Audeze LCD-4
May 20, 2016 at 11:07 AM Post #3,841 of 12,145
My LCD4 200ohms..
Drived by Audiovalve Luminare in OTL ....awesome

Great Headphones..

May 20, 2016 at 1:16 PM Post #3,842 of 12,145
A fellow member noticed I have the Hifiman HE1000 as well as the Audeze LCD-4, and inquired about the sonic differences. Since I took the trouble of writing him a reply, I thought I might as well post it here, in case anyone else wants to read my ramblings.
I prefer the LCD-4 in most ways. It's more brutally honest and more involving to my ears, and the bass slam is just exquisite. Listening to Marcus Miller's "Cousin John" on the Audeze 'phones puts a big grin on my face every time. In fact, I've yet to hear any track in my music-evaluation playlist (about 230 songs, and growing) that doesn't sound just fantastic.

I read Tyll's review before I received my (200-ohm) LCD-4 and I was a little worried. I even tweaked the sound by bumping the 6-10K range in equalizer software; but after extensive listening, I prefer the out-of-the-box LCD-4 sound, third-party measurements be damned.
The HE1000 is totally excellent and deeply enjoyable though. Male and female voices are rendered with startling naturalness (even a smidge better, I think, than on the LCD-4, on most recordings anyway). The Hifiman's soundstage is a bit wider, and it is more comfortable by far if you're going to be listening for hours on end. Also, it's easier to drive, if that's a concern (the LCD-4 needs a fairly monstrous amp).
The Audeze has more slam, more sonic force, more "rock." The sound of the HE1000, by contrast, is a touch more polite; its sonic signature has some "velours" in it. Not that it sounds veiled — the opposite, in fact — but hard-rocking music sounds overall a bit rounder and sweeter, not as forceful and in your face.

Despite my own choice for top contender, I can easily see people preferring the Hifiman over the Audeze. The HE1000 is a very easy headphone to love, no golden ears necessary. It plays well with all good recordings, and with any good-quality DAC and amp (that I've heard). The LCD-4 thrives more when your associated equipment is of much-higher-than-average quality.
When you typically find yourself easily gliding into music and just enjoying the ride, the HE1000 may be the vehicle of choice. It's just smooth as butter — in a good way. The LCD-4 can get you to the same place, and probably does so just as quickly; but if you're more apt to be analytical, and you like listening critically, the LCD-4 (for me) takes top honors.

The LCD-4 rewards "fussy" listeners; the HE1000 rewards almost everyone. Both those qualities are admirable, in my book. You won't go wrong either way.
May 20, 2016 at 2:17 PM Post #3,843 of 12,145
Nice comparison! Love my HE1000 for its smoothness but the LCD-3 is my go-to for rock still. Have you had a chance to compare the 3 and 4 by chance?
May 20, 2016 at 2:50 PM Post #3,844 of 12,145
Returned my LCD-3 when I got my 4. I liked the 3 a lot, but I love the 4.
May 22, 2016 at 1:13 AM Post #3,845 of 12,145
Yeah I agree with the review. The LCD-4 knocked down the HEK for me.
May 22, 2016 at 2:29 AM Post #3,846 of 12,145
I demoed the LCD-4 last month with the Teac HA-501 B and didn't find them that great; didn't think they were a lot better than the LCD-3, a bit too bass heavy for my liking. However, they do sound quite amazing through the Fostex HVP-8, it made them sound more balanced with a lot of details and clarity in the higher frequencies. So I take it the coloration of the HPV-8 seems to work very well with the LCD-4, a good combo.
May 22, 2016 at 4:16 AM Post #3,847 of 12,145
I demoed the LCD-4 last month with the Teac HA-501 B and didn't find them that great; didn't think they were a lot better than the LCD-3, a bit too bass heavy for my liking. However, they do sound quite amazing through the Fostex HVP-8, it made them sound more balanced with a lot of details and clarity in the higher frequencies. So I take it the coloration of the HPV-8 seems to work very well with the LCD-4, a good combo.
I think you just under powered the headphones. Put them on a Questyle CMA600i then have a listen.
May 22, 2016 at 4:49 AM Post #3,848 of 12,145
I think that's just an excuse, so many ppl have been saying if you find the HD800 lacking in bass with a treble peak, means that you're underpowering them. But the fact is that even running them with sennheiser's own HDVA 600, which is designed to use with them, it doesn't make a big difference. They have to even come up with the new HD800S to address the problems.

If the LCD-4 are so hard to power, Audeze should release a special amp for them or recommend one. In theory, one could say if you find the beats headphones sound bad, that's because you haven't been using them with the right amp.
May 22, 2016 at 5:47 AM Post #3,850 of 12,145
I think that's just an excuse, so many ppl have been saying if you find the HD800 lacking in bass with a treble peak, means that you're underpowering them. But the fact is that even running them with sennheiser's own HDVA 600, which is designed to use with them, it doesn't make a big difference. They have to even come up with the new HD800S to address the problems.

If the LCD-4 are so hard to power, Audeze should release a special amp for them or recommend one. In theory, one could say if you find the beats headphones sound bad, that's because you haven't been using them with the right amp.


Only because some people explain the weakness in sound as a result of use of underpowered amps doesn’t mean it’s not a real thing some times. Some speakers and headphones is not only more power demanding on paper they are so in real world use. More so than on paper I would say. Planar are in general more demanding in quantity of power than con based ones. Totally different tech is used which can leads to different power or voltage demands. Its why those oversimplified calculations, which doesn’t calculate for difference in design, are (or should be seen as) more than an indication of how much power one will need for a given level of db.  

May 22, 2016 at 8:26 AM Post #3,852 of 12,145
OK I have to amend my previous review.
I tried the LCD4s again with the recommendations since my last thoughts and this time I tried them with Moon Audio amp with my DHC cable. Man, it is no slouch in the treble (my earlier complaint), very detailed, unrestrained. It is THE reference headphones, does not pair well with the Ragnarok. I actually had my hair up electrified. I am actually considering getting one now. My only thing is I did not really enjoy the Solid State nature of the setup as I find SS a bit less dynamic, bit less romantic than tube amps which are just magical and a bit warm. I am wondering if it would pair well with a WA5LE with takatsuki tubes or if that would color it as heavily like the Ragnarok did and cut out the treble.
These cans are really different to the Hifimans, really liked those as well because they are laid back making up for easy listening whereas with the LCD4s I doubt I would be able to listen for long periods of time not physically but due to the bold in your face presentation even though I have found Hifimans to be overall less resolving and less detailed (only maybe slightly beating LCD4s by being a bit more resolved in the M / F voices just like a horn speaker adds depth to these areas).
So anyone tried these with WA5 and Takatsukis?
May 22, 2016 at 11:15 AM Post #3,853 of 12,145
I think that's just an excuse, so many ppl have been saying if you find the HD800 lacking in bass with a treble peak, means that you're underpowering them. But the fact is that even running them with sennheiser's own HDVA 600, which is designed to use with them, it doesn't make a big difference. They have to even come up with the new HD800S to address the problems.

If the LCD-4 are so hard to power, Audeze should release a special amp for them or recommend one. In theory, one could say if you find the beats headphones sound bad, that's because you haven't been using them with the right amp.

um, they have... the king
May 22, 2016 at 1:25 PM Post #3,854 of 12,145
The bass on the LCD4 is amazing. It goes very deep with startling overtones and force. And it is not boomy or pushy or boom-box-like (if anyone remembers those things). It's like real world bass you might hear from a thunderstorm or an explosion.
And it does not sound like those cars that pull up next to you with their 1000-watt subwoofers (or Beats phones, which I think are designed to mimic the car subwoofer sound).
I think the 4 has turned me into a basshead...
May 22, 2016 at 2:28 PM Post #3,855 of 12,145
The bass on the LCD4 is amazing. It goes very deep with startling overtones and force. And it is not boomy or pushy or boom-box-like (if anyone remembers those things). It's like real world bass you might hear from a thunderstorm or an explosion.
And it does not sound like those cars that pull up next to you with their 1000-watt subwoofers (or Beats phones, which I think are designed to mimic the car subwoofer sound).
I think the 4 has turned me into a basshead...
The LCD 4 bass is exceptional; it extends very low (probably the lowest I've heard) and is nothing but quality from beginning to end. But after hearing it over 4-5 sessions now I certainly wouldn't describe it as hard hitting or 'explosive'. Not at all. Out of the Audeze range the LCD X is something I would describe as hard hitting. When compared directly side by side, it's pretty blatant.

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