May 10, 2024 at 3:45 PM Post #526 of 794
Per drop post in the discussion section:

“The OAE1 Signature are collectors items and limited to 1,000 units in total. All Signature headphones are individually measured before leaving the factory and the measurements are included inside the package. The Signature version also comes with two high quality cables, a carrying case, and as the name says—the headphones have Axel’s signature on them.”

So the waiting starts could not resist.
Missed that part, but really they should've put it into the main description page instead

I'll be at the High End in Munich tomorrow and I'm excited and curious about the OAE1 :)
Would be good to hear some other impressions, most of the ones you find are from NYC Canjam which is where a lot of the treble comments came from (and also people apparently putting it on backwards due to the lack of obvious orientation and getting a terrible experience)

Unfortunately UK Canjam is after the release, otherwise I'd have been interested in hearing these before receiving them too
May 10, 2024 at 3:59 PM Post #527 of 794
(and also people apparently putting it on backwards due to the lack of obvious orientation and getting a terrible experience)
"This soundstage is bizarre. It's like the orchestra is behind me!"
May 10, 2024 at 4:10 PM Post #528 of 794
Makes sense, seems you tried the wrong Beyers for your tastes, if you can audition a DT 1990 preferably try out both the analytical and balanced pads you may find something that is enjoyable. That headphone was so fun to listen to, not only did it have good detail, is quick and resolving; it’s very punchy and dynamic especially with the balanced pads. Honestly tempted to grab one again, as I haven’t had anything replicate that pure engaging energy since. Honestly seriously considering replacing my S2 with the DT 1990 as I prefer the DT 1990 personally.

I wasn’t that fond of the DT 880 personally, it’s kind of boring. Didn’t spend too much time with the T5.3, but I prefer the T1.3 quite a bit over it. Never heard the T5.2. The open-back Beyers that ive owned I enjoyed the most have been the T1.3, T1.2, Amiron Home, DT 1990, and the DT 900 Pro X. The T1.1 is too bright and lean, DT 990 is too sharp, and the DT 880 was boring and kinda lean.

Closed-back Beyers I’ve owned and enjoyed have been the DT480 (modded), DT 1770, DT 150, DT 770 Pro X, and the DT 700 Pro X.

The Z1R is too expensive for me too but definitely really enjoyed my time with it.
You are a Beyerdynamic fan!
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May 10, 2024 at 4:12 PM Post #529 of 794
May 10, 2024 at 6:10 PM Post #531 of 794
As strange as it sounds, while I sit listening to my Susvara and have a CA-1A in the other room, as well as the legendary Ed5 yet I'm seriously considering this one, is there anything in its spacial ability that will help it make sense or am I wishful thinking?? I guess there is only one guy on here who might know at this point 😆. These just look .. cool and innovative doubt they'll compete as far transparency but transparency isn't everything imo as I've found in my EarSonics Onyx it really is a great iem' imo
May 10, 2024 at 6:15 PM Post #532 of 794
As strange as it sounds, while I sit listening to my Susvara and have a CA-1A in the other room, as well as the legendary Ed5 yet I'm seriously considering this one, is there anything in its spacial ability that will help it make sense or am I wishful thinking?? I guess there is only one guy on here who might know at this point 😆. These just look .. cool and innovative doubt they'll compete as far transparency but transparency isn't everything imo as I've found in my EarSonics Onyx it really is a great iem' imo
I think that for many of us it will be the cheapest headphone in the collection (minus my out and about cheapie Koss's).
I guess we are all hoping for that old cliche, "But it punches above its weight!" :smile:
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May 10, 2024 at 7:01 PM Post #533 of 794
As strange as it sounds, while I sit listening to my Susvara and have a CA-1A in the other room, as well as the legendary Ed5 yet I'm seriously considering this one, is there anything in its spacial ability that will help it make sense or am I wishful thinking?? I guess there is only one guy on here who might know at this point 😆. These just look .. cool and innovative doubt they'll compete as far transparency but transparency isn't everything imo as I've found in my EarSonics Onyx it really is a great iem' imo
It'll probably be unlikely anything else on the market right now

If money is no issue, why not throw it at something as unique as this :money_mouth:
May 10, 2024 at 8:18 PM Post #534 of 794
"This soundstage is bizarre. It's like the orchestra is behind me!"
“I’m convinced the headphone is out of phase!”

Like I said in my review… just looking at the cups it’s not immediately obvious. But looking through the grill, or inside the pad opening, you can see the driver and should know it’s towards the front.

But people put the HD 800 on backwards all the time, so… I know it’s going to happen with the OAE1 too 😂
May 10, 2024 at 8:27 PM Post #535 of 794
Not to pressure anyone, but a new note on the Drop listing says "We've now sold over a half of the available quantity."

If I'm guessing, this may be similar to a Kickstarter where the majority of activity is at the very beginning and right at the end of a campaign, but then again maybe not. It seems like a pretty sure bet that this run will sell out.
May 10, 2024 at 8:31 PM Post #536 of 794
“I’m convinced the headphone is out of phase!”

Like I said in my review… just looking at the cups it’s not immediately obvious. But looking through the grill, or inside the pad opening, you can see the driver and should know it’s towards the front.

But people put the HD 800 on backwards all the time, so… I know it’s going to happen with the OAE1 too 😂
My comment was joking, hopefully that was obvious. But yeah, there probably will be some cases of putting it on backwards. Hopefully those users get sorted in short order 🙂
May 10, 2024 at 8:40 PM Post #537 of 794
Not to pressure anyone, but a new note on the Drop listing says "We've now sold over a half of the available quantity."

If I'm guessing, this may be similar to a Kickstarter where the majority of activity is at the very beginning and right at the end of a campaign, but then again maybe not. It seems like a pretty sure bet that this run will sell out.
I thought that the 1,000 would sell somewhat quickly, especially at $349.00. At this price, most Head-Fiers could afford to take a swing.
May 10, 2024 at 9:40 PM Post #539 of 794
As it happens, I get paid on Monday. :beyersmile:
Best of luck! I was ready to use my credit card… but I just received an unexpected expense, gotta love ‘em

My comment was joking, hopefully that was obvious. But yeah, there probably will be some cases of putting it on backwards. Hopefully those users get sorted in short order 🙂
Whether you were joking or not, I honestly do think some people will/have already. But, it’s a good reminder that I meant to describe what that sounds like in my review. Here’s my notes from 4/20:
I still have bass rumble, but there’s a lower mids suck out, and while the upper mids seem ok the treble takes a hit too.
“Veiled, like there’s something in the way between me and the music”
… because my ear literally blocks the transducer.
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May 11, 2024 at 12:12 AM Post #540 of 794
Not to pressure anyone, but a new note on the Drop listing says "We've now sold over a half of the available quantity."

If I'm guessing, this may be similar to a Kickstarter where the majority of activity is at the very beginning and right at the end of a campaign, but then again maybe not. It seems like a pretty sure bet that this run will sell out.

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