Aurisonics ROCKETS: Impressions Thread
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:40 PM Post #62 of 3,454
no cable is ever that durable. It's wishful thinking. I wouldn't have an issue with the cable if not for the fact that these iems will be going for $250 retail. $200+ is high end. Hifiman re400 changed the game at $100. If you want to stand out at $200+, you must include user replaceable cables. Just imagine $200+ over the ear cans with a non user replaceable cable. It just doesn't really exist anymore. 

The problem is that a replaceable cable that wasn't planned would require a large redesign at this point.

I personally would like reassurance of a well designed cable entry point because there appears to be no strain relief. Apparently it can be done well and without large issue a la Ocharaku.
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:42 PM Post #63 of 3,454
  Very good question. I think we will probably make that one of the reach goals during kickstarter campaign. What other options do we need to look at?

I would have to agree with what's been said above.  
  • Removable Cable (choice of cable possibly to reduce costs?)
    • One with remote and mic (single button or triple button, or one of each)
    • One straight audio only
  • Standard Westone-style twisted cable without memory wire?  They actually work very well, but the cable would have to be soft.
  • Keep the chin slider
  • Tunable filters AKG/Torque-style metal or Ety/Phonak-style cloth(wishful thinking :p  This would delay the product quite a bit...  But could be worth it in the long run)
  • It looks like you've got a new style of tip that is sort of concave in shape.  My suggestion would be to also include a normal style single flange (add double if possible) as well.
  • Stupid little detail, but make the red/blue differentiator on the actual housing itself.  I think I saw a red ring in one of the mockups, make the other one blue. Take that back, you did that already XD
  • A headphone jack that fits into a smartphone case!
I really can't think of too much more.  The product is definitely interesting.  
Can't think of much more.  The product already looks promising...
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:43 PM Post #64 of 3,454
Hi Dale!
-Make sure the cable is microphonics-free. Make sure people can wear it over-ear. Look at how much this messes up the IE800. It's rigidly designed to be worn cable-down so the highly microphonic cable is a real pain. The points made above about a working cable slider, having extra tips in man sizes and styles are another part of the whole usability issue--and usability is a huge deal. If Sennheiser can forget this, I figure anyone can.
-A detachable cable. You know that a really well-designed non-detachable cables is much more durable, but we don't! Seriously, we are used to the RE-400 mentioned above which cut corners on the cable so it fell apart.
I have a feeling it would be a huge pain to make a non-detachable version, but maybe make it a kickstarter goal. Having different color options might not make sense at the sales level you're aiming at, but maybe if they take off (and they are rockets!)...
-There are a number of things that add a lot to the appearance of quality, even if they seem extraneous. A nice carrying case and very slick packaging are examples of things that should receive a lot of attention once you have the earphones all set. Almost every review of Monster's Pro-series (gold/copper/Miles Davis) iems within several months of their introduction, both here and Amazon, mentioned how nice the packaging was. That's been repeated with several brands and companies.
-Speaking of which: The tuning. Having a little boost in the sub-bass is a very good idea for the mass market. People will wear these on commute and out running, etc. The extra sub-bass helps with road noise, train/plane engine roar, crowd noise, etc. Audiophiles on head-fi who want a flat or bass-lite sound are a tiny, tiny, tiny market. Again, look at the Sennheiser IE800. I'm sure you've outdone their treble, but look at the bass. You might not need as much sub-bass as they have, but it's a bit of what the mass market expects now. Audiophiles didn't always like the IE800's bass but several times when they gave it to their friends, the non-audiophile friends absolutely loved them... Something to consider. I'm just playing what you might call the "beats' advocate" here as head-fi's taste isn't always the best guide to the general public's taste and I understand that you are looking to sell a lot of these.
-Having an audiophile tuning option would probably not be possible, but I think people on head-fi would love it!
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:44 PM Post #65 of 3,454
The problem is that a replaceable cable that wasn't planned would require a large redesign at this point.

I personally would like reassurance of a well designed cable entry point because there appears to be no strain relief. Apparently it can be done well and without large issue a la Ocharaku.

The strain relief could actually be inside the housing itself...  Some manufacturers do this.  
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:45 PM Post #66 of 3,454
A removable cable connector would be practically larger than the housings of the rockets. Not going to happen in my estimation. Have I mentioned these things are tiny?

Vsonic vc02 has a user replaceable cable. It's pretty tiny. I think it's conceivable. I feel like they are allowing us to say our peace and I am going full throttle. Not going to pass up on the opportunity. 

Dec 28, 2013 at 6:46 PM Post #67 of 3,454
+1 for a small, built in mic version.  From looks of the size and design, I would prefer a non-replaceable cable. So far, I've never seen a micro dynamic driver that has replaceable cables. Not even the IE800 has removable cables at the point in ear piece insertion. Less things to go wrong and loose.  I preferred the W4 over the WAR when I owned them, but that's just me, I guess.
If the specs are indeed mil-specs, give us a 2-year warranty.
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:47 PM Post #69 of 3,454
Actually there are plenty of full sized without replaceable cables over 200. It would be nice but not a deal breaker for me if it's not detachable.
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:47 PM Post #70 of 3,454
The strain relief could actually be inside the housing itself...  Some manufacturers do this.  

Yea that's kind of what I mean, but I guess my concern would be the housing cutting into the cable over time, unless the design takes this into account.

Please, a plug that fits through a smartphone case! Please.
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:47 PM Post #71 of 3,454
Actually there are plenty of full sized without replaceable cables over 200. It would be nice but not a deal breaker for me if it's not detachable.


Vsonic vc02 has a user replaceable cable. It's pretty tiny. I think it's conceivable. I feel like they are allowing us to say our peace and I am going full throttle. Not going to pass up on the opportunity. 

That one always scared me. It looks way too possible that it could come off and leave the housing stuck in your ear.
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:49 PM Post #73 of 3,454
Yea that's kind of what I mean, but I guess my concern would be the housing cutting into the cable over time, unless the design takes this into account.

Please, a plug that fits through a smartphone case! Please

Big yes to the last one!  Big yes to the last one!  I hope you're reading about Dale...  That definitely needs to happen!  I'll reiterate because to the consumer (non-pro, this is a deal breaker often): A plug that fits through a smartphone case!  It's so important that I'm going to add it into my above post too!
Dec 28, 2013 at 6:58 PM Post #74 of 3,454
Actually there are plenty of full sized without replaceable cables over 200. It would be nice but not a deal breaker for me if it's not detachable.

And there are plenty who hate that aspect of those headphones.
Damn. Some heavy hitters in this thread. Very reputable users like shotgun, ericp10, rawrster. I have a feeling this thread will explode just on feedback alone. Hope all chime in with helpful suggestions. 
Dec 28, 2013 at 7:00 PM Post #75 of 3,454
Yea that's kind of what I mean, but I guess my concern would be the housing cutting into the cable over time, unless the design takes this into account.

Please, a plug that fits through a smartphone case! Please

Big yes to the last one!  Big yes to the last one!  I hope you're reading about Dale...  That definitely needs to happen!  I'll reiterate because to the consumer (non-pro, this is a deal breaker often): A plug that fits through a smartphone case!  It's so important that I'm going to add it into my above post too!


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