  1. Funkafize

    Looking For Production Headphones.

    Hello, my name is Ryan and I'm currently a Music student in college. I'm about to switch into music production as a major, and want a good pair of head phones for making music, but I don't really know what I'm looking at. Here's what I'm looking for.   Amazing, full quality sound Capable...
  2. shrimants

    Birthday portable DAP recommendation

    My b-day is coming up and I'm looking to get a portable DAP. I was thinking Fuze+ but it has no rockbox support and I'm looking for 32gig minimum (since I've been redoing my entire library in flac). Another really nice feature would be digital audio output via USB or some such. I dont need all...
  3. Lazerborg

    Best USB DAC/Amps for around $200?

    Hey Guys, First time here; I'm looking to upgrade my current audio setup to a set of full cans (looking at AKG 701/2, Senn 598, 600, 650, Grado 325is, Beyer 880/990, and any recommendations there would also be very much appreciated), and am considering getting a DAC/Amp to complement them. The...
  4. soldierblue348

    Looking for another headphone to compliment a DT990. Grado? Something else entirely?

    Hello Head-Fi, this would be my first post here. I'm looking to expand to an additional pair of headphones and I've got about $200 to spend. I have a pair of DT990s, and I quite like them, in the past I had a pair of 880s, but I kept going back to the 990s and let them go.   I listen to a...
  5. EnigmaticHipsta

    Clueless about what to get

    Sorry If this was in the wrong section. I didn't know whether to put this in full or portable headphones. Ok I am distressed. I am a huge audiophile. But when it comes to choosing headphones I am completely clueless about the ones I should get. I want headphones that are amazing to listen to and...
  6. Lazerborg

    Recommendations for headphones, , approx $250-300

    Hey guys, First time here; I'm looking to upgrade my current audio setup to a set of full cans (looking at AKG 701/2, Senn 598, 600, 650, Grado 325is, Beyer 880/990 so far; I've tried the AKGs and the 598s, both of which I liked, but didn't have a ton of time to try them, so didn't form any...
  7. hazz12

    High end headphones - open or closed?

      I've just come into some money (a modest but entirely liquid sum) and I decided I want some headphones, some that I could use with my laptop or my iPod. So I started googling things like "best headphones" and eventually ended up here, head-fi (love what you've done with the places by the...
  8. superman0390

    WTB new headphones!!

    Hi fellow head fi-ers! Im looking for a new set of headphones, i just tried the ATH M 50, DT 770, DT 880, Shure 840 & last but definitely not least Shure 940.  Alright a little history, i own several pair of skullcandies as starters, omg i was seriously stupid back then, and then i switched...
  9. gelocks

    Is it my ears?! :-p (amp differences)

    Hello.   Intro:   So I'm delving little by little into the world of audio. For a bit of background, I've always loved music, played the piano when I was a child, started with guitar later in College and have always been surrounded by music and musicians. I have always had Ok...
  10. MalVeauX

    AKG 701 or Shure 940 for clear headphone for vocals, classical and acoustic?

    Hey all,   ::EDIT::  I got the Shure 940's. Scroll through for pictures, impressions, etc. ::EDIT:: I just bought the K701's too. Gah! Will compare both. Sell one!   Update: Full Review Done, See here.   Edit Note: This may or may not get attention, but, I'm willing to lease or...
  11. titaniumx3

    Opinions on the Alessandro MS2

    How are these headphones ranked these days? I'm looking for pair of open (or open sounding) headphones to complement my HD650s, something brighter, forward and airy sounding, mostly for rock and vocal heavy music. I want headphones that have very transparent and upfront mids, but not congested...
  12. ColeTrain

    SRH440, SRH840, big difference?

    Hey, so I came to settle on the 840s. but I can't find them where they are just in my price range, so what is the difference between the two head phones? Also, is there like a middle headphone inbetween those two?   Thanks
  13. MusicAddikt

    New guy looking 4 headphone advice

    Hey all.  I'm looking for a good quality pair of cans for around 200-400 dollars.  They will be used for DJing in clubs, and also for daily listening.  I listen to primarily liquid drum and bass, drum and bass, dubstep, beat mix-tapes (i.e. gramatik), hip hop, and experimental electronic (i.e...
  14. great17

    Shure 840 vs Shure 940

    Hey guys,   I just registered here, because i saw that a lot of you own the 840 as well as the newer 940.   Well i'm producing electronic music, primarily house. Im looking for very good headphones, that can compete with good speakers(I know mixing is always better with good speakers...
  15. manene

    aspiring audiophile needs guidance

    hello! i'm currently interested in buying some high end headphones. I want to make the most out of my computer (which has mostly lossless audio files), and headphones seems to be the most reasonably-priced alternative. I also do a lot of gaming. So i was asking if anyone could recommend me some...
  16. naeropagnis

    Sennheiser Amperior, Momentum, Grado SR325i, NAD HP50, Beyer Tesla DT1350 or Shure SRH940? Open to alternatives.

    Hey everyone, so firstly I'll apologise for making another one of these threads but I've spent a few days searching through the forums but due to the numerous factors which I need to consider I figured it would be beneficial to make a thread. Firstly, this is my first foray into headphones so...
  17. kutibotond

    DT 880 (32 ohm) vs SRH 940

    Hello world of head-fi!   I read tons of stuff off head-fi and felt that now is the time when I really need to post to ask for your help.   I wish to upgrade from a K240 Studio and after even months of research I got to these two headphones. Dispite the fact that the SHURE is closed and...
  18. thegermanguy

    hhhhheeeeeelp!!!!!!!! What to buy? Shure srh 440 or Beyerdynamic dt 440

    I have no experience with the dt 440. What are the differences to the srh 440 soundwise ?
  19. TrantaLocked

    Hearing new details in new headphones is a myth

    People always say how they can hear new things in their brand new headphones. This isn't true; it's either a sound that happened to be toned down by the frequency response of the last headphone (but still audible) or the simple fact when you get a new headphone you try harder to hear all of the...
  20. Kukuk

    What's the going price on used Shure SRH840's?

    In the market for some new headphones, and these have piqued my interest. What do these run for used? I saw new they are about $120, and I'd like to get them on the cheap!
  21. bbaskin

    Help with 2nd and 3rd set of HP's in a months time.

    One month ago I ordered the Pro 900's with help from this forum, they were for movies only. Well music such as Victor Wooten, Stanley Clark and similar music was outstanding. One week later I ordered the E7/E9 combo. I now have an appreciation for music at 48 years old. I work in Iraq and have...
  22. Brammie

    Best quality-price combination

    Hi, I'm new here. Currently I owe my first headphone, a Sennheiser HD-205. Thought the sound seems to be reasonably o.k. I would like to have a better quality headphone. I am not a rich guy yet so I am not going to spend over aproximately €700 on a headphone (including amplifier if needed)...
  23. catsndogs

    Looking for the last headphones I will ever buy.

    Hello.   Like the title says, I am looking for the last headphones I will ever buy.   I don't have a set budget, because I would rather spend what it takes to be completely satisfied than have to spend even more later. I certainly prefer not to spend more than necessary, though. (And...
  24. gelocks

    (Sennheiser related...) Is it wrong of me...

    that I would like to buy some Sennheiser's HD598 just because I like how they look?!?   I mean, I just bought some Shure's SRH940s so it's not like I NEED a new pair of cans but man oh man do I love those colors...   Read a bit about the sound characteristics, read comments about...
  25. tigerAspect

    Recommendations wanted for sub $300 solidly built headphones.

    Hi all, this is my first post, so forgive me if this is in the wrong section. Basically, I'm totally lost and I need recommendations. My main use for these is music and gaming at my computer. I don't currently have a USB amp, but getting one as a part of all this is a possibility, my actual...