「Official」Asian Anime, Manga, and Music Lounge
Mar 11, 2012 at 4:04 PM Post #2,252 of 177,747
Tomoyo :) Angel Beats last episode was sooo sad. Leave it to KEY to make a person like me tear up.

I hope you're not saying that Tomoyo was in Angel Beats. :xf_eek:

I'm pretty much watching what a lot of you are watching, probably less.

Hm, someone else has the same avatar as me on hf. Small world, I guess.
Mar 11, 2012 at 4:19 PM Post #2,253 of 177,747

I've just finished watching all episodes of Genesis of Aquarion, the prequel of Aquarion EVOL (not yet watched), and I'm completely floored by the quality of the Mecha design, CG, soundtrack and animation. Absolutely top notch.
I also like the elements of the plot, very well thought out, symbolic and I can sense that a lot of research has been done. But what I think was a let down is the inconsistency of each episodes and that it's quite slow going. The story is very good but the structure doesn't hold to itself. Too many filler episodes and a lot of disconnectivity with an episode to the other. It feels like I am being given bite size sandwiches rather than one big sandwich to eat.
So in summary, for a 2005 anime, the animations are excellent and one of the best I've seen but the story doesn't hold to itself and becomes somewhat confused and doesn't create a unique identity not like No.6, Blassreiter, Eden of the East, Bounen no Xam'd.
Talking about Blassreiter. God that anime was beautiful but yet absolutely sad and depressing at the same time. I absolutely love that anime. Not for everybody though because of its very dark theme. IIRC, I don't think there was a single funny episode in Blassreiter but if you can look past those things I absolutely recommend it.
Oh yeah, I'm picky about anime and I like watching those obscure ones that nobody has ever heard of.

Can you give me a very very quick summary on things(don't want to burden you)I'm watching EVOL and there are some parts I don't understand and wikipedia doesn't help much. Spoiler tag it please. ok so some questions first:
who is this?

and who is she supposed to resemble?(she is EVOL's heroin)

and what is an EVE? what is going on?

On another note, I got a hair cut and my mom is extremely mad at me for not getting it short enough. This is why I hate haircuts.

hahha. i dislike haircuts too 
 don't know what to get...always.

I hope you're not saying that Tomoyo was in Angel Beats.

I'm pretty much watching what a lot of you are watching, probably less.
Hm, someone else has the same avatar as me on hf. Small world, I guess.

Tomoyo from Clannad came to mind first
haha great to know. I'm not watching too much as I've dropped many. Papa is first on a lot of people's lists suprisingly :) it's a good show. next i have ano natsu and then just barely behind is High School DXD and then some Guilty Crown and then Aquarion. meh
who else has same avatar? Have an avatar battle! Who ever has higher rank gets to keep it :) lol jk
Mar 11, 2012 at 4:54 PM Post #2,254 of 177,747

why not add jbox and jlist to the site list as well :)
Tomoyo :) Angel Beats last episode was sooo sad. Leave it to KEY to make a person like me tear up.

On another note, I got a hair cut and my mom is extremely mad at me for not getting it short enough. This is why I hate haircuts.

Be sure to check if some of them have NSFW ads or products. Don't want this thread to be R rated now would we?
Mar 11, 2012 at 5:16 PM Post #2,256 of 177,747

Can you give me a very very quick summary on things(don't want to burden you)I'm watching EVOL and there are some parts I don't understand and wikipedia doesn't help much. Spoiler tag it please. ok so some questions first:
who is this?

and who is she supposed to resemble?(she is EVOL's heroin)

and what is an EVE? what is going on?

Sorry, I haven't watched EVOL yet. Although I'll be watching it very shortly. But what I can tell you is that EVOL takes place 12000 years after the events of Genesis of Aquarion so maybe the story doesn't connect to the original although the first 2 picture really intrigues me. It might be because the one who drew it has changed but I might know who they might be.
This is a hunch but a big possibilty:
The girl on the first picture is Silvia, on the original Aquarion, she is the reincarnation of Celiane, Apollonius' lover.The guy on the second picture is Apollo, he's the reincarnation of Apollonius, the Solar Wing.
Both of them are the main characters on the original Aquarion. 12000 Years before the events of Genesis of Aquarion, the earth was menaced by creatures called the "Shadow Angels". Apollonius was one of them, until he fell in love with Celiane, a female warrior that opposes the menace of the Shadow Angels on humans. Apollonius was then caught on being fallen in love with a human by the Shadow Angels, mainly Toma who has a strong relationship with Apollonius even "falling in love with him" (No Homo BTW). He was considered as a traitor among the Shadow Angels and as a punishment, his wings were held up and he was forced to watch Toma killing Celiane in front of Apollo only at the last moment was she saved by Apollo by ripping his wings up and then, they fought each other and... well this is getting long so I advise you to watch Genesis of Aquarion to know more :wink:  
I can tell you more but it's better if you watch all of the 26 episodes of Genesis of Aquarion.
And sorry, I don't know until I have watch the series who's the girl on the third picture and EVE.
Mar 11, 2012 at 5:45 PM Post #2,257 of 177,747

Sorry, I haven't watched EVOL yet. Although I'll be watching it very shortly. But what I can tell you is that EVOL takes place 12000 years after the events of Genesis of Aquarion so maybe the story doesn't connect to the original although the first 2 picture really intrigues me. It might be because the one who drew it has changed but I might know who they might be.
This is a hunch but a big possibilty:
The girl on the first picture is Silvia, on the original Aquarion, she is the reincarnation of Celiane, Apollonius' lover.The guy on the second picture is Apollo, he's the reincarnation of Apollonius, the Solar Wing.
Both of them are the main characters on the original Aquarion. 12000 Years before the events of Genesis of Aquarion, the earth was menaced by creatures called the "Shadow Angels". Apollonius was one of them, until he fell in love with Celiane, a female warrior that opposes the menace of the Shadow Angels on humans. Apollonius was then caught on being fallen in love with a human by the Shadow Angels, mainly Toma who has a strong relationship with Apollonius even "falling in love with him" (No Homo BTW). He was considered as a traitor among the Shadow Angels and as a punishment, his wings were held up and he was forced to watch Toma killing Celiane in front of Apollo only at the last moment was she saved by Apollo by ripping his wings up and then, they fought each other and... well this is getting long so I advise you to watch Genesis of Aquarion to know more :wink:  
I can tell you more but it's better if you watch all of the 26 episodes of Genesis of Aquarion.
And sorry, I don't know until I have watch the series who's the girl on the third picture and EVE.

Don't worry Vortex :) Fine good explanation..and man does that sound complex :'( anyway I heard that the characters have many similarities so I thought you might know. The girl at the end is the main heroin and keep in mind her cat is named SHu Shu.

1: yes it's a cat
2:yes....it's adorable
3:yes, like any other anime pet...this doesn;t like the main character getting close to it's owner
Mar 11, 2012 at 5:47 PM Post #2,258 of 177,747
and what is an EVE? what is going on?


Altair, the planet that the Vegans (that's the EVOL crew) are fighting, are out of women. They want to grab the most powerful woman in Vega to reseed their race. Like Eve is the mother of all humanity, based on the Adam and Eve story. Why they would just stick with one female is pretty strange, or I'm just not interpreting the subs correctly.

Tomoyo from Clannad came to mind first

haha great to know. I'm not watching too much as I've dropped many. Papa is first on a lot of people's lists suprisingly :) it's a good show. next i have ano natsu and then just barely behind is High School DXD and then some Guilty Crown and then Aquarion. meh

who else has same avatar? Have an avatar battle! Who ever has higher rank gets to keep it :) lol jk

I'm still like watching 8 or 9 shows off hand.

Not a big deal about the avatar. I've had it longer anyway. The pic wasn't that popular on the internet, so I picked it out.

Just finished Rinne no Lagrange ep 10. Things getting a bit more serious now.

Mar 11, 2012 at 5:58 PM Post #2,260 of 177,747

Altair, the planet that the Vegans (that's the EVOL crew) are fighting, are out of women. They want to grab the most powerful woman in Vega to reseed their race. Like Eve is the mother of all humanity, based on the Adam and Eve story. Why they would just stick with one female is pretty strange, or I'm just not interpreting the subs correctly.
I'm still like watching 8 or 9 shows off hand.
Not a big deal about the avatar. I've had it longer anyway. The pic wasn't that popular on the internet, so I picked it out.
Just finished Rinne no Lagrange ep 10. Things getting a bit more serious now.

I knew that about EVE :p if you check my previous comments the moment i watched the EVE episode i posted on how this show was getting into depper more mature subjects
really? that was an awesome anime....who wouldn't like it?
Rinne? droppped...


@Jgray91 I'm liking your Franken Fran avatar.
Yeah, Tomoyo username came from Clannad since she's my favorite from that series.

hah yeah i liked her too. she had this different air around her. did you like the tomoyo world ova? i liked it :) Clanad..such a great slice of life. im not afraid to say i easily cried 3-5 times watching that. half of them due to ushio 

Griffinhart's been offline for 2 days. he will come on to see 65 new notifications from this thread :)

i can just imagine his face being all:

Mar 11, 2012 at 7:03 PM Post #2,261 of 177,747

@Jgray91 I'm liking your Franken Fran avatar.
Yeah, Tomoyo username came from Clannad since she's my favorite from that series.

It was such a sad day when I read that Franken Fran ended, both in the last chapter and clarified when I went to the scanlators' site. I shall never change my avatar. Well maybe something related to more Franken Fran though, once I get motivated enough to color some crops I fancied. But looking forward to the mangaka's new series. Hmm, needs to check up on that.
Mar 11, 2012 at 7:19 PM Post #2,262 of 177,747
First impressions from Aquarion EVOL and comparing it to Genesis of Aquarion.
Quite an amount of parallelism.
From the score alone, it's the same from Aquarion.
Sora and Mikono can be considered as the opposite of Apollo and Silvia.
Commander Fudo is back or is it a look alike?
Cayenne and Reika powers looks a bit the same.
So first impressions.
The art of art:
The visuals are greatly improved and as in Aquarion, the mechas are beautifully designed and a decent improvement. I love it.
Because I watched it at 10-bit, colours are richer, higher levels of contrast but not what I would consider realistic.
The landscapes are in general, a vast improvement over the original.
The characters art is also improved, giving it more of a today's anime look but also consistency is greatly improved over the original which suffered quite a lot. But then, the character designs is also worse for me because they gave it a more generic style while the original has something that feels different and unique. A generic style might please a lot more people but it's easily forgettable.
Emotions stir the soul:
Well since it's the first episode, I should only analyse on Sora and Mikono.
General voice acting is improved but I don't know, it feels that the dialogue is too cliché. It feels like it's another love story because Sora falls in love with Mikono without a solid reason while on the original Aquarion, it gets away by implementing a reason on why Silvia might fall in love with Apollo on the first episode. In EVOL, it feels a bit slap bang on your face while the prequel is hinting but not showing proudly.
The story tells:
Right now on the story. I might not be quite far on the story so I'll look on the general ideas for the plot first.
It's not bad but it's less symbolic and way less beautiful than Genesis of Aquarion. I know it's a totally different story but it still makes me feel a bit disappointed. In GoA, it has lots of biblical, Greek mythology references and it shows that they put an effort to making a complex but beautiful story. In the first episode of EVOL, well it feels like there's quite of fan service going on such as big breasted women and cute characters. I know that stuff sells but it's not going to make it better for the story. The idea of separating the male vector pilots and the female vector pilots is stupid in my opinion but hey, at least it gives something and also Vector Type-M (Male) and Vector Type-F (Female) (shown in first episode) that's quite rubbish for a name is it? I also find it a bit strange with the idea of harvesting women. A bit unimaginative I suppose?
So what do I think of it? Well I'll keep watching it and I just hope it will get better because I don't want to drop it like I did with Guilty Gear and Mirai Nikki. I hope it'll move me like No. 6, Bounen no Xam'd and Blassreiter.
Mar 11, 2012 at 7:26 PM Post #2,263 of 177,747
BTW, question. What is the best original soundtrack that you have heard that was made for an anime?
For me it was Ooshima Michiru's original score for Bounen no Xam'd

And Hibino Norihiko's original score for Blassreiter

Mar 11, 2012 at 7:28 PM Post #2,264 of 177,747

First impressions from Aquarion EVOL and comparing it to Genesis of Aquarion.
Quite an amount of parallelism.
From the score alone, it's the same from Aquarion.
Sora and Mikono can be considered as the opposite of Apollo and Silvia.
Commander Fudo is back or is it a look alike?
Cayenne and Reika powers looks a bit the same.
So first impressions.
The art of art:
The visuals are greatly improved and as in Aquarion, the mechas are beautifully designed and a decent improvement. I love it.
Because I watched it at 10-bit, colours are richer, higher levels of contrast but not what I would consider realistic.
The landscapes are in general, a vast improvement over the original.
The characters art is also improved, giving it more of a today's anime look but also consistency is greatly improved over the original which suffered quite a lot. But then, the character designs is also worse for me because they gave it a more generic style while the original has something that feels different and unique. A generic style might please a lot more people but it's easily forgettable.
Emotions stir the soul:
Well since it's the first episode, I should only analyse on Sora and Mikono.
General voice acting is improved but I don't know, it feels that the dialogue is too cliché. It feels like it's another love story because Sora falls in love with Mikono without a solid reason while on the original Aquarion, it gets away by implementing a reason on why Silvia might fall in love with Apollo on the first episode. In EVOL, it feels a bit slap bang on your face while the prequel is hinting but not showing proudly.
The story tells:
Right now on the story. I might not be quite far on the story so I'll look on the general ideas for the plot first.
It's not bad but it's less symbolic and way less beautiful than Genesis of Aquarion. I know it's a totally different story but it still makes me feel a bit disappointed. In GoA, it has lots of biblical, Greek mythology references and it shows that they put an effort to making a complex but beautiful story. In the first episode of EVOL, well it feels like there's quite of fan service going on such as big breasted women and cute characters. I know that stuff sells but it's not going to make it better for the story. The idea of separating the male vector pilots and the female vector pilots is stupid in my opinion but hey, at least it gives something and also Vector Type-M (Male) and Vector Type-F (Female) (shown in first episode) that's quite rubbish for a name is it? I also find it a bit strange with the idea of harvesting women. A bit unimaginative I suppose?
So what do I think of it? Well I'll keep watching it and I just hope it will get better because I don't want to drop it like I did with Guilty Gear and Mirai Nikki. I hope it'll move me like No. 6, Bounen no Xam'd and Blassreiter.

Fudo is back :)
the first episode was good.... it goes a bit downhill and levels out at about a 7/10 level from their on. the character relations is sadly the only amusing part of the series and when it does happen for those 5-6 minutes of the episodes, it's good /. after that' it's the same gattai battle with different personk, "believe in yourself" and what not crap for 15minutes, another lovey scene maybe for 2 minutes and then we get to some actual plot advaances for the rest..the layout  of EVERY episode basically. but still, those minutes of amata and mikono every episode make up for quite a bit :)
Mar 11, 2012 at 7:28 PM Post #2,265 of 177,747

BTW, question. What is the best original soundtrack that you have heard that was made for an anime?
For me it was Ooshima Michiru's original score for Bounen no Xam'd

And Hibino Norihiko's original score for Blassreiter

i dropped bonene no xamd. .it had a good track though :)

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