  1. jonathanjong

    Denon AH-D1001 or D2000: Decisions...

    First off, thanks for all your help so far. And, conversely, curse you for getting me addicted on headphones. Heh. Anyway, I need an upgrade from the Sennheiser HD201s, which I still enjoy (*brace self for abuse*) for classical. They're kind of broken, which gives me a good excuse. I'm...
  2. Noobiiee

    Recommendation for a pair of fun cans ~100GBP??

    Alright ladies! After a long journey I ended up with the K701 as my reference cans with the HD650 being passed on. Now I need recommendation for a pair of fun headphones with crazy bass and energy that make me want to shake my head until it falls off  for some electronic genres like pop...
  3. Milhouse74

    Need some suggestions

    I currently own three sets of headphones, now I'm looking for a third.  The ones I have I would say are low end(well, low end for a site like this).  They're all three Sennheisers, PX100's I got for my Ipod Touch, in ears that are actually my wife's, and HD485's.  I don't mind the size of the...
  4. aareedy

    Headphones for office environment

    I am looking for headphones for use in an office environment.  I have never owned a decent pair, so have no brand loyalty.  My main concerns are comfort for extended wear (4+ hrs/day).  Varying musical taste from heavy metal, house, to hip hop.  Also, I need something that is not going to...
  5. sunneebear

    Panasonic RP-HTX7, what a suprise

    I was at Target looking for a cheap boom box for my wife and I came across the clearance shelf. On top the heap of stuff was a white Panasonic RP-HTX7. This Panasonic RP-HTX7 РKopfh̦rer aus Japan ! I had always wanted to try one but it looked like one of those fad items. Retro looking and most...
  6. ghostofkilroy

    Seeking Advice on First "Good" Cans Purchase

    First time poster here looking for some advice on diving into quality headphones. I never make bigger purchases without becoming intimately familiar with the options. That being said, I've done a lot of research the past few days on entry-level quality headphones and I came across this forum...
  7. Sennmeister

    Denon AH-D1001

    Hi there, this is my first post. I recently just bought these Denon headphones for £85 and was expecting to hear a much better quality of sound than what I have been getting with my Sennheiser CX300II's however i think that they actually sound better. Is this because they are in ear phones which...
  8. jeffyo

    First pair of good headphone: ATH-M50, DENON AH-D1001S, AKG K271 MK II, Shure SRH840, or Sennheiser HD 25-1-II?

    Hello, I am an avid music listener and have finally decided to take my first step into the high-quality headphone market. I intend to use these headphones mostly (if not exclusively) to listen to my ipod on the go so portability is somewhat important.   I am a university student so I often...
  9. MasterPamer

    Denon AH-D1001 vs Westone 3

    I'm looking at the Westone 3, but I already have a pair of headphones that I like a lot, the Denon AH-D1001. Will the upgrade to an in-ear monitor like this one be worth the money, or will the listening experience be pretty much the same? Thanks in advance people!
  10. jackmarsal

    Review: Sennheiser HD 448 vs. Denon AH-D1001 vs. Audio-Technica ATH-M50

    Here is a quick review of three headphones:  Sennheiser HD 448, Denon AH-D1001, and Audio-Technica ATH-M50.  All three headphones are highly recommended on this and other forums, all are closed-back design, and all can be purchased for ~$125.   My source is an iPod. I enjoy listening to...
  11. incredidragon

    share opinions on denon ah-d1001?

    i recently bought a pair of above mentioned denons. so far, they are incredible. i am very satisfied. their price is a bit above £200, and they are every bit worth it in my opinion. the sound is beautifully clear and has, so to say, volume. they are also more or less fashionable, unlike some...
  12. faisal2003456

    This website is an evil place of torture and misfortune. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME PICK HEADPHONES!

    I've been hunting down a decent pair of headphones for about 100 bucks. I thought it would be an easy enough task, boy was I wrong. EVERYBODY is contradicting everyone. I have no idea what to do. I'm gonna tell my case now.   My set up would look like this:  ...
  13. wms3

    Grado vs. Denon

    My first post to the Forum yielded 23 view but no responses so let me try again.   I have a ten year old pair of Grado SR-60s and I would like to upgrade. I've always felt that the sound of the Grados was overly bright and crisp. I would also like a bit more base.   The phones will be...
  14. Rich77

    Audio Technica ATH M50s: Can you wear around neck?

    I'm new here, and also fairly new to headphones. I own one pair (Koss UR20) just to see if I would like the feel/sound of them and I did. I wanted an upgrade, originally thought Denon AH-D1001 but EVERYONE here loves M50s.   My decision is basically made with the M50s, but curiosity has me...
  15. smileypop

    Anyone else?

    Anyone else thinking about getting the new Denon AH-D510R? I was really wanting a pair of headphones with the built in Apple control and I think these look like the best bet. I am just curious if they will sound as good as the AH-D1001, but they do look to have better build quality. Anyways if...
  16. tongson

    Foster 443741

    It's well known that the Denon AH-D1000/1001 and Creative Aurvana Live use the Foster 443741 drivers.   Are there any other headphone that use these drivers?
  17. c12mech

    Need new portables, IEM's not an option

    I've been using CX400's for about 7 months.  Every couple of weeks my ears would start to hurt even after cleaning the inserts.  In the past couple of days I developed an ear infection, swimmer's ear, and the doctor recommended not using IEM's due to sensitive ear canals.   What other...
  18. UnderTheBridge

    Help me Denon d1001 owners

    A few months back I purchased some ad900's and I love them, but I can't take them on family trips because the sound leaks out obviously because it's an open back headphone. So, I'm looking for some good closed back headphones around the 100-150$ mark. I've been looking at the Denon d1001s pretty...
  19. SeanOBan

    Battle of the Titans? Which one to get

    Hey everyone,   Thanks for having such a forum where people like me can get some feedback from the more experienced Gurus. I'm an university student and I tend to know a lot about cars but hardly anything it seems about headphones. I have used the basic skull candy/ bose/ sony headphones but...
  20. budgetboy

    Portables - ATH ES7, Senn Px100-II, HD 238, or Denon D1001

    I have the Cowon S9 and don't want to buy an amp. I like the sound of the IE8s and the M50. I want something very portable that is durable, comfortable, looks good, and sounds great. Under $150 would be great, considered the Senn HD 25 but the high price, questionable comfort, and dorky looks...
  21. Honu

    cant decide help needed :) choosing under $250

    update   got the ATH AD700 thought a good price and nice for gaming and comfy ? wife did not like how she could hear my stuff ? so my next choice  Denon D2000 I have a set of D1001 the wife has and loves and thought OK will give the D2000 a try !!   have to say very very nice way...
  22. zeeter

    First time amp buyer for Denon 1001's

    I'm still very much a headphone/amp noob and wanna make my Ipod/Denon1001 combo even better. I would like to purchase a decent amp in the $100-$125 range (or even cheaper if possible). I listen to all types of music (mostly rock, hard rock, metal) and it was recommended to me on the forum a...
  23. losteden

    Closed back cans + dac+amp recommendation - MDR-V6 + Fireye2?

    As a computer science student at university, I spend hideous hours (read: 14+ hours a day) in the lab. This coming academic year I'm undoubtedly going to be spending more time than ever before there, so I'm thinking of investing a bit into a better setup for the lab. My home setup consists of...
  24. hotto

    Denon AH-D1001 my pick after today's testing

    So I went on a testing spree today. I intend to get a new pair of phones for my small sized head, within a $140 budget. These are the models I have tested so far:   AKG K271 ATH M50 Beyer DT770 Denon AH-D1001 Sennheiser 25, 280 Pro, 380 Pro, 555 Shure SRH 440 and 840   Couldn't...
  25. Bostock73

    Audio-Technica ATH-ES7 Vs. Denon AH-D1001

    I currently have some Bose Triport AE (Over-ear) that need to be replaced (wire coming away from cup on right side... after 2 years use though... so not that bad.)   Can't spend any more than £100. Do you suggest i stick with the Bose? Get another pair?   If not, would you choose the...