ZMF x JDS Labs Homage Amp
Feb 6, 2024 at 6:52 PM Post #91 of 118
Zmf homage vs jds element 3 mk2

I've been enjoying the homage amp for a few weeks now and wanted to post my thoughts on it. I tried it with different headphones and iems, but before I mention my findings I decided to first compare the element 3 mk2 that I used for my bokeh review to the new zmf homage amp using the element 3 dac. I used the hybrid pads and solid titan mesh on the bokeh because I didn't want to go through the process of swapping meshs again. Just know the solid mesh makes the bokeh smoother than with the burst mesh.

The element 3 dac was connected to the homage's rca input using the rca cables that can be ordered on the jds website. First off, using the element 3 dac is a more clinical/analytical sound, it wants to get the job done sounding generally clean. The bokeh on the element 3 is direct and pretty quick sounding.

On the homage amp, there is an immediate increase in overall soundstage, not a huge difference but there is a bit of distance between you and the music so it's not as in your face as the element 3. Also there is this sense of smoothness over the music that makes things sound less analytical. Their is an added sense of air on the homage which took a moment to get used to. I also tried the impedance switch and that added a little more to the sense of stage. It also took a moment for my brain to recognize that the impedance switch made the bokeh a little more holographic to my ears.

This amp is no where near as colored as the mjolnir 3, but it's not that typical clinical neutral sound like the element 3 or my memory of previously owning a THX 789 amp. Since they are using the same dac the technical difference is not big but noticable. What I find so convenient is that the element 3 fits perfectly on top of the homage amp. So if you buy a jds dac, it looks like it will fit just fine on top and get the job done. At least this seems to be an affordable way to make use of the homage amp if you want a simple dac and nothing fancy. The homage amp with the element 3 dac using the bokeh (using the solid mesh) is a good balance of pleasant but still exciting listen.

Special amps over the years have gained quite the following. Some of these include ECP DSHA3F Ravenswood 3F which was designed for focals headphones but reports mentioned that zmfs also worked well on it. Another amp from the same brand, ECP Audio T4 amp (uses tubes) which I would like to try some day was also claimed to work with zmf's but it's no longer in production. The mjolnir 3 that I have is also unique sounding for a solid state amp. Sure there are plenty of amps like the element 3, but amps like the homage and other amps mentioned above can be difficult to get at times. If the sound of these amps catch your fancy, they're probably no alternatives to them since each one from what I've read sound pretty different from each other. Typically tube amps are the kinds of amps that change the sound in unique ways but solid state amps like some of the ones mentioned above are pretty uncommon and you gotta do some research if you wanna know they exist.

Since I have no upgrade cables for the bokeh I decided to use my favorite headphone the zmf aeolus with zmfs grand silver paladium cable through the 4pin xlr output still using the element 3 as the dac and I decided to use high gain/impedance switch down so output at .7ohms. This setup played the aeolus straight and true, no gimmicks. So to my ears this is the aeolus as I've always known it to be, nothing is being messed with. I then used the impedance switch which changes the output impedance to 47ohms. On this setting the same thing happened again. Things were a little more holographic and the stage was a little bigger.

I then used my aeolus with the homage amp using my berkley reference dac with my xlr cables and the homage amp did a great job of scaling with a better dac. The sound gained another layer of weight and clarity. It also sounded more dynamic and punchy with this combination. The homage amp still comes off as smoother than the element 3 and also with more I wanna say euphonics so it's less clinical than my cfa3 off the top of my head. For both the bokeh and aeolus I felt fine listening to the amp regardless of which setting the impedance switch was at.

I think that if your not sure what amp to get for your zmfs the homage so far has a straightforward synergy with zmf headphones that will smooth out the aggressiveness of cheap dacs. So if your on a budget the homage and a basic dac works great, I detected no harshness when using the homage with my element 3.

After a few hours I feel that the homage amp captures my feeling about the zmf house sound showing that balance of the technical and musical. If there is a uniqueness to this amps sound, it is smoother than typical neutral amps with notes that have a little weight to them combined with a sense of added air. Sometimes warmer amps can make my zmfs sound a bit dark at times or even congested, but the homage is a euphonic neutral amp to my ears. I remember seeing zachs video on the homage mentioning he likes the more ethereal sound of higher end solid states. I will say that yes, while this amp is smooth it is a bit ethereal in its sense of air. It's like my zmfs can breath in its staging as opposed to cheaper solid state amps that didn't quite do it for me so that's pretty unique. If that's the magic Zach was talking about, I can confirm it's definitely here.

I really like how the aeolus sounds on this amp. While I have not compared it to my decware yet I already think they would work well with each other. The zmf/decware otl I know is much more lush vs the homage which is euphonic (so smooth/pleasing). Both amps are dynamic and engaging, just depends on which direction you wanna take your headphones.

Even from memory of when I owned a burson 3xp performance amp, that amp was much more raw sounding than the homage.
Was just recently wishing there were more reviews and impressions of the Homage. Great read! That ethereal sense of air and staging sounds like it's exactly what I'm after. I just have a couple reservations when it comes to the Homage (other than the fact that my spending in this hobby has been irresponsible lately on a grad student budget haha). First, I'm not sure how much of a step up it would be from my iHA-6. I suspect staging would be slightly bigger and more holographic than on the iHA-6 but it's hard to triangulate what other differences there would be and how noticeable those differences would be. Also, DAC choices are somewhat limited if I want a small, neat stack on my desk. My Soekris is too wide to sit on top of the Homage and the Homage is too deep to sit on top of the Soekris. This is also the case for other DACs I'm interested in like the Merason Frerot and Holo Cyan 2. Seems like a Chord Qutest would sit on top of the Homage nicely though - wonder how that synergy would be for a pretty tiny stack!
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Feb 6, 2024 at 7:19 PM Post #92 of 118
Zmf Auteur on Homage vs Mjolnir 3

The next headphone I used was my third favorite headphone overall the autuer that I had upgraded to the classic and I continued to use the grand silver paladium cable. The homage is now my favorite amp for the auteur classic. It's just so dynamic and with just enough body to the music it sounds about perfect on it. Definitely demo the auteur classic with this cable if you have the chance to demo it on the homage. I had plenty of volume when using medium gain and I enjoyed it regardless of the impedance switch position. If the aeolus and atticus didn't exist the auteur would be my favorite overall headphone, it's tonality is perfect for my preferences.

Since I enjoyed the auteur classic on the homage and schitt mjolnir 3 so much I decided to compare the 2 with some interesting results. I used to own the schitt folkvangr and if you've ever heard it the mjolnir 3 is kind of like a solid state version of that. Basically the mjolnir 3 sounds like an otl amp, it adds this lush texturing to the notes, but in a way that wants to rock out. The zmf decware I have is more refined, cleaner and I wanna say opulent with a more complex soundstage. So if you can't afford the zmf decware otl and you don't wanna mess with tubes, the mjolnir 3 could be a good alternative to get some of those effects.

The homage, since it's made specifically for zmfs has a few advantages imo that should not be surprising. The homage is alot cleaner sounding as the mjolnir 3's fun sound sometimes has this added distortion effect. In terms of stage the mjolnir 3 is pretty wide but not deep as it's trying to push the music toward your face. That's part of that rocking out feeling I get from it (part of the fun). The homage is also very direct but with the impedance switch, it has added depth and its more holographic than the mjolnir 3. Somehow both amps are very physical, punchy and super engaging. They both do a great job of wanting the listener to be more immersed in the music, but the approach as mentioned are very different. If you have a chance to hear both of them, it might be a helpful learning experience since they have designs that approach a fun sound in different ways.

I think resolution is almost on par, it's just that since the homage is much cleaner and holographic to my ears, its easier to assume it's better. Also keep in mind that since the mjolnir 3 goes further in trying to be uniquely colored, you might wanna be more careful with the headphone and dac you use vs the homage which tries to keep the benefits of a solid state and adds euphonics to the mix (meaning it's smoother in delivery vs the mjolnir). Both are fantastic amps for zmf's so decide what qualites you would prefer. Lastly before I forget the homage barely gets warm even after listening for a few hours but try not to put anything on top of the mjolnir 3 because it's has vents on top to help it handle all the heat it makes. The mjolnir 3 gets really hot, but not enough to burn you.


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Feb 6, 2024 at 7:27 PM Post #93 of 118
Impressions with the Fatfreq maestro mini

Next up is another iem the fatfreq maestro mini. Fatfreq has been gaining attention with their iems having this big bass boost. If you are a basshead this is an iem to consider. While this iem delivers on the large bass boost, the only flaw is that there's this peak around the presence region and somewhere in the treble that makes some vocals and cymbal/bell sounds come off as harsh and a bit fatiguing. I have the feeling those peaks are there to prevent the mids and treble from being swallowed by the huge bass but it still bothers me. The homage does help me tolerate it better than my moon river 2 but it still pops up. That said if this effect doesn't bother you the homage adds dynamics to the maestro mini. I left the gain on low and if you switch the impedance switch up the added soundstage gives you some depth and distance between you and the music and I felt that helped with the annoying peaks. On my moon river 2 the maestro mini sometimes sounds veiled but the homage with my berkley dac helps lift that veil. So at least this iem can do a bit of scaling.
Feb 16, 2024 at 4:18 PM Post #94 of 118
Mar 2, 2024 at 2:09 AM Post #95 of 118
My Homage just arrived today. The Geshelli J2 configured with AKM 4499 and Sparkos op amps for all outputs arrived just last week. So I have “shiny new toy” ears so far, so other than to say I’m very pleased I won’t offer descriptors yet. But you can judge the look yourselves. Now if Emotiva comes out with that Volumio streamer they hinted at recently, I’ll have a computer-free system
Mar 2, 2024 at 7:39 AM Post #96 of 118
Super nice!!!! Congrats.
Did you get the Rivo?
Mar 2, 2024 at 6:20 PM Post #97 of 118
Super nice!!!! Congrats.
Did you get the Rivo?
Thanks! No, on a recent podcast, Dan Laufman of Emotiva said they’d be releasing a streamer incorporating Volumio software. Given Emotiva”s “more for less $“ approach, I’m looking forward to that.
Mar 5, 2024 at 1:52 PM Post #99 of 118
Just got a brief listen to Homage today. Overall it sounds neutral-warm character, not a mellow slow sounding amp and definitely not dry/lifeless amp (unlike THX for instance).

Love the energetic attack notes, combine with warmness in Midrange and Bass area, that reminds me the house sound of ZMF. Soundstage width is quite good, and so dose the depth presentation.

Had chance to compared to Aune S17. Overall Homage has a little advantage in term of micro detail, texture, attach notes and depth soundstage. Homage has even bigger win in term of density full body notes, more organic tonality and more "pop out" presentation. Aune S17 may sound a little "hollow" and a bit laidback at Midrange area when side by side with Homage.
Mar 11, 2024 at 11:03 PM Post #100 of 118
Some sweet stabilized Homages appeared at CanJam NYC:


I'd be all over that red/black one to match my lava burst ash Caldera if I had not already purchased one during the ZMF November sale.
Mar 22, 2024 at 4:54 PM Post #101 of 118
Some sweet stabilized Homages appeared at CanJam NYC:

20240310_113847.jpg 20240310_113852.jpg

I'd be all over that red/black one to match my lava burst ash Caldera if I had not already purchased one during the ZMF November sale.
I was the one who bought the purple one actually.

I have been using at liking it. Has a bit of richness that adds to many headphones sound (using verite open currently).

But I had switched to the high impedence mode today. Now it is stuck in the higher one no matter what I do. Talking about the middle switch with the resistor symbols. I don't know if it broke when transporting here or it just well broke. Anyone else have this issue?
Mar 22, 2024 at 6:04 PM Post #102 of 118
I was the one who bought the purple one actually.

I have been using at liking it. Has a bit of richness that adds to many headphones sound (using verite open currently).

But I had switched to the high impedence mode today. Now it is stuck in the higher one no matter what I do. Talking about the middle switch with the resistor symbols. I don't know if it broke when transporting here or it just well broke. Anyone else have this issue?IMG_9181.jpeg
Have you reached out to ZMF support? They were really helpful with mine. I had to send mine in, and the turn around to get it back was pretty quick.
Mar 22, 2024 at 7:33 PM Post #103 of 118
I was the one who bought the purple one actually.

I have been using at liking it. Has a bit of richness that adds to many headphones sound (using verite open currently).

But I had switched to the high impedence mode today. Now it is stuck in the higher one no matter what I do. Talking about the middle switch with the resistor symbols. I don't know if it broke when transporting here or it just well broke. Anyone else have this issue?IMG_9181.jpeg
Is it stuck like the switch won't move or the sound just doesn't change? Send me an email and I'll get JDS involved and we will get it fixed.
ZMFheadphones ZMF headphones hand-crafts wood headphones in Chicago, USA with special attention to exceptional sound and craftsmanship. Stay updated on ZMFheadphones at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Mar 22, 2024 at 7:35 PM Post #104 of 118
Is it stuck like the switch won't move or the sound just doesn't change? Send me an email and I'll get JDS involved and we will get it fixed.
Sound doesn't change. When I initially put it up the sound did change. Will email you when I can. About to head to work! Thanks!
Apr 1, 2024 at 12:44 PM Post #105 of 118
Just arrived and cannot wait to start listening with the AC and Bokeh.
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