Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Aug 23, 2011 at 2:43 PM Post #17,101 of 18,459 are soooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!!!
  As you know I was using the Tesla T-1's w/the Liquid Fire.  Now I have the LCD2's(in two days).  I got mine int the new Carbon Fiber/Brushed Titanium!

You ordered a second pair?  

Aug 23, 2011 at 3:56 PM Post #17,102 of 18,459

There is a great answer to this problem, one I have found invaluable in the past. Don't visit the forums anymore then you will revel in blissful ignorance and not spend hundreds, if not thousands on tiny changes in sound that if you had not visited the forums you probably either would have never been aware of or, if you had heard the " upgrade" without knowing it was an upgrade would probably never have been able to tell a difference!

I had a chance to hear the Rev 2's the other day as a friend just got a pair. To be honest I have no idea what most of you folks are on about. There was the tiniest of differences, certainly not enough for me to lose a few hundred bucks just so that I can have " the latest and greatest' version.

I think forums are bad places in many ways. The make us spend money on improvements that are on the whole not a lot! I have fallen foul to this many times.

Case in point. I heard the JH16's admittedly they had universal tips added so i could hear them, they sounded nice but not $860 better than my ER4S's! If they were $50 more then the small improvement may have been worth it but not at the difference they are!

Personally, if you have the rev 1's, keep them, love the perfect sound you got when you purchased them. Don't believe all the nonsense that the rev 2' suddenly lift veils, increase clarity or other such things. The differences are so small that I think they are more about justification of wasting more money than actual changes or improvements. There, I have said it, wanted to for a while but waited till I heard the new pair.

To all rev1 owners, save the couple of hundred bucks you would have lost changing and spend it on music, after all, that is what it is all about isn't it?

Indeed, the differences are not massive. However, to me they were significant enough to upgrade, and I first went out of my way to purchase the best used rev1 I could after originally selling mine. The rev1 was consistently eargasmic for me, BUT I still found myself longing for a Grado for bite to guitars and cymbals, and an HD800/T1 for the atmospheric stuff. With the r2's improvements to the treble, soundstage, and air, I never feel like the r2 is anything less than perfection no matter what music I am listening to. The only "complement" it needs is a closed can, my ED8, and that's it. It has effectively ended my headphone journey, thank god.
There will still be some people who prefer the r1 though: People who are easily fatigued by treble, listening only to poor recordings, need extra cream with their coffee, etc.
Aug 23, 2011 at 4:22 PM Post #17,103 of 18,459
enjoying my rev.1 and JH 16 now. my rev.2 and Ed.8 are in the boxes :) I hope there is no LCD 3 anytime soon.
Indeed, the differences are not massive. However, to me they were significant enough to upgrade, and I first went out of my way to purchase the best used rev1 I could after originally selling mine. The rev1 was consistently eargasmic for me, BUT I still found myself longing for a Grado for bite to guitars and cymbals, and an HD800/T1 for the atmospheric stuff. With the r2's improvements to the treble, soundstage, and air, I never feel like the r2 is anything less than perfection no matter what music I am listening to. The only "complement" it needs is a closed can, my ED8, and that's it. It has effectively ended my headphone journey, thank god.
There will still be some people who prefer the r1 though: People who are easily fatigued by treble, listening only to poor recordings, need extra cream with their coffee, etc.

Aug 23, 2011 at 5:00 PM Post #17,104 of 18,459

I have a question, if anyone's found the similarity between the LCD2 rev2 and the O2 like me (not everything but still they make me think about the O2)?

Here are my thoughts after ownership of both STAX and LCD2 after many months:
Ultimately, in my opinion, in my house, the STAX system is special enough to make this a 2-system house. It's effortlessness in congested passgaes is still unmatched IMO. But the LCD2s have more swing. Which somedays is more desirable. 
Aug 23, 2011 at 5:59 PM Post #17,105 of 18,459
Here are my thoughts after ownership of both STAX and LCD2 after many months:
Ultimately, in my opinion, in my house, the STAX system is special enough to make this a 2-system house. It's effortlessness in congested passgaes is still unmatched IMO. But the LCD2s have more swing. Which somedays is more desirable. 

Totally agree.  They are in different a category altogether.  If only O2s and their associated systems weren't so prohibitively (read: stupidly) expensive.
Aug 23, 2011 at 6:33 PM Post #17,106 of 18,459

Originally Posted by olor1n 

Do you actually know anything, or is this rampant speculation? Unless it comes direct from the horses mouth, this kind of carrot dangling should be banned imo. There's just no way to verify a member may have genuine inside knowledge, or is merely inciting a reaction.


You have a PM



Thanks for confirming my suspicion.


Aug 23, 2011 at 8:08 PM Post #17,108 of 18,459

Here are my thoughts after ownership of both STAX and LCD2 after many months:
Unfortunately my mind filtered out all the rest and just left the following: "I feel confident to declare - as was repeated to me years ago on head-fi - STAX are pretty much the perfect classical phone.... The highs are extended and effortless and utterly unfatiguing. But heaven forbid one should ever play a substandard recording - it will make your ears bleed."
Incidentally, was this LCD-2 a Rev1 or 2?

Aug 23, 2011 at 9:24 PM Post #17,109 of 18,459
Substandard recordings make me cry.  Also makes me wonder why record companies pay so much money for such a horrible sounding product..  I mean the song can be amazing, it can have everything it needs to send your nears into nirvana than you get hit with something that was mastered from the pits of hell itself(the bad hell).
The LCD-2's definitely make it so those recordings don't blast your ear drums out,  and I can see headphones that are more flat, or extended in the treble/highs region will make it unbearable. But that's not so much the fault of the headphone as it is the recording imo.
Aug 23, 2011 at 10:26 PM Post #17,112 of 18,459

Substandard recordings make me cry.  Also makes me wonder why record companies pay so much money for such a horrible sounding product..  I mean the song can be amazing, it can have everything it needs to send your nears into nirvana than you get hit with something that was mastered from the pits of hell itself(the bad hell).
The LCD-2's definitely make it so those recordings don't blast your ear drums out,  and I can see headphones that are more flat, or extended in the treble/highs region will make it unbearable. But that's not so much the fault of the headphone as it is the recording imo.

Of course it's the fault of the recording, but that knowledge doesn't help you much if you can't listen to it. Ultimately it's not about technical accuracy but pleasurable listening in the home, and if the latter is precluded by the former then you're up that well known creek without a paddle.
Incidentally, is there a good hell? I hadn't heard about it, but I'll certainly be investigating.

Aug 23, 2011 at 10:30 PM Post #17,113 of 18,459
boy there must be close to 10 lcd-2 r1 on the for sale forum at once.. wouldn't want to be trying to sell those right now..
^ @cheater  good on ya bro!  these are a might step up from the 980's!!! ha!
Aug 23, 2011 at 11:42 PM Post #17,115 of 18,459
I think the Rev 1 will become the treasure after some years given its mid-range creaminess. Those who sell their Rev 1 to get the Rev 2 may regret big time.

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