  1. sarals

    A Tale of Three amps and an ER-4S

    miketn was kind enough to loan me his Minibox E+ and his RSA Tomahawk for a few days to help me draw some amp comparisons for a future purchase. He pointed out that the MiniBox was voiced for the Etymotic ER-4S's, and it would surprise me. He warned me that it was new, not burned in, and it...
  2. productred

    Coming from ER4S (10 years) and SE535 (since it was released).............I'm quite impressed with the much-hated SE115

    Now I normally use my Hifiman HM-801 as source. Before that I've used iPod Classic 120gb (Gen 6.5) plus iQube I and some other portable amps. Since I got my HM-801 I've got rid of all my amps.   I've used the HM-801 with ER4S and that combo produced some truly remarkable results. However, I...
  3. anthonyhong

    So I might have thrown out my old ER4s...

    I am at a loss.  I can't find them.  My last definite knowledge of their last location is in a picture dated a month ago when they were hanging on my wall.  But they're gone and I've torn my house apart looking for them :(.  The worst part is, I don't know if I've truly lost them or simply can't...
  4. Bennyboy71

    MiniBox E+ and ER4S synergy?

    Hi I'm in the market for an upgrade to my Fiio E5 amp for use with my ER4S and iPod Classic (6th gen) via line out. I've read a few reviews in here that indicate the MiniBox E+ is a good match with the Etys, but I'd value any thoughts you might have on that before I commit to easing my...
  5. BrianTho2010

    Etymotic ER 4?

    I remember years ago, back when the iPods were first released, that Etymotic was a popular choice for high end in ear monitors, but I haven't heard much of anything about them in recent years. Are they any good, or are they overpriced junk?
  6. pataburd

    The Return of the ER-4S

    I just bought another pair of ER-4S last week, having previously owned them about 5-6 years ago. One thing that struck me was the cable: is it just me, or has the cable gotten thinner? Anyway, I auditioned them with the three-flanged plugs (not my favorite, by the way), driven by the...
  7. ClieOS

    [REVIEW] Etymotic ER4P / ER4S - The Living Legends

    To say Etymotic ER4 series is a classic is in itself an understatement. I mean, do any person knows of another IEM model that can be sold for 19 years with minimum change yet still be considered by many to be the golden standard of accuracy? Or perhaps we want to revisit the fact that it is the...
  8. modusmortis

    most accurate/neutral AMP/DAC for <$300 and <$500

    Hi everyone,   I’m looking for the most accurate and neutral amp/dac unit in the <$300 price range.  I’m also curious about units in the <$500 range. My headphones are Etymotic ER4S (IEMs) and my source is a PC (foobar/flac). I would prefer to use SPDIF to connect to the PC, instead of USB...
  9. JoeyRusso

    Can it be done?? I can't be the first to think of this. What am I missing??

    First, I must admit, I didn't search for similar threads and I know I haven't read every thread out there, so maybe I've missed something along the way, but maybe someone can explain something to me.    There are single, dual and triple Balanced Armature universal IEM's out there in...
  10. Szadzik

    My Amp Reasearch - Need Help Deciding

    All,   I have been researching the subject of buying an amp for a very long time.    I still have ATH-ESW9s and Sennheiser MX980s playing out of a Sony X-1060 as my portable setup, will probably be gettnig HD25-1(II) to see if I like them more than the ESW9s some time in the future too...
  11. jbarbier

    Etymotic ER4 B, S, P ?

    I am very interested in these IEM as they purport to be very flat and thus detailed earphones.  The only question I have, which unfortunately seems to be mired in debate, is the difference in the B, S, and P versions.  As I understand it, the S and P are supposed to be the "same" except for the...
  12. Sylaw

    suggest me a good mid forward amp( sub 170$)

    Hey guys :) im having lots of iem's in my collection yet I don't use them most of the time. only pairs I use are the mighty W4's , IE80's ER4's and EX1000's. and I kind of prefer a pretty mid emphasized signature. So the reason I wanna buy e Mid forward amp is that my IE80's mid range seems...
  13. Moy

    Custom: ER-4S (Westone)

    Alright, Here goes... I've read just about every post here on Head-Fi that pertained to getting custom molds put on the ER4, and the majority of them were pretty negative with regards to how they sounded after the molds were put on.  Well, I decided to take the gamble and had a local audiologist...
  14. semisight

    Best isolating tips for RE0

    I recently received my RE0s and I've been greatly enjoying them. My only complaint is that they didn't come with a real carrying case. While I don't generally like silicone tips, the softer black tips are quite comfortable. However, I'm going to be on a plane for 8-9 hours (that's just one leg...
  15. drarthurwells

    Bada PH12 vis-a-vis Meixing MC66AE and Lehmann BC

    The following is review of the Bada PH12. The Bada Ph12 may be the best headphone amp you can buy, if you are looking for an amp that combines the best qualities of a solid state amp with the best qualities of a tube amp. Let me explain. I used to listen to my Grado HP-2 and AKG 340...
  16. kostalex

    RE0 rivals ER-4S, beats E500 and ER-4P

    RE0 rivals ER-4S, beats E500 and ER-4P RE0 is a new canalphone which tops lineup of canalphones. It is priced $169 on Jan 8, 2009 and aimed to compete with top dynamic earphones as well as with mid-level balanced armature earphones. Fang from Head-direct suggested me to review...
  17. Young Spade

    ER4P or ER4S? Which do you prefer?

    Doing some light listening by the river today, I noticed that I liked the P more than the S for acoustic music; there was more bass in the music and it was just more exciting. However when going to classical I prefer the S for accuracy and balance.    What are your preferences?
  18. scubash21

    The Best Ever Headphone / IEM shop in Seoul, South Korea

      Just wanted to let all Head-Fi enthusiasts know about this amazing headphone / IEM shop in Seoul, Daehangno, South Korea. It is by far better then any other shop that I have ever been too, including Tokyo Japan (e.g. Dynamic-audio, or any other shop in Akihabara) in my personal opinion.  ...
  19. ClieOS

    The Sub-$200 Portable Amps Shootout – 13 (+11) amps compared

    This is basically an extension of the sub-$100 amp shootout as the evaluation and scoring method are essentially the same. As always, this comparison is only a subjective evaluation and nothing more than my own personal opinion.   Evaluation Method Sources: Sansa Fuze via custom LOD...
  20. average_joe

    Top-Tier Universal IEM Comparison Chart, Frequency Response Charts, & Discussion

    This is the Top-Tier universal fit IEM chart/thread. The below chart is designed to help give sonic characteristics and take out opinion, except in the final two columns and possibly the notes. The chart is usually updated daily, or whenever new data is provided and time permits. You might need...
  21. theoctavist

    Got a new dac..Emotiva Stealh DC-1, and it is flawless reference quality.

    A piece of gear is off for repair, necessitated the purchase of a DAC. Didnt want to spend a lot, but I am so happy that I got this. Currently using it with SBT EDO @ 24/48 (USB). Rock solid, the remote (machined from aluminum) is really sturdy...the whole thing..remote and all.... feels REALLY...
  22. OctaneTwisted

    Etymotic HF5 Warranty Question

    Hey guys, I have a problem. I accidentally left my HF5s at my girlfriend's house and her cat decided to chew on them. Here's what they look like now: Both the left and the right bud look about the same, except the right one doesn't have bite marks where the wire actually connects to the...
  23. UpWaiting

    Whats the best Balanced Armature iem you have ever tried?

    Whats the best Balanced Armature iem you have ever tried? Mine is the Westone um3x
  24. Uzee

    Help Purchasing New Sub 200$ IEM W/ Mic

    Hey guys, first post on head-fi, I am hoping some people can give some recommendations about buying some a new pair of IEM headphones.     What I am looking for: Under 200$ Has a mic for skype use and computer use Above all great sound quality Preferably headphones that didn't...
  25. Wolfpred

    Where to buy: Etymotic ER4S inside UE

    Hi everyone. I just joined the community but, as usual, I've been reading you all for a long time :) I have decided to buy the Etymotic ER4S. I'm from Spain and customs will charge me big fees if I buy online from outside the UE. I was wondering if anyone knew an online store from within the...