「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Dec 26, 2012 at 12:19 PM Post #45,841 of 177,747
Sees a 16GB Z1000 series Walkman for $130 from futureshop.ca.
Adds to cart, enters postal code, clicks checkout:
  1. Product Total: $129.99
  2. Ground Delivery Free
  1. Subtotal: $129.99
  2. Environmental Handling Fees:$0.70
  3. Estimated ON HST: $16.99
I don't feel like buying it anymore...

Why not?

I just ordered DYE -Synthesis- EXTENDED at Amazon.co.jp and selected the payment option for convenience store,
But when I went to my local 7-11 they told me they don't know which company is handling the transaction so they can't help me.....

So I re-read the instructions at amazon but it only tells me to go to the counter and ask for "internet payment" then give them the Payment ID......
Then I went to the service details and they did not say this service is only limited to convenience stores in japan and they did let me pick this payment option with international shipping.
Soooo What?
Guess I'll have to beg my mom for her credit card now....

Good thing I'm not buying some eroge OST or anything like mechy....

Dec 26, 2012 at 12:34 PM Post #45,842 of 177,747
Don't forget shipping time...Add another 7 or probably 14 more days...
Good luck

You are saying you won't come here during the New Year 


I could not use my common sense on the games since the dev's sense is uncommon

I'll get to that upgrade after I get my system. But it'll be noisy so...
I'm not sure what's daisy chain... I just use the normal way. A cable with already finished HDMI->DVI
This is what happens when you don't read carefully LOL. Forget about it. He used an extra RCA to connect the audio. Then use male RCA->male head jack. My bad.


Congrats! Now become a fake HS like me and Haiby

Until New Year I guess. What's January theme gonna be?

Problem? JK

Aww shuddup. You makin' me hungry too. I'm only eating butterscotch bread right now...
Yes! The computer seller replied me! Here's his response :

Okay... Here's what I said :
His response :
And he did went an apology, but I don't want to deal with him anymore
So I'm gonna need to find another seller

Some stores are like that :/
@Bowei, Haiby
How hard is it to assemble own PC? It's just plug and play and install drivers...right?

After you assemble it and it boots(the moment of truth) you open the disk drive and insert the windows disk in. You might be able to press Ctrl+alt+delete (works on the bootup screen) to restart your computer. If not. Just restart it. If it doesn't auto boot from the disk drive (some BIOS revisions blah blah) as some are smart enough to auto detect, then re configure your BIOS to boot1 as disk drive. 
Instal windows.
AFter a few auto restarts
You are met with Windows screen. Input your info and Windows key(if you are legit buying) If not, uncheck auto activate with internet.
AFter you are on the main screen... activate windows first if you are not legit.
A restart later and then you check. Do you have internet? 50/50 you do or don't. This depends on if you are using wireless or wired and if the generic windows drivers will work for you. If it does. Then go to your mobo suport site and download all the newest drivers from there(1 by 1 yes it is slow).
Download and instal all of them before restarting(restarting after each and everyone one is stupid)(unless you have an SSD, then its fun to watch)
And bam you are done.
If you have no internet, insert the mobo CD and either just instal the "internet" driver and then go and download all the new ones, or just auto instal all the standard ones. The ones on the disk are old but work. 
You don't need to instal the extra utilities on the mobo disk if you don't want. I download some of them.
Don't use windows updates for driver updates when you first get your computer. Don't. It has been known to give you older drivers. AFter everything is setup, do you use it. There are some cases where after it is set up and you know you have the most up to date drivers that it will still tell you that "X component" driver needs an update. Ignore it if you know you have the latest one
Makes sense now.
Caviar batches have all been sold out. Remember those record profits these damn companies were reporting after the so called flood catastrophe? That actually managed to cover all of the Caviar drives so now they've all been relabeled to WD <insert color here>.
Lily had to miss a time of celebration (I'd say we were pretty inactive though). Not sure when Kiteki said that...
Yes, that's right. The exact reason this country is the fattest country in the world.
I don't really like meat or mashed potatoes, etc.
Why is the average American so dumb?
You guys all make me feel skinny since that is not making me hungry whatsoever and it's almost lunch time and I just had swim practice (yes, swim practice in the morning and it was pretty easy IMO since I'm used to swimming a crap load of meters in 1.5 hours compared to all of that spread over 3 hours).
Daisy chain in this case is basically using one adapter and then using another right after. For example, say you have a VGA cable, so you use a VGA to DVI adapter, but then right after that adapter you attach a DVI to HDMI adapter so your final output is HDMI. Gives you some funny picture issues sometimes.
Still confused.
Assembly is easy. It'll take between an hour to two hours, so make sure you have time. I was a bit lazy with my assembly actually so I finished in less than an hour.

Marketing, what do you expect. Their crap got damaged. And everyone knows about the huge HDD flood(almost). 
So what do the marketing and sales departement think of after a long 5 hours of economical pHD level thinking?
Why not?

I just ordered DYE -Synthesis- EXTENDED at Amazon.co.jp and selected the payment option for convenience store,
But when I went to my local 7-11 they told me they don't know which company is handling the transaction so they can't help me.....

So I re-read the instructions at amazon but it only tells me to go to the counter and ask for "internet payment" then give them the Payment ID......
Then I went to the service details and they did not say this service is only limited to convenience stores in japan and they did let me pick this payment option with international shipping.
Soooo What?
Guess I'll have to beg my mom for her credit card now....

Good thing I'm not buying some eroge OST or anything like mechy....

Aww that sucks :frowning2:
LOL, Eroge FTW!
Dec 26, 2012 at 12:56 PM Post #45,843 of 177,747
hohoho. American Fried rice? I don't think I've ever had such a thing.... must be a mix of fried rice and hamburgers :3
Haha plebeians. You are no match for my might. Small pedobear looks like a cat. 
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Dec 26, 2012 at 1:50 PM Post #45,845 of 177,747
Why not!??
Princess Waltz
Yeah we use those :)
Try Sun Ken rock?
No.. The Breaker

the breaker 2 is awful. terrible. horrendus.
@Bowei, Haiby
How hard is it to assemble own PC? It's just plug and play and install drivers...right?

its super easy if it boots properly on the first try. if not its just a paaaaain. i reccomend just plugging everything into the mobo on a table before putting it into the case to make it easier, but i didn't do that because im lazy. also depends on if you want cable management or not. boweis post was tl;dr so i'm guessing he covered everything already
Dec 26, 2012 at 1:54 PM Post #45,846 of 177,747
Don't forget shipping time...Add another 7 or probably 14 more days...


Congrats! Now become a fake HS like me and Haiby

Okay... Here's what I said :

His response :


And he did went an apology, but I don't want to deal with him anymore

So I'm gonna need to find another seller

Borisu's headphones estimated 5-7 days to get here, although I think they accidentally charged him for priority and not economy, which is why it was so expensive...
I'm going to be a REAL headphonus supremus, probably before the end of winter break...
Oh god, the Engrish!!!

@Bowei, Haiby

How hard is it to assemble own PC? It's just plug and play and install drivers...right?

Very easy and very fun :D

Why not?

[rule]I just ordered DYE -Synthesis- EXTENDED at Amazon.co.jp and selected the payment option for convenience store,
But when I went to my local 7-11 they told me they don't know which company is handling the transaction so they can't help me.....

So I re-read the instructions at amazon but it only tells me to go to the counter and ask for "internet payment" then give them the Payment ID......
Then I went to the service details and they did not say this service is only limited to convenience stores in japan and they did let me pick this payment option with international shipping.

Soooo What?

Guess I'll have to beg my mom for her credit card now.... :frowning2:
Good thing I'm not buying some eroge OST or anything like mechy....

Lol, sucks it didn't work for you...
Holy CRAP Amazon! I'm not sure if their delivery estimate for my Saya OST is correct or not... It says December 29-January 1st. I have to hope its right though since I paid $24 for shipping...
Dec 26, 2012 at 1:57 PM Post #45,847 of 177,747
Most of the online stores in Japan don't deal internationally, that's why it is such a pain.

I still can't believe you thought the 7-11 thing would actually work. :p

I also don't know about internationally, but the 7-11s in 'MERICUH are pretty sketchy. There's always a few people outside smoking cigarettes whom you can tell don't just smoke cigarettes, and then there's more of ose kind of people on the inside buying beer and their crappy food.
Also, slurpees are delicious!
Dec 26, 2012 at 2:24 PM Post #45,848 of 177,747
the breaker 2 is awful. terrible. horrendus.
its super easy if it boots properly on the first try. if not its just a paaaaain. i reccomend just plugging everything into the mobo on a table before putting it into the case to make it easier, but i didn't do that because im lazy. also depends on if you want cable management or not. boweis post was tl;dr so i'm guessing he covered everything already

I put it on hiatus as it came out too slowly
Borisu's headphones estimated 5-7 days to get here, although I think they accidentally charged him for priority and not economy, which is why it was so expensive...
I'm going to be a REAL headphonus supremus, probably before the end of winter break...
Oh god, the Engrish!!!
Very easy and very fun

Lol, sucks it didn't work for you...
Holy CRAP Amazon! I'm not sure if their delivery estimate for my Saya OST is correct or not... It says December 29-January 1st. I have to hope its right though since I paid $24 for shipping...

That is fast

I feel like crap. I ate too much delicious curry.
My aunt brought home some nice Japanese brand curry and man. I ate way too much


Dec 26, 2012 at 2:29 PM Post #45,851 of 177,747
I put it on hiatus as it came out too slowly
That is fast

I feel like crap. I ate too much delicious curry.

My aunt brought home some nice Japanese brand curry and man. I ate way too much

Ugh, that looks delicious!!! How does one make curry like that?!?!?!?

Yep, they sure are!

We very rarely get the grape flavour around here. :frowning2:

Tentacle grape? :p
Dec 26, 2012 at 2:30 PM Post #45,852 of 177,747
Dec 26, 2012 at 2:34 PM Post #45,853 of 177,747
Ugh, that looks delicious!!! How does one make curry like that?!?!?!?
Tentacle grape?

Dad :)
... Indians???

It may look NATIVE AMERICAN AT FIRST. And their skin color and rings may say India but the type of clothing they are wearing with the stripes fixed with plain gold rings says African.
Dec 26, 2012 at 2:38 PM Post #45,855 of 177,747
Dad :)

It may look NATIVE AMERICAN AT FIRST. And their skin color and rings may say India but the type of clothing they are wearing with the stripes fixed with plain gold rings says African.

Ah, I can see that now... When is that series supposed to start airing btw?

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