Brand New : Tralucent Audio Ref.1 Too & original Ref.1
Jul 5, 2016 at 11:24 PM Post #3,886 of 4,426
Any amazing dap pairing with the ref1 in the $800-$1200au range?

That is around $3-$5.50us to be clear.

Probably not really answering your question because it's not s standalone, but the dragonfly red +iPhone 6s is incredibly portable and compares favorably to my old rwak120b + pico slim setup. The soundstage is a smidge narrower, but in terms of sheer usability, I think this is it for me. :D

I think the ref 1s are the ultimate on-the-go iems (they're the most musical I've ever listened to with the most amount of wow factor- at the expense of realism) and this setup is ideal for me because I don't use ref 1s for critical listening but for bobbing my head while walking down the street.

If you've got a few bucks and a smartphone, give the dfr a try;John Darko said it compares favorably to the ak120ii and it just makes listening to music so easy.
Jul 6, 2016 at 1:55 AM Post #3,887 of 4,426
Probably not really answering your question because it's not s standalone, but the dragonfly red +iPhone 6s is incredibly portable and compares favorably to my old rwak120b + pico slim setup. The soundstage is a smidge narrower, but in terms of sheer usability, I think this is it for me. :D

I think the ref 1s are the ultimate on-the-go iems (they're the most musical I've ever listened to with the most amount of wow factor- at the expense of realism) and this setup is ideal for me because I don't use ref 1s for critical listening but for bobbing my head while walking down the street.

If you've got a few bucks and a smartphone, give the dfr a try;John Darko said it compares favorably to the ak120ii and it just makes listening to music so easy.

Thanks I have a spare phone in the draw and my regular phone also so I might give it a listen.

I am currently using an n5 by cayin and find it too warm. Looking for something my neutral
Jul 6, 2016 at 2:18 AM Post #3,888 of 4,426
Thanks I have a spare phone in the draw and my regular phone also so I might give it a listen.

I am currently using an n5 by cayin and find it too warm. Looking for something my neutral

The dragonfly red pairs well with the ref 1because it's on the colder side of neutral with great extension on both ends, as compared to straight out the iPhone. I think it's a great synergetic match cuz the ref 1 runs naturally a little warm to my ears.

My personal thoughts are that the dap wars are about to be out of hand for the next few years, and we'll get great products eventually, but for the time being prices are wonky, battery life is meh, ui is buggy, and sq seems to not be that greatly different between players. Compare them to Apple or Samsung who've just about mastered usability at acceptable prices. No doubt daps will get there, but for the meantime, when I listen to music on the go, I'm willing to sacrifice some sound quality which I probably won't the notice the difference of anyway cuz I'm doing something, for convenience.

Like does anyone who owns the "sublime, simply sublime" ak380cu leave the house with it? The thing looks like it weighs more than Sir Mix-a-Lot. It seems like it's very purpose of portable supremacy is defeated by its design.

Tldr: I think it makes sense to wait before buying a new dap because the market's just settling in and they're all far from perfect. In the meantime, a minimally intrusive doo-dad that attaches to your phone and improves SQ is the way to go; the dragon fly pairs very well with the ref 1 :)
Jul 6, 2016 at 4:29 AM Post #3,889 of 4,426
I actually take my ak380cu+amp out with me everyday :grin:
Jul 6, 2016 at 6:05 AM Post #3,890 of 4,426
Jul 6, 2016 at 6:41 AM Post #3,891 of 4,426
Much lighter than the dumbbells at the gym. :D
Jul 6, 2016 at 7:35 AM Post #3,893 of 4,426
Jul 6, 2016 at 12:26 PM Post #3,895 of 4,426
The dragonfly red pairs well with the ref 1because it's on the colder side of neutral with great extension on both ends, as compared to straight out the iPhone. I think it's a great synergetic match cuz the ref 1 runs naturally a little warm to my ears.

My personal thoughts are that the dap wars are about to be out of hand for the next few years, and we'll get great products eventually, but for the time being prices are wonky, battery life is meh, ui is buggy, and sq seems to not be that greatly different between players. Compare them to Apple or Samsung who've just about mastered usability at acceptable prices. No doubt daps will get there, but for the meantime, when I listen to music on the go, I'm willing to sacrifice some sound quality which I probably won't the notice the difference of anyway cuz I'm doing something, for convenience.

Like does anyone who owns the "sublime, simply sublime" ak380cu leave the house with it? The thing looks like it weighs more than Sir Mix-a-Lot. It seems like it's very purpose of portable supremacy is defeated by its design.

Tldr: I think it makes sense to wait before buying a new dap because the market's just settling in and they're all far from perfect. In the meantime, a minimally intrusive doo-dad that attaches to your phone and improves SQ is the way to go; the dragon fly pairs very well with the ref 1 :)

I've been able to achieve some excellent results pairing dac/amps with smartphones, you have excellent screen resolution, endless music player applications with great album art (providing you can connect natively). And the sound that can be had is right up there. We all know Chord were right onto it with Mojo, but I'd like to see more company taking the smartphone dac/amp route as it can keep the price down when the phone takes control of the UI.

I'm not sure Gavin designed the Tralucent DacAmp One to be used with smartphones, I was quite surprised when it started working natively with my Samsung Galaxy S4 (late) one night. I use it with Ref.1 atm, sounds amazeballs, right up there with any DAP I've heard. I use it with a 10" tablet though, home use.

@wyd4, it's probably not a bad idea the quoted posters recommendation.
Jul 6, 2016 at 10:50 PM Post #3,897 of 4,426
Anyone hear the Angie? Any comparison to my Precious?

If your tastes trend towards ref1 you Angie will sound like garbage to you.

Ok that might be a little strong. But I hated it.

I quite liked the rosie, however to enjoy it I ran exclusively foam tips with a warmer/smoother source. Mojo was great.

I found the rosie to sound more realistic than the ref1, particularly with electric guitars etc. However, I sold them to fund my ref1 buy back scheme :wink: so that's where my alliance lies.

But I also liked the jh13 a lot. Which while the rosie differs, it is still along those lines but a bit warmer.

But back to the Angie's nope nope with some nope sauce.
Jul 6, 2016 at 10:53 PM Post #3,898 of 4,426
Lol. Ok. Thanks brother. Not that I needed a new iem... Cant even listen to everything I own as is. Today I was going back and forth between my Z5, Precious, and P5.

I was really trying to get a feel for the Z5, which compares more to the Ref 1 than the P5. Which kept pushing me back to the P5. Needless to say the Z5 didn't get much ear time, just enough to know I liked it.
Jul 7, 2016 at 2:27 AM Post #3,899 of 4,426
I've been able to achieve some excellent results pairing dac/amps with smartphones, you have excellent screen resolution, endless music player applications with great album art (providing you can connect natively). And the sound that can be had is right up there. We all know Chord were right onto it with Mojo, but I'd like to see more company taking the smartphone dac/amp route as it can keep the price down when the phone takes control of the UI.

I'm not sure Gavin designed the Tralucent DacAmp One to be used with smartphones, I was quite surprised when it started working natively with my Samsung Galaxy S4 (late) one night. I use it with Ref.1 atm, sounds amazeballs, right up there with any DAP I've heard. I use it with a 10" tablet though, home use.

@wyd4, it's probably not a bad idea the quoted posters recommendation.

Went and auditioned the ref1 with dragonfly red today.

I now own a dragonfly red
Jul 7, 2016 at 2:37 AM Post #3,900 of 4,426
Probably not really answering your question because it's not s standalone, but the dragonfly red +iPhone 6s is incredibly portable and compares favorably to my old rwak120b + pico slim setup. The soundstage is a smidge narrower, but in terms of sheer usability, I think this is it for me. :D

I think the ref 1s are the ultimate on-the-go iems (they're the most musical I've ever listened to with the most amount of wow factor- at the expense of realism) and this setup is ideal for me because I don't use ref 1s for critical listening but for bobbing my head while walking down the street.

If you've got a few bucks and a smartphone, give the dfr a try;John Darko said it compares favorably to the ak120ii and it just makes listening to music so easy.

Thanks for the suggestion. Purchased one just now after an audition

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