Best 5.1 / 7.1 headphones !?
Sep 21, 2010 at 5:24 PM Post #76 of 89
Yes I did, and you are correct to some degree, but 5.1 multi driver headphones can over compensate, things sound differently when they come from behind you because your outer ear isn't "funneling" that sound inwards so they acquire a slightly distorted sound, at least from my perspective. Now I might just be imagining things, but COD seems to have this built in to its audio, so I hear a distortion of sound when something is behind me, and I know to turn around. Other games might benefit from 5.1, but a pair of high end ($1,000+) headphones WILL beat the 5.1, stereo or not, you should be getting phenomenal sound staging for 100 bucks.
Sep 21, 2010 at 7:03 PM Post #77 of 89
Thank you.
This is partially due to my lack of patience to write carefully and detailed so people can understand, but you have done it with a small paragraph.
I for one can not believe the amount of incorrect information is being thrown around in this thread.  
If you use the astro mixamp or other dolby headphone processor you do not need to have a dolby compatible headphone paired with it.  
Someone said that where sound hits your ear allows your brain to determine if a sound is coming from behind you or in front of you and then went on to say that 5.1 headsets with multiple drivers do not work.  The drivers in the rear hit the back of your ear which you already got done saying works.  Drivers in the front enter your ear at a forward angle which also changes the way the waves enter your ear.  Now I'm aware of how HRTF works, and I must say that the multiple driver headsets are marginally changing the times when sound waves hit your ears which in essence is like an analog form of dolby headphone.  In my experience 5.1 headsets work.  For me they actually differentiated between rear and forward sound better than my good stereo headset.  
I'm sure it's different for everyone.  My brain is unable to decide if a sound is from the front or the rear using CMSS3d or Dolby headphone.  I still use the AD700 and CMSS3d because I prefer the higher sound quality.  My suggestion to the OP is to find a way to try out both and decide which is better for you because there is so much variation between they way everyone's brain processes sound that no amount of advice from others (especially 5.1/7.1 hating stereo evangelists)  is going to provide you with the answers you need.  

Sep 21, 2010 at 7:16 PM Post #78 of 89
let me tell you a secret. your head tricks you. When you hear something that is not in front of you, you'll just think it is behind you, lol
Yes I did, and you are correct to some degree, but 5.1 multi driver headphones can over compensate, things sound differently when they come from behind you because your outer ear isn't "funneling" that sound inwards so they acquire a slightly distorted sound, at least from my perspective. Now I might just be imagining things, but COD seems to have this built in to its audio, so I hear a distortion of sound when something is behind me, and I know to turn around. Other games might benefit from 5.1, but a pair of high end ($1,000+) headphones WILL beat the 5.1, stereo or not, you should be getting phenomenal sound staging for 100 bucks.

Sep 21, 2010 at 8:03 PM Post #79 of 89
Possible, once again, probably just me, 5.1 could work very well for the OP, but I state and defend my opinion as per personal experience
Sep 21, 2010 at 9:23 PM Post #80 of 89
Yes I will agree to disagree.
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:09 PM Post #81 of 89
I joined just to say that I think all of you guys overthink to the point that you seem dumb. Let me clarify for you imbeciles that i'm speaking solely about 3d and spatial positioning in a game environment.
Regular Stereo is by far the weakest link.
5.1/7.1 dss technology introduces latency more than any other effect into the sound of the game you're playing. After that it'll use volume, reverb and other trickery to seemingly emulate front and rear direction. It fails at this. In all reviews they state that all forms (db headphone, creative hubbagubba) fail at this. Mixamp or not, Astro supersign brandname or not, the whole idea is great but the practice is trash.
True Multispeaker 5.1 Headsets DO in fact give you a positioning advantage far superior to dss technology as they have less latency introduced to the sound and the speakers in most of the headsets are triggered to specifically irritate the right ear hairs, channels and drum response to make your brain think (which is what it's supposed to do) the sounds in front or behind you. Something leads me to believe that it works the best (other than actually using them, and having a 3 kd in all call of dutys) and i'll bet it's the simple fact that the speakers are located to the front and behind your ear, rather than simulating them with bs effects.
Despite what you think, it's possible to have wrong opinions. It's possible to do better with subpar rigs than someone with a better setup. It's possible to outdo yourself with a specific setup.
However. It won't change the fact that if you have speakers to the front of you, it'll sound like they're in front. Same with the rear. No amount of ridiculously overpriced audiotechnicagrado soundstage will change that. Ever.
True 5.1 headsets no matter how shoddy the quality (10 hpa2 headsets in less than 6 months and counting) will always be better than any other setup.
Say what you will. I won't be returning. Get me banned or whatever. Your advice sucks and every last person in here (one exception. Mcnoiser) is a full blown fool. (especially coupe ffdp and that other egotistical douchebag i can't remember)
Jan 4, 2011 at 9:12 PM Post #82 of 89
Oh. And what I said isn't an opinion. It's fact. Proven in the real world by that car that could have hit you, but your brain recognized it was to the left of you because it heard such. So if you want to debate what i said, do so. Go for it. Make YOUR day.
Just note this.
If you DO debate what I said, you'll never be paid to think. Can't debate fact.
Jan 5, 2011 at 6:28 PM Post #83 of 89

Read this quote
Possible, once again, probably just me, 5.1 could work very well for the OP, but I state and defend my opinion as per personal experience

The fact that you felt a need to call me an "egotistical d*bag" after I accepted that it was both plausible, and even likely, I am wrong, speaks poorly of you at best. I've been rude on these forums too, so im going to request that no one reports you, and that you would kindly remove the swearing so that your post isnt deleted, and id appreciate a response.
Yes, there is trickery going on, this trickery is modeled after the way that sound typically bounces around the outer ear, which also happens to be how we locate sound, I guess my ears were just shaped properly for the trickery to work exceptionally well for me. Or maybe, my IQ is just 80 points lower than it is and im below the line designating mental retardation.
Either way, I have a 140 USD pair of Hd595 and I can navigate fallout 3 blindfolded with them, where applicable; buildings almost never make noise in that game so im kind of screwed when im trying to navigate north/south with headphones.
Mods, don't delete him unless you deem it necessary, at the very least, petulant people (myself included) can make head-fi a bit more entertaining when they say things that are foolish enough.
Also interesting - you have 2 posts, in all likelyhood, you created a second account, head-fi frowns on that...
Jan 5, 2011 at 6:35 PM Post #84 of 89
Stereo in a headphone > 5.1.
Ever heard a Binaural recording?

Jan 5, 2011 at 7:21 PM Post #85 of 89
Good christ thats precise both in terms of soundstage and audio quality in general, sounded like it was coming from 30 feet off
Jan 5, 2011 at 8:04 PM Post #88 of 89
They are simulated binaural i believe. Chinese Kiwi, yes, old thread is old, but i dont think that *really* matters, does it?

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