AKG K812 Pro
Jan 31, 2014 at 12:47 AM Post #841 of 4,832
No one ever says of a positive review, "Maybe he just got a good batch."

That's how I feel about his review of the HD 800. But maybe he got a good batch and I heard one from a bad batch. Going to listen to a second HD 800 that is much newer soon compared side by side with the one I heard previously and see if the one I heard had treble issues or something.
I got a chance to hear the K812 recently, it was everything I expected of an AKG flagship, I want one, but sadly funds are too limited at the moment.
Jan 31, 2014 at 1:32 AM Post #842 of 4,832
The consistency of the T1's is pretty bad, although I haven't heard the K812 I would not call the T1's polite sounding (not referring to FR) they do have some aggressive hint of shrill sound to the highs and just before the lower registers which some people account them as being quite sibilant sounding, very much like the 880 600 Prem's which I find to be in a way more neutral (for piano). My old pair of T1's had no sort of dampening as well just driver and housing grill plonked together. The telsa drivers also like lots of voltage (remember high z more volts less current as opposed to low z) and has a wonky impedence swing sometimes hitting over 800ohm's there was an old measurement done by a user in one of the the threads that got locked. Overall the T1 is quite balanced sounding which explains why a lot of folks that own it prefer it to the HD800 which does good only on a handful of genres regardless of proper amplification this is the transducers and tuning at fault not the amplification (but does play a major role as the 800's are fussy bitch to please).
Jan 31, 2014 at 2:17 AM Post #843 of 4,832
T1 vs. 812:
The 812 has the wider soundstage with better instrument separation and airier presentation. The bass hits harder. T1 seems a little bit softer and the 812 is focused sharper on details. Before I get the 812 the T1 was my favorite neutral headphone. Both are not aggressive in the highs for me.
Jan 31, 2014 at 3:13 AM Post #844 of 4,832
  T1 vs. 812:
The 812 has the wider soundstage with better instrument separation and airier presentation. The bass hits harder. T1 seems a little bit softer and the 812 is focused sharper on details. Before I get the 812 the T1 was my favorite neutral headphone. Both are not aggressive in the highs for me.

You think the price of 1500 euro is justified? The measurements are not 1500 euro good. (I have the funds, but I like to buy things at their proper value)
Jan 31, 2014 at 3:17 AM Post #845 of 4,832
  You think the price of 1500 euro is justified? The measurements are not 1500 euro good. 

I've heard enough complaints about the price. No one's forcing you to buy it. This is head-fi.org,
not head-fi.gov.
Jan 31, 2014 at 3:19 AM Post #846 of 4,832
I've heard enough complaints about the price. No one's forcing you to buy it. This is head-fi.org,
not head-fi.gov.

This head-fi.org, a place where I can ask people who heard or own a particular headphone for feedback, especially if it's worth the price tag since I'm looking to buy one. 
Jan 31, 2014 at 3:34 AM Post #848 of 4,832
Gee, that price myth. In various german forums plenty of people are argumenting against the K812 due to some mythical price of ~1600€ whereas the UVP is 1399€. I don't know what's worse. Uninformed or lack of bargaining skill? I paid less than that for a new one in the heart of the most expensive city in Germany. German prices are far above anything US generally and most of Western Europe.
Anyone that pays the full price for high end headphones does this at his own fault.

Jan 31, 2014 at 3:50 AM Post #850 of 4,832
  This head-fi.org, a place where I can ask people who heard or own a particular headphone for feedback, especially if it's worth the price tag since I'm looking to buy one. 

Sorry I snapped at you: there have simply been too many complaints about the price by people who wouldn't buy even it were worth the price (however one decides that). I don't know why they're posting in this thread.
I actually agree with you about the measurements being off, but I don't trust measurements as much as that yet.
Jan 31, 2014 at 3:59 AM Post #851 of 4,832
1600euros? That's like 1800aud. I thought Germans would have it less expensive there.

Not sure how you're getting your AUD figure. xe.com/ucc is reporting the exchange right now as: $1500 USD ~ 1100€ ~ $1700 AUD.
Also, AKG is Austrian, not German. Some people would probably consider that an insult. Sennheiser and Beyerdynamic are German, not AKG.
Edit: oops, may have misread your post, I thought you were referring to AKG at initial reading and didn't see the Head-Fier above who listed his location as Germany
Jan 31, 2014 at 7:42 AM Post #853 of 4,832
1500€? The K812 is $1500 USD, which exchanges to approximately 1100€ right now.

Completely untrue. I never spent less money than when I was in Germany. Denmark, Netherlands, Spain and even Italy - much more expensive. On top of it all, you can always talk the seller into giving you a discount which isn't the case elsewhere, certainly not in Croatia where I live.
As fpr exchange rates, they have nothing to do with mathematics. Different way of tax management in Europe and dealership representatives mean high prices for the end buyer. So if something is 1000 US dollars, it will be 1000 Euro over here. Exceptions are European-based companies, certainly the British makes, but ALG does not belong to this group and for this reason Sennheiser has much better sales.
I think it was a mistake for AKG to set a high price at the introduction. The reason they could do it is because someone else has already broken the ice and developed a market for this category. They just stood on the shoulders of their predecessors and decided it is the category they should be in. I am not saying it is not where they belong performance-wise but they would have gained a lot more respect for introducing it a lower price and place it in a category of, say a Sennheiser HD700, because people are now comparing it to the HD800 and others that cost a similar amount of money. Think about it, if K812 cost 30% less, it would be compared to the HD700 and would most like win in that duel. To compare it to an HD800 would not have been realistic but even if one did it and found it inferior to the HD800, it would still have an aura of something that costs less and is equally good in some respects.
What also conspires against AKG is a lack of novelty. While ring driver is not exactly a novelty, it is certainly not common, even in loudspeakers and I know only a few pretty expensive Sonus faber loudspeakers that use a ring radiator tweeter. So while I have no doubt much time was spent on getting the acoustics of these headphones done properly, I think it is the sort of a sequel that brings nothing new. This is not how I see it mind you but it is how many would see it. It would have been more interesting if AKG introduced a new version of their K1000 earspeaker system. Alvin Gold used to rave about these and once I heard them, I knew why - they brought an exciting new world to the market. It wasn't for everyone because of this but that is the same problem the K812 has due to it's price, and it doesn't bring a new world to the market.
Maybe I will eat my words once I have listened to them, or bought them, but this is how I feel right now nonetheless.
Jan 31, 2014 at 8:52 AM Post #854 of 4,832
  Tyl did not review them just because of their measurements.
He first listened to them and didn't like the "tizziness" that he heard.
He may have had a bad sample to test.

You would think that if a review sample was sent to Tyll, it would be checked for QC before being sent?

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