. And it is your right to criticise what you see as faulty in a review. And it is my right (duty?) to clear up what I can. I'm not a jazz listener. I'm not a classical listener. And I don't have time to waste trying to become one just to write reviews. As to 'SQ' I would prefer not to use that term. If I had the equipment and know-how to judge objectively I'd clearly do so. But I don't. So I do my best to make it pretty obvious that I'm writing from anecdote. How could I judge dynamic range without a test setup? My ear? Believe you me, that tool is next to worthless unless dynamic range means something opposite to what audiophiles think it does. If you feel that it would have been better to throw in definitives in a subjective review, then you are after the language, not the reality. Again, I can only write what I can write. Someone else will write the review you want.
To your final paragraph: I think your point is lost. If by review you mean 'a formal assessment of something' rather than a 'a critical appraisal', then I would lay out an uncomfortable truth: there are like two writers in the entire world that actually review earphones. The rest of us wing it- sometimes in style, sometimes not in style. I am not sure where I fit. If by review you mean 'no EDM and more Christian sex music', then I say that your opinion is as worthless as the fellow that shouts that yellow is a better colour than blue and that anyone that likes blue and not yellow is not a man, or carries only worthless opinions. Naturally, that is a rubbish opinion.
  In his defence Nathan wasn't writing for you (I talked with him about it). He also said that he doesn't have an earphone testing rig, so objective testing isn't possible. 
Nathan here. That other guy was a wreck. 
If you want an audiophile reviewer, you'll get twelve next week. I don't fit in the traditional audiophile club. I only own headphones I really like. I don't collect. I don't give the slightest care about fitting in. I even choose headphones for their looks (OH MY GOSH!). The HD600 is fantastic, but why would I reference an open headphone directly against an earphone except in passing terms? Wouldn't it be better for me to keep it to earphones? If I'm wrong, point taken. Still, I'll not change my method on that count. I happen to like the IQ and happen to have written about it in almost every review I've done since purchasing it. Tough love. If you want an audiophile review, slow Christian sex music, virtue-signalling classical, and of course Diana Krall, you will have a million reviews to sort through soon. 

I simply can't write for you. I can only write for me. If I tried to write for you, I'd fail you on YOUR terms, not mine. I'd prefer to fail on my terms. 
As it is, I don't feel confident or qualified to write about jazz or classical. Why? Because I don't listen to them much. Have you ever read a camera/lens review where a portrait photographer tries to describe sports shooting? It happens a lot. Every time it is a complete waste of space. A portrait photographer has no clue how to shoot sports. And I have no clue how to do describe jazz for the jazz head. Nor do I care to study that. I'm simply not interested enough in it. That may change. I listen to music that I like, and don't care about audiophile staples. I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry that my review wasn't helpful for you. But like I said, you soon will have dozens of reviews that fit your bill.
It wasn't slamming. It was frustration that what I wrote and what he expected me to write (or write about) didn't meet in the middle. BTW, it is a very nice earphone.

shigzeo, it’s many things I can say about your post but I think it’s not good to continue this conversation and talk about all your points because it’s only creating problems in this thread.
But I must saying this:
1) I don’t like Diana Krall, I think for example The Sex Pistols had some very good songs.
2) Your comment/opinion “If by review you mean 'no EDM and more Christian sex music', then I say that your opinion is as worthless as the fellow that shouts that yellow is a better colour than blue and that anyone that likes blue and not yellow is not a man, or carries only worthless opinions. Naturally, that is a rubbish opinion” is very poor, with no foundation and silly because you're not speaking of what I wrote. "slow Christian sex music" isn't for me. Sorry.
3) I didn’t necessarily want comparison with hd600, the hd600 is only one example of reference point to use in comparisons, maybe speak of differences in tonal balance for example. Many people that speaking of iems, in reviews and posts with impressions too, compare with other iems AND headphones, this helping understand more the sound of the iem the person is reviewing or speaking about. In my post I first mentioning er4s, UERM and se535 (3 iems) and later I mentioning 2 headphones (hd800 and hd600).
4) You saying "If you want an audiophile reviewer, you'll get twelve next week.”, I think this will not happen this week or the next and next, and the reviews I see in future I don't know if they will be good, but I hoping Tyll can review this iem soon for example.
May 23, 2016 at 10:06 AM Post #1,158 of 9,829
audio123, it isn’t necessary that I’m journalist or write for newspaper to know the difference between good journalism/articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, The Financial Times, or BBC News, and not good or very bad articles from The Sun, Fox News, etc.

shigzeo, it’s many things I can say about your post but I think it’s not good to continue this conversation and talk about all your points because it’s only creating problems in this thread.

But I must saying this:

1) I don’t like Diana Krall, I think for example The Sex Pistols had some very good songs.

2) Your comment/opinion “If by review you mean 'no EDM and more Christian sex music', then I say that your opinion is as worthless as the fellow that shouts that yellow is a better colour than blue and that anyone that likes blue and not yellow is not a man, or carries only worthless opinions. Naturally, that is a rubbish opinion” is very poor, with no foundation and silly because you're not speaking of what I wrote. "slow Christian sex music" isn't for me. Sorry.

3) I didn’t necessarily want comparison with hd600, the hd600 is only one example of reference point to use in comparisons, maybe speak of differences in tonal balance for example. Many people that speaking of iems, in reviews and posts with impressions too, compare with other iems AND headphones, this helping understand more the sound of the iem the person is reviewing or speaking about. In my post I first mentioning er4s, UERM and se535 (3 iems) and later I mentioning 2 headphones (hd800 and hd600).

4) You saying "If you want an audiophile reviewer, you'll get twelve next week.”, I think this will not happen this week or the next and next, and the reviews I see in future I don't know if they will be good, but I hoping Tyll can review this iem soon for example.
Pistols over Krall any day.
May 23, 2016 at 10:07 AM Post #1,159 of 9,829
May 23, 2016 at 11:20 AM Post #1,160 of 9,829
audio123, it isn’t necessary that I’m journalist or write for newspaper to know the difference between good journalism/articles in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Le Monde, Der Spiegel, The Financial Times, or BBC News, and not good or very bad articles from The Sun, Fox News, etc.
shigzeo, it’s many things I can say about your post but I think it’s not good to continue this conversation and talk about all your points because it’s only creating problems in this thread.
But I must saying this:
1) I don’t like Diana Krall, I think for example The Sex Pistols had some very good songs.
2) Your comment/opinion “If by review you mean 'no EDM and more Christian sex music', then I say that your opinion is as worthless as the fellow that shouts that yellow is a better colour than blue and that anyone that likes blue and not yellow is not a man, or carries only worthless opinions. Naturally, that is a rubbish opinion” is very poor, with no foundation and silly because you're not speaking of what I wrote. "slow Christian sex music" isn't for me. Sorry.
3) I didn’t necessarily want comparison with hd600, the hd600 is only one example of reference point to use in comparisons, maybe speak of differences in tonal balance for example. Many people that speaking of iems, in reviews and posts with impressions too, compare with other iems AND headphones, this helping understand more the sound of the iem the person is reviewing or speaking about. In my post I first mentioning er4s, UERM and se535 (3 iems) and later I mentioning 2 headphones (hd800 and hd600).
4) You saying "If you want an audiophile reviewer, you'll get twelve next week.”, I think this will not happen this week or the next and next, and the reviews I see in future I don't know if they will be good, but I hoping Tyll can review this iem soon for example.

Then wait for Tyll's review.
May 23, 2016 at 1:00 PM Post #1,161 of 9,829
Good idea!  Let's wait for more reviews

May 23, 2016 at 1:16 PM Post #1,162 of 9,829
  • have an effect on; make a difference to

Correction: Sound can be affected both negatively and positively by different components. 
May 23, 2016 at 1:41 PM Post #1,163 of 9,829
Yeah. I only ordered two packs of 1 pair each a looonnggg time ago. Just ordered two big packs online of M and L sizes from e-earphone today.
The only pair that I still know where they are are live on my ATH-CK10 which i had loaned out and got back yesterday.

So comfortable- my recent love affair with spiral tips is waning.

I'm intrigued! Which ortofon tips re you guys referring t, the EQ5 silicone tips?
May 23, 2016 at 4:16 PM Post #1,164 of 9,829
I think you should understand that as a reviewer, Nathan isn't an all encompassing music/audio encyclopedia with limitless music tastes. If you've read his other reviews, you will be able to tell that he LOVES his EDM, and thus no wonder why he writes about it most. For me, I love classical, broadway, acoustic stuff, ask me how something does on trance or EDM, there is no way in hell I can answer that question.
I don't always get Nathan's reviews I'll be fair with you (nothing against him though that's just his style), But I thought this review was considerably less flowery that some of his other reviews, and describes precisely what I heard with the andromedas, a sweet, emotive midrange, with incredible spaciousness. In fact he also points out that he finds the spaciousness not to be the most natural or accurate at times for certain types of recordings. Bass is described as having adequate presence, extension and body, not necessarily the most dynamic with the most slam, but rather, with a more resolving detailed approach. The highs are described as being more sparkly and energetic than neutral.
That sounds like quite a clear description to me :)
I'm not sure what else you would like to hear :)

Interesting. I haven't read a single Nathan review, which had flowery language, overtones or abundant usage of audiophile cliche terms. Can you please state a reference. Thanks. 
May 23, 2016 at 5:10 PM Post #1,165 of 9,829
Tyll is very consistent in his reviews. He was one of the first guys to talk about both the subjective interpretations of headphone sound and measurements, along with it he has notable contributions like first USB headphone amp, first portable headphone amp and the first balanced headphone amp. I consider him the best headphone/ desktop headphone amp reviewer we've got today. But I don't feel the same about DAPs and IEMs. The only DAP review he did was of the AK240 and I didn't agree with his assessment but understood where he was coming from. Also, he rarely reviews IEMs, the only review that he did was the of TOTL CIEMs review few years back and from time to time he says Shure SE530 is his favorite Universal IEMs and that's about it. I don't think he'll review the Andromeda. I believe two of the following individuals should always review IEMs, one of whom has already reviewed the Andromeda. 
I think joker is the most prolific IEM reviewer out there, to me at least, I've bought a bunch of IEMs based on his reviews and I was never disappointed as he was able to describe and do relative comparisons, even after using the same model of reviews consistently. Same goes for Nathan, I have also made purchase decisions based on his reviews and found it to be very helpful.
Reading reviews and doing research online is the only way I can make decisions as I am not in a position to audition gear before purchase.
After being accustomed to the reviewers way of structuring reviews, one can easily understand what that reviewer's preferences are in terms of music, along with ideas about what kind of sound signature in an IEM/headphone will likely be more or less appealing to the reviewer. One can take that information apply it, to their own preferences and make a value judgment of whether it is worth buying. 
May 23, 2016 at 6:13 PM Post #1,166 of 9,829
Yeah. I only ordered two packs of 1 pair each a looonnggg time ago. Just ordered two big packs online of M and L sizes from e-earphone today.
The only pair that I still know where they are are live on my ATH-CK10 which i had loaned out and got back yesterday.

So comfortable- my recent love affair with spiral tips is waning.

I'm intrigued! Which ortofon tips re you guys referring t, the EQ5 silicone tips?

ortofon e-Q8/e-Q7/e-Q5
May 23, 2016 at 8:39 PM Post #1,168 of 9,829
  Trying Ortofon now with the Andromeda. I forgot how comfortable they are. 
Sounds fab.
Better match than  the JVC spiral tips. imho.

Interesting. I 'rolled' tips with my former universals and always ended up using spiral dots. How do you find the ortofon sizing in comparison, i.e. M=M, L=L etc? Any chance of some photos to compare?

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