Zoiks! Nother Price drop on refurb Ipods
Sep 14, 2006 at 3:32 AM Post #2 of 57
So much for the second hand market
Sep 14, 2006 at 3:46 AM Post #3 of 57
I went in on the $179 30gb 5G iPod. I waited for the Apple announcement in case something interesting would be released. The 5.5G iPod doesn't add anything that interesting, especially not compared to a 30gb 5G iPpd for $179. $99 2gb 1G Nanos are very interesting aswell.
Sep 14, 2006 at 4:01 AM Post #4 of 57

Originally Posted by cmirza
I went in on the $179 30gb 5G iPod. I waited for the Apple announcement in case something interesting would be released. The 5.5G iPod doesn't add anything that interesting, especially not compared to a 30gb 5G iPpd for $179. $99 2gb 1G Nanos are very interesting aswell.

That was a good deal but the issue is most people are trying to sell their 60GB 5G for $300 US where as the apple store has them for $229 and they may say refurbished but I really think they are NOS.
Sep 14, 2006 at 4:28 AM Post #5 of 57
Hey guys, if you get a refurbished one stright from Apple, you get some kind of warranty, so if you see something wrong with it, turn it in and get either another refurbished one!
Sep 14, 2006 at 4:51 AM Post #6 of 57
Unless Apple starts shipping 'refurbished' iPods in retail boxes (I wouldn't mind if I get one of those
), they ship the iPods in brown boxes clearly marked 'Refurbished'.

And seeing as you get a 1 year warranty with these, I wouldn't want to be one selling a 5G iPod to get a 5.5G iPod right now.
Sep 14, 2006 at 5:02 AM Post #7 of 57
Yep. I can't understand why anyone would pay more for a used one than a factory direct refurb with warranty. The refurbed 60s were priced at $299 until tonight, so it wasn't totally unreasonable to ask for $300 for a used on if some accessories are being thrown in and no tax. But now it is. Funny thing is that the intro of the 5.1g is what's driving the price collapse and it's really not a big upgrade, it seems.

I just ordered one. I was planning to wait for a few months until the battery and thumbwheel on my battered NJB3 totally give up (so I'd "need" a new DAP and therefore would not be giving in to consumerism) but I'm guessing these deals won't stay available for ever, either they'll sell out or the price will go back up some. I was also thinking I'd prefer a Cowon, but the price difference is now too much.
Sep 14, 2006 at 5:04 AM Post #8 of 57

Originally Posted by cmirza
Unless Apple starts shipping 'refurbished' iPods in retail boxes (I wouldn't mind if I get one of those
), they ship the iPods in brown boxes clearly marked 'Refurbished'.

And seeing as you get a 1 year warranty with these, I wouldn't want to be one selling a 5G iPod to get a 5.5G iPod right now.

If they make the refurbs TOO attractive, they'll scavange their sales of new units and the retailers will freak out.
Sep 14, 2006 at 5:25 AM Post #9 of 57

Originally Posted by zowie
If they make the refurbs TOO attractive, they'll scavange their sales of new units and the retailers will freak out.

Hardly anyone even knows about the refurb units. Every iPod I've purchased (all the way back to the 1G iPod) has been refurbished and never over $200. Whenever I tell people about it, they can't believe you can get them as cheap as I did, and don't believe what good condition they are in (some people HAVE to have new). Plus, the stock is limited. Apple doesnt always seem to have the refurb units in stock. Given a month or two, these will be gone and 5.5G iPods will be all there is.

Apple Certified Refurbished products are unique among 'refurbished' products. Not many other manufacturers sell refurbs that look and work this good and have a full warranty. If only a handful of people take advantage of them, I won't complain.
Sep 14, 2006 at 8:19 PM Post #10 of 57
Just as a head's up: I purchased a refurb 5g black 60gb iPod about two weeks ago, thinking I was getting a good deal at $299. I saw this thread and my heart sank because the price has just dropped $70!

I decided to call Apple and see if they could let me return my new iPod, and then I would buy another one at the new price of $229. I was pleasantly surprised by Apple because they were able to just give me a $70 discount to my credit card over the phone! This was great, because now I don't have to go through any hassles.

I just thought I'd let anyone who has bought a refurb iPod lately know that they can call Apple and get a discount so that their price matches the current prices. -CK
Sep 14, 2006 at 9:03 PM Post #11 of 57

Originally Posted by ckhirnigs113
Just as a head's up: I purchased a refurb 5g black 60gb iPod about two weeks ago, thinking I was getting a good deal at $299. I saw this thread and my heart sank because the price has just dropped $70!

I decided to call Apple and see if they could let me return my new iPod, and then I would buy another one at the new price of $229. I was pleasantly surprised by Apple because they were able to just give me a $70 discount to my credit card over the phone! This was great, because now I don't have to go through any hassles.

I just thought I'd let anyone who has bought a refurb iPod lately know that they can call Apple and get a discount so that their price matches the current prices. -CK

Yeah Apple seem to have a GREAT consumer service, i bought a 30gb refurb a month ago, they weren't suppose to accept it back since we only can return it 14 days from the shipping date, but they did a "special offer" for me and let me return it...with the 10% restocking fee
...but then again 60 CAD for 30Gb more and better battery life, can't go wrong!
Sep 14, 2006 at 9:59 PM Post #14 of 57

Originally Posted by ouchia
do the refurbs have new casings? or are the click wheels all browned up and gross...

There is not even a hint of used about the refurb iPods. The cases and batteries are replaced on all of them (which is the difference between Apple Certified Refurbs and the refurbs you'll find at other retailers). Chances are that most of these are just units that have been returned for whatever reason and have been brought up to spec by Apple. It's not like youre getting someones old iPod thats been sitting in their pocket for a year.
Sep 14, 2006 at 11:50 PM Post #15 of 57
Everything on the refurb iPod I received looks brand new. There was no way to tell it was refurbished other than the fact that you don't get the retail box (big loss there). You even get the full 1 year warranty on it! I can see no reason to buy a new iPod, especially considering the 60gb 5g is about half the price that a new one was a few weeks ago!

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