  1. middlemaniac

    Help! Bose ae or Bose oe?

    Hi, I have the Bose ae right now and am wanting to return them for the oe. I have had the ae for a while and love them but they are a bit fragile. I love the amount of bass in the headphones, which is why I love bose. Should I get the oe instead? Do they sound better?, are they less fragile? I...
  2. arnoldsoccer4

    Bose IE review on Engadget

    No I am not trying to start another anti Bose thread, I am simply posting this to show you that others do know Bose is overpriced. Did one of you guys send this to them? ****** Gizmodo, sorry I get my sites mixed up, can a mod change...
  3. sleightofhand

    The first step into audiophile and its affect on previous sound equipment.

    I am going to break audio equipment into three categories that I simply made up. The precise line that separates these categories is really unimportant and not the point of my post.      Consumer (TV speakers. Apple headphones, Sub $20 headphones)   Consumer Pro ($100 Headphones...
  4. kirr45

    Headphone hating

    What's up guys. Just joined.     I had a question. I noticed on the forum everyone's always complaining about Bose. I was wondering, is it because of the quality or is it because of the price point? I do agree they are higher priced than they should be. That being said I bought the...
  5. astroid

    What set of cans has the best earpads?

    I have had loads of pairs of cans, the disparity in quality of pads is something that i find annoying. Now i always try to get a feel of the pads before a purchase.   The best i have had were (ahem) Bose AE1 pads, they are soft beyond belief but unfortunately  sound meh. Beats...
  6. juice lee

    Headed to college, looking for good headphones

    I'm new to these forums, but a buddy of mine visits this site every day and referred me here. I am about to go to college and want some headphones. The max I want to spend is $150, but preferably want to spend around $100 (or less ).   Uses: - Music. I don't need 100% perfect sound...
  7. gaboo94

    "Best Quality" headphones for a regular student life.

    Hello,  I'm a new member and i want to congratulate everyone in the forums for their mature answers, and helpful and reliable advices, i've been visitng this site for a while now and I'm glad i found it. (and thanks for not being brainwashed by all the marketing stuff that everyone is into=) )...
  8. kitkat12012

    Audio System for Home Gym

    i need some help planning out an audio system for my home gym. the gym's gonna be in an unfinished basement with concrete walls and floors. area is about 20ish ft x 20ish ft but only half of it will be the gym area so i don't really care if the sounds fill the room or only half of it. and...
  9. Tinari

    Possible to not notice hifi?

    Hello and all that jazz!   I recently, as in tonight, got my pair of ATH-AD700 headphones in.  I'm just not 'getting' it I guess.   A few years back I picked up a $12 pair of cheapy sony in-ear buds to listen to stuff at work on my PSP and at home on my computer.  Later, I got myself a...
  10. Jack Western

    Choosing a pair of new cans (yep, another of those threads).

    So I'm after a new pair of headphones which will be dedicated hi fi headphones, so can be driven by a headphone amp if necessary but the onboard headphone circuit on my Rotel RA-611 is pretty damn fine. Currently I have a pair of Goldring NS1000s but they mainly get used while I'm out and...
  11. melmoth123

    Recommendations for non-isolating earbuds

    I have tried 3 different sets of noise canceling iems, phonak, shure, and etymotics. All between 100 and 200 price range. They all sounded great as a step up from the basic apple headset that came with my iPhone, but were incredibly uncomfortable. I don't think my ears can take iems. I also...
  12. Absolut10

    Bose headphones?

    Hey guys im a little bit of a noob but i was wondering if anyone knows if these are real? The price seems to good to be true, thanks.
  13. masuuuuud

    Bose/Monster Earphones?

    Hi guys i'm new here.   I have around £200 to spend on a pair of earphones. However, I don't know whether to buy the Monster Turbines (The standard edition) or the Bose IE2's. I listen to alot of rap/hiphop if that helps. Im generally looking to see which has better sound/durability and...
  14. shigzeo

    Am I through with Portable audio?

    I've had an excellent run here at Head-fi: I've bought a lot of stuff, thrown stuff away, sold stuff, lost stuff, and broken stuff. I've gone through reams of review paper, met some cool people, and listened to a LOT of great music.   I've got a few review earphones on my plate for now and...
  15. mydownload

    Need suggestion..Any "In ear" type that produce sound like singer is right in front of you?

    Just curious that is any "in ear" headphone that produce sound to listener feel like singer sing right in front of you with good instrument isolation?   What this interface called? Could you please, list all that can do this? Which is the best or value one? Can Klipsch image S4 do...
  16. mydownload

    Need suggestion..Any "In ear" type that produce sound like singer is right in front of you?

    Just curious that is any "in ear" headphone that produce sound to listener feel like singer sing right in front of you with good instrument isolation? What this interface called? Which is the best or value one? Can Klipsch image S4 do that?   I was fell in love since I was tried on "on ear"...
  17. theoriesoftopix

    Bose upgrade?

    I've been reading around these forums for a while and ive heard that pretty much any headphone tops the bose ae2s for sound quality or any other feature. I know thats not true since skullcandy and other uber cheap headphones sound really horendous but thats beside the point. I wanted to know...
  18. meizumintyboi

    ATH-M50 Clamping tightness compared to HD205

    After much reading here there and everywhere I've decided to make these my 1st £100+ purchase on closed cans. The last set I had was the closed HD205, my head is quite big and I found these to be way to tight after wearing for around 10 minutes, the sound was great for the price, but the...
  19. yann3804

    Are hi-fi headphones overhyped by audiophiles?

    Bose, Wesc, Dr. Beats are overhyped/overpriced headphones for audiophiles, while for non-audiophiles, those headphones are just fine for their price tag.   I started my hi-fi experience with a pair of Bose around-ear (not over-ear because those really suck) triport. After I found...
  20. TheChuckster

    Best active noise canceling headphones

    What's the best active noise canceling headphones? I'm looking for the ones with the most comfort and the largest reduction in outside noise. I live in the loudest dorm on campus and I can't sleep because people are really noisy at 2 AM. I'm not looking for ones that go inside your ear. I had...
  21. Ja jay deeeeEEE

    Shure SE115

    I have been using Bose IE now for 1year and i felt like upgrading, so i went and picked up some se115's. Can anyone tell me if the se115's need 'burn in' time as i find the bass lacking quite abit. I have already got a good tight seal with memory foam tips but they seem inferior compared to my...
  22. headonhead

    Need suggestion for iphone 4 earphones with mic & volume

    I'm planning to gift my BF for his b'day. His apple headphones are really in bad shape. He uses his iphone 4 with apple standard headsets when he jogs & for his work meetings while commuting everyday for 2 hrs. So I am looking for something which is most reliable & with very good sound quality...
  23. Cyworld

    Bose, Wesc, or Dr. Dre?

    Hi. I listen to a lot of house music (crookers, justice, mightyfools, zodiac cartal, boys noize, bloody beetroots, sound of stereo) and do some dj'ing. Im looking for something that sounds accurate rather than something that has a lot of messy bass. But I still do not want anything with weak...
  24. Todesengels

    SkullCandy FMJ vs. Bose MEI2i

    I am between buying SkullCandy FMJ or Bose MEI2i.  I have an IPhone so the MEI2i are very enticing given the features but I am after sound quality before anything else.  I havent had any bad experiences with SkullCandy but there is no product loyalty built up yet haha. any opinion is welcome.
  25. djbasketball1

    Bose vs Monster Beats by Dre(negative thread)

    What are your opinions? I know both of these are horrifi. But i always thought to myself why do they cost so much, and why do people think they are so good???I mean i Know they are the best headphones you can get at BestBuy but still?      