  1. ben201

    Portable Amp for Shure Se535

    Hey guys this is Ben This is my first time creating a new thread so understand if i make mistakes.. I bought se535 and sold my um3x (cost me 100$) i use ipod touch 4g which i just got and i think i want a portable amp to go with... is portable amp necessary? also i was looking at RSA...
  2. DeeKay10

    Atrocious Build Quality on Shure's Sleeves?

    I've recently bought a pair of Shure SE535s, after previously having a pair of SE210s, which cable torn two years and a month from purchase (what an odd coincidence!). Having not the greatest ear moulds in the world, I naturally needed to try a few sleeves. Thing is, you can't get them off...
  3. Dr-Atrocious

    Better hurry up! Shure SE425s and SE535 sale

    Thanks to somebody else on this forum posting in my SE425 vs. SE535 thread, I found out that has both of them on sale! They're selling the SE425s for $279.99 (in both clear and bronze, though bronze isn't in the site - I just called) and the SE535s for $429.99...
  4. JosephKim

    IEM with most forward midrange?

    I know of the Shure se530/535, but before I buy a pair are there any other less expensive IEMs with really forward midrange that Im not thinking of? Im not too concerned with other parts of the spectrum, just really forward and clear midrange.
  5. Audiophile1811

    Should I buy them?

    Hi. Look, I've been doing loads of research for weeks now and I have made up my mind. I'm going to purchase a pair of Shure SE535s but I need some encouragement. Should I really buy these? I don't have any doubts about them, they're small, thay have style, they're portable, etc. but I'm...
  6. JessJackson

    IEM's for Producing / Mixing

    My first post... I've been reading these forums for a while and appreciate reading the wealth of knowledge you all have.   Basically I am looking for a new in ear.... I work as a producer for a living and spend most my time in loud studio enviroments. I usually have my engineer at the front...
  7. Connormgs

    I have around $400 to spend, and I want some AWESOME IEMs

    My mom said I can spend around $400 or so on some good IEMS, custom or universal. I listen to breakcore, electronica, idm, gabber, hardcore, trance, psy-trance, house, electro house, tech house, drum and bass, ambient, chiptunes, j-core, and minimal. I've been recommended the Etymotic ER4P, the...
  8. samjun

    What would you choose, Sennheiser's OMX980 vs SHURE SE 535

      If you get a chance to purchase a pair of in ear headphones, what would you choose?   Would Sennheiser OMX980 be the best pair of earphones for listening to extreme metal/rock musics?   or   Would SHURE SE535 in ear headphones be the best pair of earphones for listening to...
  9. rido

    Newbi needs help

    Hi   I’m all new to this but one thing is for sure I love great audio quality. I’m interested in getting a great pair of headphones. I have read around and decided on getting the hd650’s. I currently listen to all my music on my se535’s via my laptop, great set of IEM’s which i choose from...
  10. Hal-9Tdk

    Sexiest headphones you own

    I decided to buy the sennheiser IE8 cause I have this picture and I imagined it to be a god boy and imagined that he'd listen to these headphones for some reason. And I was right these are pretty much the best most convenient IEM's to use.... they beat the shure 535's, they sound too big and...
  11. jm924

    Switching from Senn HD25-II to Shure SE535 - What to expect

    Hi all   I currently own a pair of HD25-II headphones, which I love. I use them for listening to music, for DJing, sound engineering - they are great, worth every penny. However, I travel a lot, and I don't like taking my HD25s with me. I know sooner or later they will break in my travel...
  12. jynjyn

    new iem upgrade from sennheiser ie 8

    I have enjoyed my IE 8 for more than a year now but was unfortunate to lose it recently. And now I have been looking around for my next purchase. I thought about the Shure SE425 and SE535 but I would like to hear suggestions from the head-fi community about other alternatives. Think its also...
  13. Dr-Atrocious

    Shure SE425 or SE535?

    Before you guys tell me to use the search button, I have, and nothing really seemed to answer my question. I have a few hundred bucks to blow on a new pair of headphones, and since I'm done with Monster (until they give the Turbine a wire that's durable like the Tours or hell, the Solos), I'm...
  14. hdizzle

    £120 [$186] to spend on headphones. I would appreciate suggestions that fulfil the following categories:

    - Excellent sound - Attractive design - Comfortable fit - £120 budget [give or take]   Currently looking at the Bose AE2 as they fulfil the above categories. I am aware that their sound quality does not match their price tag, but I am unsure what other options are available. I've heard...
  15. fivetwentysix

    New SE535 owner needs some audio listening tips.

    I'll be honest, never really been in to music, but that doesn't mean I don't like music.   I thought maybe what I was listening to music with was the problem.   So a few days ago I bought my self a pair of Shure's SE535s. I plugged them in to my desktop and I think they sound just like...
  16. kiwibuddy

    Shure SE535 Not Good for House Music and Electro Pop? Klipsh X10 better bass output?

    Alright, I'm slightly confused. I've been reading such positive reviews on the Shure SE535, so I thought I'd go and demo them. To my surprise, I wasn't wow'd by them. I started listening to Dev (, which is pretty bass heavy and the Shures didn't really...
  17. Konnan101

    So I feel like an Idiot

    Over the last few years, I slowly upgraded my way through the shure line of in ear headphones, finally ending up with the SE530s, which I absolutely loved. No need for an amp, sounded incredible, comfortable fit, etc... I however think that I lost my 530s on a recent trip to New York...pretty...
  18. h0p3r

    Poor isolation with SE535s and Comply?

    It has been about 2-3 weeks that I bought my SE535s and enjoy it a lot!   However, there is a slight issue that I found (for me anyways). Just before buying the SE535s, I had some SE115M+ and bought some Comply tips because it would be compatible with the SE535s as well.   With the...
  19. angstromer

    Shure SE535 - question to the owners

    Hi guys. Could anyone, please who owns Shures SE535 check for signs of anything like the stuff in the pictures (see the photos). It seems to me that some plastic on the nozzle has been scratched a bit. Now I am wondering whether I have done it myself trying to remove those blimey foams with my...
  20. jlbrach

    love everything about the shure 535..except the dang memory!

    I love my 535's in every way except the memory wire which i find uncomfortable along the outside of my ear..and which causes the earphones to be pulled as i move creating a racket inside my ear as i listen to music...the original westones had it right with the soft think cable but i dont enjoy...
  21. QuantumXL

    Unique Melody vs other options

    Hey guys. I'm a new member to this forum and truthfully a new member into the listening community and have no idea how to start. I have a good idea where I want to go. Currently I own a pair of Triplefi 10pros and enjoy them very much. I have been listening to them unamped for a year and looking...
  22. Alec E

    SE535 vs SE530 re. fit

    Has anyone who found the SE530 to be a tricky fit--I did, with the main telltale being inconsistent soundstage--found the SE535 to be any better in this respect?  
  23. jared89


  24. Audiophile1811

    Looking for Audiophile headphones (over ear)

    Hi. For the past few month I've been debating whether I should buy a pair of full size Sennheser's excellent HD650's of Shure's SE535. I like, or rather love, everything about these headphones except for a couple of things. The SE535s are great and would be a dream come true but I have been...
  25. bisayaboi

    DBA-02 vs. SE530/535, W2/UM2, W3/UM3, SM3

    Hey, I'm looking for a potential upgrade to my DBA's.   Anyone who have heard the following give me their impressions? What I'm looking for is a DBA-02 with possibly more/better bass. I have changed my tips to the Klipsch bi-flange and it gives me the best seal on the DBA-02. I noticed...