May 10, 2024 at 12:30 PM Post #511 of 779
Have you tried taking the foam filters out of your HD660S2's? Just pull off the pads and pop them out. Try them for a couple of days this way and see what you think. After owning them for a few months, I was about to move along yet another pair of Sennheisers when I saw that @jonathan c did a little mod and I copied him.
You do of course have to be careful where the drivers won't have any protection during your experiment.
I have tried it for a few days actually. Didn’t quite work out for me either. So far the only thing that has helped is putting the headphone on tubes. Honestly I think putting them on an OTL amp will fix them for me and may prevent me from selling them.
May 10, 2024 at 2:09 PM Post #512 of 779
At the introductory pricing of $349, this was a sure buy -- and I was probably going to buy them without blinking up to $200 more than that, though I am by no means unhappy that $349 is what I paid. :D
May 10, 2024 at 2:42 PM Post #513 of 779
I have tried it for a few days actually. Didn’t quite work out for me either. So far the only thing that has helped is putting the headphone on tubes. Honestly I think putting them on an OTL amp will fix them for me and may prevent me from selling them.
I love them best on my Valhalla 2.
May 10, 2024 at 2:59 PM Post #514 of 779
I have tried it for a few days actually. Didn’t quite work out for me either. So far the only thing that has helped is putting the headphone on tubes. Honestly I think putting them on an OTL amp will fix them for me and may prevent me from selling them.
I love them best on my Valhalla 2.
I absolutely love my Liquid Platinum (not OTL but hybrid) and it really does make a difference with a lot of headphones, IEMs included. A good DAC pairing also goes a long ways.
May 10, 2024 at 3:03 PM Post #516 of 779
I'll be at the High End in Munich tomorrow and I'm excited and curious about the OAE1 :)
Hopefully a decently quiet space to listen, though perhaps not. Your impressions here would be appreciated. I've read through this whole thread, seems that impressions vary. For $350 USD my expectations are fairly low, hopefully I'll be surprised. I ordered a pair today
May 10, 2024 at 3:04 PM Post #517 of 779
I absolutely love my Liquid Platinum (not OTL but hybrid) and it really does make a difference with a lot of headphones, IEMs included. A good DAC pairing also goes a long ways.
I loved my HiFiman's and Focal's on my former LP. :thumbsup:
May 10, 2024 at 3:07 PM Post #518 of 779
I love them best on my Valhalla 2.
I had a Valhalla 2 when it was quite new to the market and while I didn’t like it on many headphones I had in the past it did actually pair really well with one headphone I had then, the DT 1990 Pro and I had suspicions based on the sonic characteristics of the Valhalla 2 it will pair well with the HD 660S2 as well. I think a Valhalla 3 should be announced sometime soon, so curious about what that will be like.

My current main amp the G111 MKII favors the T1.3, HD 650, and the R70x. And a few others. Hopefully the amp pairs nicely with the OAE1.
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May 10, 2024 at 3:09 PM Post #519 of 779
Not that anyone cares, but I ended up ordering the Sennheiser 620s too.

I've been looking for a comfortable, light closed back to use at work that's also easy to drive, and that's not an easy thing to find. The best candidate I've found thus far is the DCA Aeon Closed X but I have seal issues and get weird resonances in the cups. And it's NOT easy to drive.

Given the FR and impressions the 620s at least looks like a pretty good candidate for a closed back at a lower price. And a new Sennheiser is exciting given how rare that is.

Equally excited (also a little anxious) about the OAE1.
May 10, 2024 at 3:29 PM Post #521 of 779
I saw you doing the same thing in the Dusk thread, @maegnificant !

I know your game!

But, did you manage to get Dusk? Lol
May 10, 2024 at 3:31 PM Post #522 of 779
I’m not sure if I’ll hold onto my 660S2 sadly and may end up selling them off, I enjoy its sound quite a bit but fatigue has sadly been a real issue with me and them. Not familiar with the other 3 headphones, but am familiar with the Focal sound. I am eyeing that new focal open-back as well. It would be nice if the OAE1 hung with the S2’s etc. Don’t think it will hang with my T1.3 but I find that headphone in a league above my other dynamic open-backs, but it’s also the most expensive headphone I ever bought.

I found some of them like that honestly. I purposely try and find open and spacious sounding closed backs, but intimate and closed-in isn’t going to ruin a closed back to for me; but I do prefer open and spacious sounding pairs. With the DT 770 Pro X is spacious and very clear and I forget I’m even listening to a closed-back. But if you don’t like a v-shape, they aren’t for you. The DT 700 Pro X does sound a bit intimate and closed-in. I thought the T5.3 sounded more intimate and closed in too. The Sony MDR-Z1R (borrowed from a friend for a few days) sounded wide open to me. Never heard the Radiance, only experience I have with Focal is the Elear and the old Utopia.
I had and did not like the T5.3 at all. Sounded muddy to me. Had the T5.2 and found it way too bright. And was not overly impressed with the DT880's (600Ohm).

My Sony experience was with the original M7's. I ended moving them on. Like the DT880's, didn't love or hate them.

Thought about the Z1R's, but way too expensive for me, even used.
Now I rotate between Radiance's and CFA Cascades (Ridiculous amounts of bass!) for closed back usage.
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May 10, 2024 at 3:42 PM Post #524 of 779
I saw you doing the same thing in the Dusk thread, @maegnificant !

I know your game!

But, did you manage to get Dusk? Lol
I pre-ordered it on day one of when the site went live, didn't like it (app is complete garbage and the DSP cable sounds weird) and sent it back. Should have sold it to someone here. Was an expensive and frustrating experience. Last item I will buy from Shenzhenaudio.
May 10, 2024 at 3:43 PM Post #525 of 779
I had and did not like the T5.3 at all. Sounded muddy to me. Had the T5.2 and found it way too bright. And was not overly impressed with the DT880's (600Ohm).

My Sony experience was with the original M7's. I ended moving them on. Like the DT880's, didn't love or hate them.

Thought about the Z1R's, but way too expensive for me, even used.
Now I rotate between Radiance's and CFA Cascades (Ridiculous amounts of bass!).
Makes sense, seems you tried the wrong Beyers for your tastes, if you can audition a DT 1990 preferably try out both the analytical and balanced pads you may find something that is enjoyable. That headphone was so fun to listen to, not only did it have good detail, is quick and resolving; it’s very punchy and dynamic especially with the balanced pads. Honestly tempted to grab one again, as I haven’t had anything replicate that pure engaging energy since. Honestly seriously considering replacing my S2 with the DT 1990 as I prefer the DT 1990 personally.

I wasn’t that fond of the DT 880 personally, it’s kind of boring. Didn’t spend too much time with the T5.3, but I prefer the T1.3 quite a bit over it. Never heard the T5.2. The open-back Beyers that ive owned I enjoyed the most have been the T1.3, T1.2, Amiron Home, DT 1990, and the DT 900 Pro X. The T1.1 is too bright and lean, DT 990 is too sharp, and the DT 880 was boring and kinda lean.

Closed-back Beyers I’ve owned and enjoyed have been the DT480 (modded), DT 1770, DT 150, DT 770 Pro X, and the DT 700 Pro X.

The Z1R is too expensive for me too but definitely really enjoyed my time with it.
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