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  • Users: zzz
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  1. zzz

    repairing Grado HP-2

    I have a Grado HP-2 with a poorly installed aftermarket cable (happened before I got them), and the connection between the cable and the driver has gotten loose in one of the earcups. Does anyone know a place that would be willing and capable at getting them repaired and/or recabled? Grado won't...
  2. zzz

    30 posts/page

    is it really gone and is it ever coming back?
  3. zzz

    board to wire/board connectors

    so far I've been soldering all the wires from input/output jacks, transformers, volume controls, and other boards directly onto the boards themselves, and that kinda works, but becomes extremely annoying if I want to modify something on the board after it's been put in place or if anything blows...
  4. zzz

    good books on rf design/techniques

    Not exactly audio, I know, but hopefully there are enough real electrical engineers around here to be able to make some recommendations. I'm looking for a book (or a few books) covering tuned circuits, oscillators, rf amplifiers, modulators, filters, detectors, striplines, waveguides...
  5. zzz

    weebl in the nu'

    ...12.6V @ 4A being used at 12.6V @ 3A). My dad is going to get a measuring tool from work tomorrow, so it would be possible to find out how hot it *really* is instead of me guesstimating that. But I suspect that the amp might need a small quiet fan after all. Sound... Weebl still...
  6. zzz

    'k, so I'm in the mood for some more bad photos...

    My idea of spending this birthday was to mess around a certain HV amp. Turning 21 in Canada is not nearly as much of a deal as in the US, you know . It's been mostly a test-bed for Weebl. One channel only. The idea was to get some sound out of it and determine the temperature behaviour of the...
  7. zzz

    yet another stax amp

    ...that it wipes the floor with KGSS/Cary combo. In that subrange. Someday when I have the time for that, the board will get a facelift, a decent *single* transformer (5 were used now), a volume control, and an enclosure. Possibly with an external psu, Stax EMP of sorts. I decided to call it...
  8. zzz

    audiophiles and pixels
  9. zzz

    emi and bmg are joining the dark side I'm kinda alright with that as long as no garbage is being put into the audio signal itself. But I suppose Meridian owners may have more to say about it. I wonder when are they going to start...
  10. zzz


    I haven't posted anything audio-related in a while, you know... so there:
  11. zzz

    Wadia 23

    Anyone heard the thing? Any information about it, its features, comparisons with other players, whatever? I only know that it used to be one of the entry-level Wadia one-box models, but I couldn't find pretty much anything about it on the Internet save for some contradicting opinions about its...
  12. zzz

    replacing virtual dynamics power III cryo treated cord with a no-name generic one

    After a few month of having that cord in my system, I tried replacing it with some monitor power cord that I had laying around and was very pleased with the result. VD cord to Arcam was making the sound real boomy and veiled. Yes, soundstage was noticeably wider with Virtual Dynamics cord...
  13. zzz

    when I am king For the fans of seriously screwed comics out there. This thing is about two-three years old (I started reading it when brunching linked to demian from a dot in their copyright statement) but apparently many people still haven't seen it while it certainly deserves...
  14. zzz

    KGSS no.1

    Hello kids, The idea of building a Gilmore solid state electrostatic amp came to me out of nowhere about 3 months ago. I didn't have any electrostatic headphones, haven't ever heard them, and had no experience building an amp yet alone a high voltage one. I guess I was just really bored on...
  15. zzz

    broken HP4

    (just a rant, I guess) Received Nik's HP4 today. To cut a long story short, the left channel does not work the way it is supposed to. It is overloaded all the time (on idle with no input signal that's RUMBLE, not some wussy `hiss`) and when I tried to put some music on, well, my left ear is...
  16. zzz

    Stax SR-001 MK2

    Got these baby staxes today, overall impression is favorable especially after switching the tips installed by default for the included smaller ones. There are a few gripes but it's a bit too early to talk about them. However, just out of curiousity, has anyone ever tried to open/mod their...
  17. zzz

    need a ride to WoHT in San Francisco from Santa Clara/San Jose

    I know a few people from San Jose will be coming there. Fancy helping a carless person?
  18. zzz

    Is it safe to run european equipment (afaik 220V) with 240V?

    Went to the Fry's today and got myself one of them `Heavy-Duty Step-up/Step-down Power Transformer` that can do 110->220 and vice-versa (they didn't have any transformers that take 120 as an input). And of course when I tested it at work, the output was 240V... So I'm wondering, is it safe...
  19. zzz

    power supply again (help!)

    Kevin Gilmore's amp for electrostatic headphones ( requires a +580V, +-350V power supply and he provides the schematic for such PS. The problem is that I could not find one of the transistors he uses (2SA1968) anywere. And while I know what...
  20. zzz

    balanced cables

    Unbalanced cables are being discussed to death around here, but what about XLR-terminated balanced ones? Any decent cheap wonders like say the Outlaws? Any comparisons?
  21. zzz

    Where do you get the parts?

    Now that I'm ampless and W2002 out of the phone jack on NEC just doesn't cut it and I know that HP4 will probably take another two weeks or so to arrive, I went and ordered myself some Stax SR-001 from audiocubes just to try them out. Then I found the Kevin Gilmore design for an amp for Staxes...
  22. zzz

    `Thermal rubber rings for tubes`?

    Nik (I'm getting HP4 from him) told me that he just received something that he called `thermal rubber rings for tubes` and apparently they improved imaging a bit and I can have that for a mere 48 USD (16 x 3 USD per piece). Anyone heard of such thing before? What particular kind of snake oil is...
  23. zzz

    Can solder degrade sound quality?

    Current owner of the EAR HP4 that I'm buying recommended me to replace Alps Blue pot that is used in there with Alps Black Beauty. Sure, I say, but what if my half-assed soldering job done with the tools in perflab (that are only there to do an occasional quick hack to help bring up a...
  24. zzz

    Source selector

    Anyone knows a good source selector device that I could use with EAR HP4? 3-5 inputs, one output, nothing fancy. A couple of balanced inputs/outputs is a plus, but not a requirement (I think EAR has a switch on the back that toggles between the ones it uses, so it's not a big deal).