Audeze LCD-2 Orthos
Jul 25, 2011 at 12:33 PM Post #15,451 of 18,459

Oh man you guys don't know what warm is.  Try 115-20 in the Sonoran desert.

I have tried it...  That's why I live here and not there.  

Jul 25, 2011 at 12:33 PM Post #15,452 of 18,459
So the chairs with neck support haven't been effective?  Wondering whether to buy one myself but I've no idea if it will prevent my lower back pain.

Chairs with neck support can't hurt the situation.   Lower back pain is for life. Especially if you have degenerative discs. Here's the crux of it.  If you are already in pain from arthritis and degenerative discs than anything you do during the inflammation is going to be painful.  The weight of the LCDs on your neck will aggravate the situation no matter what position your in.    If your neck pain comes from a situation that is more advanced than flare ups that ramp up quickly and then ramp down slowly most likely the LCD will always cause you pain in your neck.   Again a really good chair can't hurt the situation but it's not going to alleviate it either.  If your neck and back pain is chronic then the weight of the LCD will be quite burdensome.  So the question becomes whether or not using the LCD is worth exasperating chronic pain or not.  
Jul 25, 2011 at 12:52 PM Post #15,454 of 18,459
I just thought I'd just add I've had the LCD2, mark2 with the angled cable inputs (which I guess on here is called rev2?), with nary a problem or hiccup since the day I received them in late fall 2010. I'm very sorry to hear about the problems with some later shipments. It sounds generally Audeze is being pretty accommodating about the problems. So I have the naming nomenclature right for the different versions?
Having lived with the LCD2 and STAX 507 both in the house for a greater part of a year, is it worth my time to do a write up for the thread? 
Jul 25, 2011 at 1:02 PM Post #15,455 of 18,459

I just thought I'd just add I've had the LCD2, mark2 with the angled cable inputs (which I guess on here is called rev2?), with nary a problem or hiccup since the day I received them in late fall 2010. I'm very sorry to hear about the problems with some later shipments. It sounds generally Audeze is being pretty accommodating about the problems. So I have the naming nomenclature right for the different versions?
Having lived with the LCD2 and STAX 507 both in the house for a greater part of a year, is it worth my time to do a write up for the thread? 

You have what is referred to as version 1 of the LCD-2.  The version 2 (as it has been called) is a much more recent development.    Audeze did not change the model number or version number.  It was a running change in the production.  You can read more about it in this thread.
Jul 25, 2011 at 2:35 PM Post #15,456 of 18,459
Not trying to get flamed here guys, I'm just being honest...
I've just put my DT770 Premium 32ohm up for sale in FS and I thought I'd give them a quick listen back to back with the LCD-2. Now I'm an audio layman, not able to eloquently or adequately describe what I hear like some people here. What I will say was that I was more "impressed" with the sound out of the DT770. What's wrong with me? Is it just a matter of presentation? Perhaps the volume was louder on the DT770 making them seem more 'exciting'? Or is my gear not doing the LCD-2 justice?

For what it's worth I was listening to some Radiohead FLACs from In Rainbows. I don't know how well/badly recorded they are, but I know the tracks well enough.
I'm actually selling off stuff, including the DT770, trying to raise funds for a Schiit Lyr as that seems to be a good choice for an amp and I'd run that from the Audio-GD FUN DAC. However, after that admittedly quick comparison I'm having second thoughts about getting rid of the lowly Beyers.
Thoughts? I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a bit of a sulk right now.

Jul 25, 2011 at 2:46 PM Post #15,457 of 18,459
Not trying to get flamed here guys, I'm just being honest...
I've just put my DT770 Premium 32ohm up for sale in FS and I thought I'd give them a quick listen back to back with the LCD-2. Now I'm an audio layman, not able to eloquently or adequately describe what I hear like some people here. What I will say was that I was more "impressed" with the sound out of the DT770. What's wrong with me? Is it just a matter of presentation? Perhaps the volume was louder on the DT770 making them seem more 'exciting'? Or is my gear not doing the LCD-2 justice?

For what it's worth I was listening to some Radiohead FLACs from In Rainbows. I don't know how well/badly recorded they are, but I know the tracks well enough.
I'm actually selling off stuff, including the DT770, trying to raise funds for a Schiit Lyr as that seems to be a good choice for an amp and I'd run that from the Audio-GD FUN DAC. However, after that admittedly quick comparison I'm having second thoughts about getting rid of the lowly Beyers.
Thoughts? I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a bit of a sulk right now.

There is nothing wrong with preferring the sound of the DT770 over the LCD-2 (I know, everyone, my words are heresy).  It's all a matter of what sounds best to you.  I would suggest that even if you keep the DT770's, that you not get rid of the LCD-2's until after you try them out on the Lyr.  It's possible that with different equipment, your LCD-2 sound will change more to your liking.  If not, then think about what to sell and what to keep.
Lastly, there's nothing that says you can't have two "favorite" types of headphones.  So why not keep them both for a while and decide later?

-HK sends

Jul 25, 2011 at 4:20 PM Post #15,460 of 18,459
BrainFood said:

So the chairs with neck support haven't been effective?  Wondering whether to buy one myself but I've no idea if it will prevent my lower back pain.

For lower back and also neck pain the key words when looking for a listening chair to relieve it are Zero Gravity. It's proven NASA technology

Inversion table therapy is good for neck and back pain as well, but just for a few minutes each day. The common thread for both is to relieve the pressure on the spinal discs by defeating gravity.
Jul 25, 2011 at 4:25 PM Post #15,461 of 18,459

For lower back pain the key words when looking for a listening chair to relieve it are Zero Gravity. It's proven NASA technology

Inversion table therapy is good for neck and back pain as well for a few minutes each day, the common thread for both is to relieve the pressure on the spinal discs by defeating gravity.

this guy certainly seems to dig it. 


Jul 25, 2011 at 4:28 PM Post #15,462 of 18,459

Australia doesn't have conscription.

It sounds more like a mandatory recall, they do that in the US now as well.
Jul 25, 2011 at 4:34 PM Post #15,463 of 18,459
Oh man you guys don't know what warm is.  Try 115-20 in the Sonoran desert.

I've done Vegas during a heat wave (temps up near 125 F most of the time).  I grew up in Hawaii swimming in humidity, and even after spending years away from there I have a feeling I'd turn into a dessicated husk if I moved to the desert.  LOL
Keep us posted on that comparison, I am a fan of the liquid Fire and enjoyed your recent review of that as well.

Thanks!  Fortunately or unfortunately, I'm really enjoying the rev 2, but still have a soft spot for my rev 1 since it is from so early in the initial production run.  I'm heavily leaning toward the fiscally irresponsible choice of keeping both right now, and keeping one near the DACMini hooked up to my desktop and the other with the Liquid Fire.  I am starting to think that the clarity extension advantages of the rev 2 play better to the LF's strengths, but some real solid listening time is probably called for.  The fun thing with the LF is that I can plug both in at the same time, as long as I don't mind them having different cables and adjusting the volume to compensate between the two headphone outputs.
Is that how it works? Replacement is the Rev2 driver?
I heard the Rev2 is bright, though. I got the LCD2 over stuff like the T1 and the HD800 because I prefer dark sounding cans.

Rev 2 has more extension and clarity, which some people may think sounds bright, but there's no increased etch or heat in the presentation.  I listened a couple of times this weekend to one of my favorite comparison tracks that has a wickedly high piano descending run that pretty much hurts my ears with the T1 on most amps, and the rev 2 presented it clearly and without glare.  Granted, my experience so far with the rev 2 is limited to the LF, Stacker 2, and DACMini.

Not trying to get flamed here guys, I'm just being honest...
I've just put my DT770 Premium 32ohm up for sale in FS and I thought I'd give them a quick listen back to back with the LCD-2. Now I'm an audio layman, not able to eloquently or adequately describe what I hear like some people here. What I will say was that I was more "impressed" with the sound out of the DT770. What's wrong with me? Is it just a matter of presentation? Perhaps the volume was louder on the DT770 making them seem more 'exciting'? Or is my gear not doing the LCD-2 justice?

For what it's worth I was listening to some Radiohead FLACs from In Rainbows. I don't know how well/badly recorded they are, but I know the tracks well enough.
I'm actually selling off stuff, including the DT770, trying to raise funds for a Schiit Lyr as that seems to be a good choice for an amp and I'd run that from the Audio-GD FUN DAC. However, after that admittedly quick comparison I'm having second thoughts about getting rid of the lowly Beyers.
Thoughts? I'm not gonna lie, I'm having a bit of a sulk right now.

All a matter of taste, I think.  If you like the sound of something better than the LCD-2, that's totally up to you.  It very well could be the sound signature and presentation of the two cans or that your amps don't fit well (haven't heard what's in your sig).  Regardless, not going to firebomb you and say you're "wrong", just maybe that I respectfully disagree with your opinion. 

And it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to give it time and maybe listen to the cans on some other gear, if you get a chance.  I've definitely found myself changing my opinions about equipment after initial impressions.  Not that I think you will or should change your mind, but for me it sometimes takes a decent amount of time to notice some of the more subtle changes, for good or bad, so I usually try to listen to a piece of gear for a few hours (and preferably over several days)  if I'm trying to listen critically.
Jul 25, 2011 at 4:42 PM Post #15,465 of 18,459
Originally Posted by shamrock134 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Maybe my amp isn't enough for it?

That is my feeling.

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