Jan 14, 2023 at 10:54 AM Post #46 of 3,787
Does AÜR ever have any sales? Must admit after a lot of read up I'm quite interested in Neon Pro, love my SA6 and this seems like a nice upgrade.
Jan 14, 2023 at 11:07 AM Post #47 of 3,787
NEON PRO REVIEW (SA6 Ultra Comparison)

TL;DR I'll get straight to the point. If you want a musically engaging all around IEM that will make you FEEL instead of just HEARING the music, pick up the Aur Audio Neon Pro. The sound tuning hits above its cost/weight and you won't be disappointed with the reproduction.

Disclaimer: As we all know, everyone has unique ear canals that can interpret sounds differently. What I hear might be different vs what YOU hear. That said, I'm one of the few that can say outloud that the Effect Audio (EA) Gaea is a trash IEM especially for the cost. But I enjoyed the Hisenior Mega5P and Moondrop Blessing 2 with same 4BA+1DD build. And I'll throw in the Softears Turii Ti for those that think that it's because of cost only; I trash the Gaea but no, I throughly enjoyed the Turii Ti and thats almost double the cost of the Gaea. More importantly, I buy all my IEMs. There is no free exchange for reviews as that will comprise the impressions. And if a person has to spend their own hard earned money on a goods/service, they'll be more inclined to scrutinize said goods/service vs if it was provided for free. We are human after all.

With all of that out of the way. Lets get to the short review:

Aur Audio Neo Pro (NP)
Frequency Response: 20 Hz - 20 kHz
Impedance: 5 ohm© at 1 kHz
Sensitivity: 111dB at 1 kHz
Sub Bass (2): Sonion Dual Woofer
Mid Bass (2): Sonion Dual Woofer
Midrange (2): Sonion Custom Midrange Driver
Treble (4): Knowles Custom Dual Tweeter

Has a bass switch which I kept off for this review.

The sound signature is a mild energetic V-shaped tuning, expansive soundstage, non-fatiguing with an emphasis on the mid range as its foundation. It suits almost every genre of music. It's musical, engaging & fun.

The lows are powerful & meaty. It mimics a dynamic driver (DD). Its not overdone, provides fantastic definition, and handles extensions with ease. But more importantly, bass timbre is consistent and not muddy. The bass punches you in the mouth with authority, it jabs, throws a couple left & right hooks here & there, and finishes it off a few haymakers.

The mids are full & lush. It sounds smooth and very pleasing to my ears; although, the vocals are slightly recessed compared to the Dunu SA6 Ultra (SA6U), the seperation from instruments is done well. Strings & woodwinds are presented with authenticity. And the piano...WOW...sounds like a Steinway baby grand piano and not a Yamaha keyboard. The midrange is bold without being shouty and they deliver on every aspect of that frequency.

The highs are energetic & clean. The detail retrieval is great. The percussions sound realistic and have an accuracy to them that would be reserved for more expensive IEMs. It doesn't have the air/sparkle presentation & extension as other IEMs specifically Dunu SA6U but that means it's not bright; as a result, it's not fatiguing. There is no sibilant or piercing at higher volumes.The treble range is sweet and perfectly blends well with the rest of the frequencies.

The soundstage is expansive & wide. Imaging is excellent. There is a sense of clarity and separation that I can pinpoint where the instruments are located on stage with my live recordings. Reproduction of instrument sounds are unparallel. They all sound natural & authentic. No artifical sounds. Perfect example would be an artist singing with their natural voice vs using autotune. No autotune is use here.

In comparison to Dunu SA6 Ultra (SA6U)
The SA6U is overall a more neutral balanced set compared to the NP. It's also a great all arounder. It's a smaller size IEM due to the 6BA vs 10BA, which might be better fitting if one has smaller ears. The cables provided are way better on the SA6U because its modular and the NP comes with a 3.5mm cable only. SA6U has more ear tip options and overall better packaging. The bass is punchy & controlled, mids are natural & rich, and treble is where it excels over the NP. The treble is airy, the clarity and microdetail retrivals are better on SA6U in comparsion to the NP. The soundstage is more immersive & narrow due to the more forward vocals it has over the NP. Imaging, layering, and timbre is on par with the NP. If had to put it simply, its an IEM for those that want a neutral, balanced, and analytical sound.
Sadly, SA6U is a limited edition model so it can only be found on the used market.

Overall the NP is the slighty better IEM than the SA6U because the notes carry more weight. And I didn't even mention that it scales with power. Plug into an amp and it goes to a higher peak to the point where one owner I talked to said its on the same level as the Empire Ears Legend Evo. I don't honestly know because I haven't heard the EE Legend Evo personally but that owner did recommend the Turii Ti to me and I love how it sounds. As of right now, it's my number #1 IEM.

In the end:
The Neon Pro is the back alley Mom & Pop restaurant that you'd walk by on your way to the McDonalds or a High-End restaurant, ignoring it completely because it doesn't have the fancy sign in front or the backing of a rich corpration with the marketing budget to back it up. But what you'll miss is the love and care that goes into making some of the best food you'll ever taste (Think about mother's cooking) at the fraction of the cost. In the restaurant industry, we'd call this the "neighborhood gem". I dont know if AüR Audio will ever reach the APEXs of the big hitters like Dunu, Moondrop, Orilious, etc but they offer something special that can compete up there with the best of them. And to me thats whats the great about the NP. Best bang for the buck. No brand whoring, no hyping, nothing extra. Just sound reproduction that makes you FEEL the music.20221223_113817.jpg20221226_095528(1).jpg20221222_120037(1).jpg20221222_122939.jpgNPvsSA6U.PNG
Personally I have to say that I have always liked Dunu SA6. If I have to find fault, it was a bit exuberant in the high range. Sometimes his sparkle could tire. Does Neon Pro have a smoother treble than SA6?
Jan 14, 2023 at 11:10 AM Post #48 of 3,787
Probably more of a treble head than you, never had any fatigue or anything of that sort with SA6. At times I could have wished for a tiny more extension.

Personally I have to say that I have always liked Dunu SA6. If I have to find fault, it was a bit exuberant in the high range. Sometimes his sparkle could tire. Does Neon Pro have a smoother treble than SA6?
Jan 14, 2023 at 2:04 PM Post #52 of 3,787
Love how the switch seems to change more than what the SA6 does, can hardly hear the difference on SA6. Always good to be able to change it up if you want it more neutral with the switch off or on for some techno fun.
I were team DD until I bought some good hybrid iems and the SA6. When done right all BA is different and as enjoyable as DD iems, loving the clean approach you get. Would probably love the Neon Pro.

Hi Leonard
NP is probably one of the best all BA sets out there at any price!
Jan 14, 2023 at 2:41 PM Post #53 of 3,787
Does AÜR ever have any sales? Must admit after a lot of read up I'm quite interested in Neon Pro, love my SA6 and this seems like a nice upgrade.
No, due to them being a 2-man operation. They do this part-time. It would be difficult to offer discounts for a small boutique brand; moreover, their markup isn't significant meaning they make little profit compared to their counterparts.

Honestly, IMO, they are a market disruptor. NP and Alita should be 3x times the cost. They are the definition of price to performance.

And I prefer the NP over my SA6U. Just wish the shells were smaller but its due to sheer physics, it's impossible to fit 10BAs into the Dunu shell
Jan 14, 2023 at 3:03 PM Post #54 of 3,787
Thanks, I understand that. I actually didn't know they were a 2 man operation, impressed. I bet with the new website they will reach out to more.

As for shell, the SA6 is small yeah. Surprised when going from something like my EST50 that's on the bigger size over to the SA6. Still if the design of the shell and nozzle is well made its no problem when they are big.
Just wish the shells were smaller but its due to sheer physics, it's impossible to fit 10BAs into the Dunu shell

I were actually holding off money to buy the new Penon model, but 2500$ too much for me. So its either getting the Penon Volt or something like Neon Pro, this would probably make me sell the SA6 if I find them redundant after.
Jan 14, 2023 at 3:12 PM Post #55 of 3,787
Love how the switch seems to change more than what the SA6 does, can hardly hear the difference on SA6. Always good to be able to change it up if you want it more neutral with the switch off or on for some techno fun.
I were team DD until I bought some good hybrid iems and the SA6. When done right all BA is different and as enjoyable as DD iems, loving the clean approach you get. Would probably love the Neon Pro.
I can do cross comparison with qdc families SA6, Anole VX, Bravary in couple of weeks, things are moving slow but I have a hunch Neon Pro is exactly what I’m looking for.
Jan 14, 2023 at 3:19 PM Post #56 of 3,787
@AmericanSpirit its from your recent posts and trough Akros that got me to start thinking about Neon Pro. If I'm not wrong the Neon Pro should be more technical overall than SA6 while also having a bass(with switch) closer to Bravery than SA6. Also better treble extension with the peak closer to 8k that I prefer.

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Jan 14, 2023 at 3:37 PM Post #57 of 3,787
Thanks, I understand that. I actually didn't know they were a 2 man operation, impressed. I bet with the new website they will reach out to more.

As for shell, the SA6 is small yeah. Surprised when going from something like my EST50 that's on the bigger size over to the SA6. Still if the design of the shell and nozzle is well made its no problem when they are big.

I were actually holding off money to buy the new Penon model, but 2500$ too much for me. So its either getting the Penon Volt or something like Neon Pro, this would probably make me sell the SA6 if I find them redundant after.
I just bought the Impact to try and to support a wonderful company.

Just sharing pictures of the craftsman @ Aur Audio. On the FB group page you can see more pictures. It's amazing the quality that goes into these IEMs. Not factory built and quality control is top notch.

The sets I order had a QC issue so before they sent to me they fixed the issue and though it added more the built time, it's better to wait. Then to recieve something broken *cough* Yume II.

Abel & Nicolas will not send anything out that has QC issues & that's the benefit of a small boutique brand. They put their heart, soul, & effort into it.


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Jan 14, 2023 at 3:41 PM Post #58 of 3,787
@AmericanSpirit its from your recent posts and trough Akros that got me to start thinking about Neon Pro. If I'm not wrong the Neon Pro should be more technical overall than SA6 while also having a bass(with switch) closer to Bravery than SA6. Also better treble extension with the peak closer to 8k that I prefer.

Screenshot 2023-01-14 211827.png
Jan 14, 2023 at 3:48 PM Post #59 of 3,787
@AmericanSpirit its from your recent posts and trough Akros that got me to start thinking about Neon Pro. If I'm not wrong the Neon Pro should be more technical overall than SA6 while also having a bass(with switch) closer to Bravery than SA6. Also better treble extension with the peak closer to 8k that I prefer.

Screenshot 2023-01-14 211827.png
Yea that’s I’m expecting from Neon Pro too, Bravery on steroid. When compared to SA6 and Similar composition Anole VX, there are “huge” differences on technicalities between SA6 and VX, so with the similar components and Bravery tuning, many positive reviews, Neon Pro could be one of best cost performing full BA TOTL in qdc families.

I’m a follower of qdc tuning myself and looking forward to see if Neon Pro is what it claims👍

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