  1. OneiroiGuitar

    Need some recommendations (for iPod Touch).

    Hi,   First off, I did a bit of research on the best universal IEMs out there, and I think I have a general knowledge of the best IEMs for me, but I'd still like some recommendations from experts like you I'll try to be the more specific about my situation.   I'm looking for...
  2. FakePlastik

    Best earphones with removable cable?

    So I'm tired of my earphones breaking and decides that I want to buy a removable one, but don't know which one is worth it.   I did some research on the Westone UM3X, Ultimate Ears 900 and Shure SE535 but I really don't know which one is worth the money and which one's the best. I like to...
  3. mrconfuse

    shure 535 or Westone 3 for pop, rock, hip hop, country & some dance music?

    I have the shure 535 and they sound great but I also see reviews regarding that the westone 3 was better for the type of music I like (pop, rock, hip hop, country & some dance music) compare to the Shure 535 which is better for classical, jazz. & blues. The problem is I'm not a bass head and...
  4. blkmegaman

    shure e500 reapirs?????

    i currently own some shure e500's. the wire on the right housing is split and does not produce any sound. if i were to send the earphones back to shure and pay the repair fee what would i get sent back in return? e500/se530/se535?????
  5. mrconfuse

    Does the earphone produce lower volume because the player is not driving it hard enough?

    I'm pretty new to the ohm's and impedence stuff so I'm wondering if this is what the problem is. I have the shure 535s and on my iphone 3gs ( volume setting is right at the --->"|" mark of the Iphone OSC "|<<  >  >>|" }. And the sound is very clear in my ear. With my old IEM I had to move the...
  6. calvinboy24

    Shure SE 315, SE425, SE 535 detachable wires... my last pair of headphones ever?

    First time poster, but I know this is where all the experts hang out...  I need to get replacement earphones as my SE210's left sound is scratchy which I can attribute to a wire failure.  This is my 3rd Shure (E2c, then the SE210 which I got a replacement under the 2 year warranty).  Each...
  7. westone3 fan

    UM56 custom tips in the UK

    Does anyone know where I can purchase UM56 custom tips in the UK?   Thanks
  8. eriksson

    Shure SE535 - tip discussion

    Just got my new SE535s today and I spent the last hours trying on the different tips.   I think I´ve found my favorites with the yellow foamies. They just feel the least intrusive while still making an excellent seal. I get the feeling that the olives block the nozzle just a little bit when...
  9. ScottK

    Replacement for se530s

    I'm looking to buy a replacement for my se530s but after hours reading threads in here, I'm more confused than ever.   My current thoughts are that I should probably go for some SM3s but MTPCs and se535s also getting some good reviews on here.  Or, do I get some lower end custom IEMs?  ...
  10. LuvUDog

    Seeking headphone advice from the experts

    I have read hundreds, if not thousands of reviews online in an attempt to find the perfect headphones for my equipment, style of music, and listening preferences.  My search has taken me here to Head-Fi.  Currently, the vast majority of my listening is done via my iPhone.  After tolerating the...
  11. Cdis99

    eBay Safe To Use?

    So I'm on the verge of purchasing ATH-M50's from eBay for 107 bucks with free shipping. I was originally planning to order them from B&H for 109, but there are out of stock and I can't wait.   My question to you is, have you ever had any experience with buying headphones on eBay? Here's a...
  12. DougB

    Looking to buy new IEMS

    So my Klipsch Image S4s are getting old and I feel like the sound quality simply isn't accurate enough for me.  When turning the volume up, it's easy to hear many imperfections in the sound.  Since Christmas is just around the corner, I've decided to treat myself nicely and pick up some high-end...
  13. Phoenyx1

    So many terms, numbers, and lingo - some advice for someone new.

    So I've lurked this site for quite a while - I'd say for at least a year.  Ever since receiving my UE Triple-Fi 10s, I've been on the hunt for an even better pair.  However, I find myself in the same problem every time I look around - another option to consider, another review contradicting the...
  14. wyager

    Layman's quick review/complaints about Triple.Fi 10s

    So, I've had my TF10s for around a day now, and I just have some really quick thoughts I'd like to share with anyone considering purchasing these. I guess I'll let this take the form of a pros/cons list.   Pros: The IEMs themselves feel very sturdy! I got some milk on one, it still works...
  15. Omally

    IE8 Burn In Questions

    Hello everyone.   I have recently purchased a pair of IE8s and I was wondering if y'all could clarify a couple things for me. I am a firm believer in the physical burn in and mental burn in but I am not sure on how this is usually performed with the IE8. I realize there has been numerous...
  16. Gr8fulDave

    Buying in China?

    My daughter will be going to China/Hong Kong this winter.  Are there any deals on IEMs there that I should ask her to pick up for me?
  17. tidan29


    hi? who is the best headphone the sennheiser ie8 or shure se535
  18. yliu

    Shure SE425 reviews? comparison with 535?

    I've been lokking for a new IEM for a long time now. My top choice was the triple fi 10 but after I heard about the "rattling monitor problems" and I could only get it for 400 USD. So now the Shure SE 425 really seems like a good deal, since some people say there isn't a big difference between...
  19. strato

    Noob needs help. Sending IEM's to Unique Melody for reshelling

    What exactly is reshelling? I thought that it's only changing the cable cover, but judging by the pics I've found they replace the speaker shells or covers as well.   Here's is a pic of SE530s I found (modified by UM):
  20. Caldoran

    Universal IEM with most sparkle+clarity?

       Basically what the title says. Top-players in the different price ranges would be appreciated too, and of course, availability, build quality and etc. would be a plus.Thanks!     
  21. elfary

    SE535 vs UM3X Impressions Needed

    I'm about to pull the trigger for either a pair of Shure SE535 or Westone UM3x and ordering custom tips for the one chosen so i'm about to fork out quite some money.   Thus i'd really appreciate some detailed impressions from people who has actually  owned both of them (I do not need the...
  22. Halk

    Broken SE535s?

    I've only had them about 2 months.. I haven't even got the custom sleeves in from ACS yet!   I noticed last night that the left ear is not working correctly, the volume is very, very low on it. I cannot manipulate the balance to get the volume up enough on that side to match the other side...
  23. danpong

    Need help choosing to buy best IEM for new year shure SE535, Westone 3, ER4P, or Triple fi

    I have $500 budget and have been reading over 20000 posts for a month now and still can't decide.  I know it will be the biggest price ticket earphone I commit into.  I'm currently use Etymotic HF3 for my iPhone but sometimes the sound is not quite what I expected.  It is a bit more tiring after...
  24. Audiophile1811

    Quick Question, Short Answer.

    What is the best site to purchase Shure's SE535s at the Lowest price? Thank You, A1811.
  25. deathrage

    New guy would like some help

    Hey everyone, im new to the forum and against my better judgement, slowly becoming a low level audiphile   so not to get off on the wrong this is how i got here:   I love music and have always been fine with lower end equipment, just give me my ipod and some earphones and i was happy. ...