「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Jan 18, 2014 at 8:16 AM Post #101,866 of 177,750
Witch Craft works is strangely well animated for a JC Staff work. And Dat ED. They might have finally found another decent LN series to adapt with this.
Ive yet to see that or Barristers yet.

Ive been working through other stock

But so far. Im liking WUG a lot.

The Witch and Barristers anime dont appeal to me through their presentations. That doesnt mean i wont like them, but I personally prefer "real" serious anime with logical reasoning and rationale.

WUG is so far so good. Slapstick comedy isnt really mything, although d frag did make me lol a lot.

Jan 18, 2014 at 8:31 AM Post #101,869 of 177,750
Jan 18, 2014 at 8:32 AM Post #101,870 of 177,750
Jan 18, 2014 at 8:38 AM Post #101,872 of 177,750
Orz I meant the movie get cancelled at cinema here... my bad
Jan 18, 2014 at 8:42 AM Post #101,873 of 177,750

P.S optical trackpads are hard to use
Jan 18, 2014 at 8:57 AM Post #101,874 of 177,750
Jan 18, 2014 at 9:06 AM Post #101,875 of 177,750
Already watching:
Gundam Build Fighters
GSD Remaster
Log Horizon

Am watching the following this season:
Buddy Complex
Witchcraft works
Mahou Sensou
Nobunaga The Fool (in danger of dropping)

Hopefully after nearly a year of working I can manage time better.. Last year was horrendous, I only effectively had time for Valvrave, Hyouka, and SAO when they aired at differing periods of the year :frowning2::frowning2::frowning2:

I've yet to complete K and Madoka too :xf_eek:
Jan 18, 2014 at 9:38 AM Post #101,876 of 177,750
Read most of the past 300 posts. Not much to quote really.

Got exams coming up. I should be studying, but meh.

Well my first uni grades came out not long ago and I'm extremely shocked to say the least.....

How is it possible that I got over 90% in a course and deserves a B? Just What is wrong with this grading system???

I didn't get a single A in my first semester... not even in electronics... :/

That's odd. In my grading system anything higher than or equal to 78% corresponds to an A.

It's not really about the parents (what I'm guessing). I think it's more like Boris wants to aim high (profession purposes I guess).

As for stereotypes, I'm not sure? My Asian friends aren't really pushed at all. They're just good at studying. Do well in high school and college should be mollified.  It's more about the individual I would presume. Same thing goes for my other friends of any ethnicity. 

Stereotypes don't do a good job of representing the whole (though often misunderstood to do so) and change over time.

It's also about your own standards. If you're used to getting straight A's for example, you'll get disappointed with a B. I personally don't care that much about what grades I get, since I know my grades are good enough and I care mostly about the knowledge/skills I get from a class, and not the grade. However since I do tend to get good grades (8-8.5 / 10's or higher), whenever I get something below an 8 I feel extremely disappointed. In fact, even when I get an 8 for something I felt went really well I feel disappointment.

If I would always get bare minimum passes I would feel disappointed with a failure but be satisfied with any passing grade.

It really is all about your own standards. Parents can of course influence those standards by having high expectations of their children, but you don't necessarily need to have parents with high expectations to have the drive to get good grades.
I personally got it mainly out of my own interest in the subjects I'm studying. I take subjects because they're interesting, not because I am forced to at all. But because I find it so interesting, I immediately have the motivation to study hard. And it's exactly that motivation, coupled with past experiences, that causes my personal expectations. Any deviation from those expectations is bound to trigger an emotional reaction. (of course, if I get a 9.5 or 10 for a subject I'm extremely thrilled, not that it happens often at all).
Jan 18, 2014 at 9:57 AM Post #101,877 of 177,750
I personally got it mainly out of my own interest in the subjects I'm studying. I take subjects because they're interesting, not because I am forced to at all. But because I find it so interesting, I immediately have the motivation to study hard. And it's exactly that motivation, coupled with past experiences, that causes my personal expectations. Any deviation from those expectations is bound to trigger an emotional reaction. (of course, if I get a 9.5 or 10 for a subject I'm extremely thrilled, not that it happens often at all).

I guess that's my problem right now.
The mayor I have is just not interesting to me. Coding, theoretical computer science, math etc.....absolutely not my cup of tea. I'm not even remotely as hyped about all this as my "classmates" are.
But the whole medical part? Straight As and Bs because that's actually stufff which I'm interested in. It is soooo much easier to learn things that you actually WANT to know.
It took me a bit long to realize that I'm not made for CS....

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