  1. acegazda

    Ultrasone HFI-780 arrived today: first impressions and the burn in begins...

    I was pleased to find these pair of cans finally had arrived after a bit of a wait (stupid ensenda shipping). After opening the package a couple things immediately jump out: 1. These are a very beautiful set of headphones; stylish and portable. 2. The phones seem substantial, especially the...
  2. rb101c

    Closed, Portable, Budget Headphones for use with Laptop/MP3 Player

    I just discovered this site recently and was hoping that you could help me upgrade from my current, mediocre headphones.  I'm looking for a pair of closed headphones with minimal leakage to use (unamped) with my laptop and mp3 player.  I would prefer to not spend more than $80, but definitely...
  3. Uncle Chuck

    Best <$150 Headphones for me. PLEASE HELP

    Hello everyone. Please don't get angry if I'm posting in the wrong category thingy.(you know what i mean) I am a total noob about headphones. (like i literally know almost nothing) I have been searching teh interwebz trying to find out the best headphones for me for quite some time now. This...
  4. rocketmaan

    Can someone help with repairing my AH-D1001

    I think one of my speakers is broken. I've tried recabling as to also I attempted the recabling because it was broken, it did not break after recabling.     I'm pretty sure that the speaker is broken as I've...
  5. 65dos

    Grados i60 or i80.

    I think it's better to buy the i60 or i80. help my choice. I listen to rock, grunge, post-punk, some jazz and blues. I listen from your PC without amplifiers.
  6. bigboysunited

    Help a wannabe audiophile out!!

    Hi, I really apreciate all your help and have researched a TON, but I still don't know what to do. It is difficult for me to try out non-bose headphones because of my location in Lubbock, Texas. Here are my needs: MUSIC SOURCE I need headphones that do NOT require an amp as I will be...
  7. Buranko

    Looking for upgrade opinions

    Hi guys, it's been a year since I'm here, and because of this forum, I ended up with the headphones I'm using right now.   Denon AH D1001 and Senns HD25-1 II   I love them both. I mainly...
  8. dappolo

    Is the HD25-1 ii still a great choice for sub 150 closed headphones?

    Hey. I've done a great deal of research over the past week regarding closed sub $150 headphones.  I've read tons and tons of good threads, and I've basically decided on the HD25-1 ii's.  I saw that the Denon D1001's are a good option as well, but apparently isolating is not their strong suit. ...
  9. 864646

    Need Some Advice on Upgrading

    So I currently own a pair of Denon AH D1001's (have had it for about a year) and am thinking of upgrading to a D2000. I'm just wondering if its worth the upgrade? I will be using these headphones with my iphone on the go.  Also, if i get a portable amp (Fiio e7) will that make a big difference...
  10. elfurbe

    Over-ear recommendations, <$200

    I'm looking for a set of cans for my girlfriend. She recently had to retire hers and she's looking for some replacements. She had Bose Triports which she loved for the fit/weight, not terribly impressed with the sound. On the other hand, she loves the sound of my Denon 1001s, just not the fit...
  11. mkmossop

    Music Quality / Source Questions

    Ok, so I'm getting my first pair of decent headphones very soon. They're either going to be the AIAIAI TMA-1's or the Denon AH-D1001's.   My music source for the most part will be my laptop. I'm assuming I can still get good sound out of the headphones just straight through the laptop, or am...
  12. hurryup

    Help Me Choose the Best Headphones under $150!

    Which headphones under $150 has the best sound quality. I've decided that it doesn't need to be closed cans anymore. I only care about SQ. Willing to make small boosts to the price if a little more will get me something much better. Thanks
  13. TekeRugburn

    Advice on headphones for BASS

    I have some entry level full-size cans. HARX700, ATH-AD900 and I was wanting some good basshead headphones. I been reading and people have been recommending either the D2000 Denon's or BeyerDynamic DT-770. Question is there any other basshead headphones. Also, there are a lot of different...
  14. GreenStreak

    anything better than ATH-M50's for the price?

    I've read a lot around here and everywhere else I can.  For what i'm willing to spend(under ~$150 with a LITTLE wiggle room), is there anything else that I might consider?  I had a pair of SRH-440's but after listening for a while it would kill my ear, pressure on the top of the lobe.  I listen...
  15. dontOVERREACT

    Seriously considering getting the LA7000's...

    Hey, all! Yeah I'm new here, and I love high quality sound. "Sound" like I'm in the right place? My pride and joy set up right now is my Denon AHD1001 headphones used with my Bang & Olufsen BeoSound 6 MP3 player. However, as I'm sure many of you feel, this set up is inadequate for a "true"...
  16. SimH

    SR60 v Denon D1001 v B*se QC2 v whatever!

    Hello, new to this forum, same old problem & appreciate any advice! Sorry if this is a bit long... or the wrong place to post it!   First, background: I listen to rock/pop/electronica on an iPod Classic. I usually use Senn CX300s which I find - if I lick them first (!) - make a great ear...
  17. floeezy

    What headphones to buy as a worthy upgrade over the HFI-780s?

    Greetings all Head-Fiers,   2 years ago, I was one who listened to white iBuds because everyone else did and I knew no better. For my birthday, I received a pair of $30 JVC headphones which were an improvement over the apple ones; this piqued my interest for headphones. When those broke in a...
  18. pickleman77

    [Recommendation Request] <$200: Punchy Bass, Clear Mids/Highs, COMFORT

    Hey guys! I'm currently trying to decide which pair of headphones I should get. I've currently got the Sennheiser HD280s, but they're not really well-suited for what I listen to and want to hear. I listen to a lot of electronic music, classic rock, and a bit of metal here and there, and the main...
  19. matmal

    Sold my HD555's, looking for a set of cans I will like...

    here is a link to my first post about the 555's   1Time had suggested the Dennon d1001's, which look promising based on reviews on this forum and hwo light they are.  But i cant find them for...
  20. frogs

    Can you recommend to me the single most comfortable, can't-even-tell-you're-wearing-them pair?

    Portables, clip-ons, canalphones or earbuds, I don't really mind, as long as they're comfortable enough to wear for hours without being irritating. I apologize for registering just to ask a question, but it'd be really appreciated.
  21. Bostonears

    Recabling Denon AH-D1001 (&D1000)

    When I performed the Markl type mods on my Denon AH-D1001/D1000 (documented in this thread ), I saw how easy it would be to recable these cans, and less than a week later, I was inside them again. This thread provides some info on the...
  22. Cpsmith89

    ATH M50

    Im looking at this phone for mainly Techno, Classical and Reggae. I mainly listen to Techno (Daft Punk, Deadmau5, etc). I dont want punching bass but i want very good details. I also listen to Classical and Dub Reggae (similar to Sublime). So i am looking to be able to hear every single...
  23. aephur

    Headphone Demos @ Bay Bloor Radio, Toronto Canada

    Last week, I had the opportunity to visit Bay Bloor Radio in Toronto. Bay Bloor Radio is a store focusing on Hi-Fi systems, and Home Theatre components. They sell Speaker Systems, Home Theatre Systems, (3D)HDTVs, and other components.   The link to their site is...
  24. simmsa

    Looking for a comfortable set of Headphones for around $100

        So around a year ago, I came to these forums looking for a good set of portable headphones. the ATH-ES7's were recommended to me and I am very happy with their sound quality. One of the issues I have with the headphones is that they are uncomfortable to wear for even short periods of...
  25. henio

    Help me to choose !

    Hi,   I am looking for headphones mostly for outside use, travel mostly.   I  have an ipod classic 5g. I mostly listen to Bonobo, The Crystal Method, Rage Against The Machine, Prodigy and some hard rock. So I would really like the headphones to have nice deep bass.   I want to avoid...