yay se530s
Mar 27, 2008 at 4:15 AM Post #17 of 30

Originally Posted by rlanger /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Yeah, they're pretty good! I'm quite happy with mine and have never really felt any need to upgrade.

hehe funny you posted here

i was actually just reading about your custom se500's :p

i just got back from hokkaido japan (boarding of course). Maybe before going next time i'll contact that guy regarding the custom changes to my 530's
Mar 27, 2008 at 4:16 AM Post #19 of 30
the question is, the high end rolloff of the SE530 is due to the fact that the SE530 require amping to show their true potential, therefore amping them will give you proper high range ?
Mar 27, 2008 at 1:19 PM Post #20 of 30

Originally Posted by Aevum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the question is, the high end rolloff of the SE530 is due to the fact that the SE530 require amping to show their true potential, therefore amping them will give you proper high range ?

No they are plenty efficient. I think "fixing" the rolled off high has more to do with EQ'ing than amping.
Mar 27, 2008 at 4:58 PM Post #22 of 30

Originally Posted by wired00 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
thank you

have been listening to them for every waking moment of the past couple days. oh they sound so great....so ...so great.

standard/progressive house music also glitchy bips & bleeps style electonica sounds fantastic with them the bass is just spot on imo.

However, Music that continues to blow me away are post rock type groups using a wide array of instruments - Silver mount zion, mogwai and godspeed you! black emperor have been getting a work out. Also good ol' led zep sounds amazing.

Its awesome just sitting on the bus taken away to another world while people merrily go about their business around me

I now shudder even more at every man and his dog wearing those damn white buds.

hanging for that D2...

Sounds like you really love them. I really like mine as well although one day I plan to go custom.
Mar 27, 2008 at 6:10 PM Post #23 of 30

Originally Posted by Aevum /img/forum/go_quote.gif
the question is, the high end rolloff of the SE530 is due to the fact that the SE530 require amping to show their true potential, therefore amping them will give you proper high range ?

Personally, I feel that hooking my Shure SE530s to my MiniBox E+ amp does bring out the highs a bit and doesn't make me feel the need to boost highs through EQ anymore. I guess it depends on which amp you use with them though. Actually, my main complaint about the sound of the Shures is not the rolled off highs - after reading antonyfirst's review of the e500, I noticed that indeed the Shures seem to sound a bit unnatural in the mids - everything seems to be a bit biased towards the low frequencies and vocals, for example, seem to sound a tad deeper and harsher than they do in real life.
Mar 28, 2008 at 12:05 AM Post #26 of 30

Originally Posted by xaipemw /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Damn, where were you guys last week when I was in my Triple.Fi vs. SE530 quandry?!?


i was tossing up between the two also, ended up with the se530's mostly from what i heard about the comfort. I like how the entire driver enclosure sits inside your ear...not your canal but the...err...fleshy part of your ear ...you know what i mean? :p similar to customs

Your triplefi's will sound fantastic i bet!
Mar 28, 2008 at 12:37 AM Post #27 of 30

Originally Posted by mew1838 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How does the denon D2000 compare to these?

The Denons are definitely better, but the difference is not that big that I would always reach for my Denon's when at home. In fact, I often wear my Shure's at my desk brecause the Denon's don't come close to comparing in comfort given that my Shures are custom.

Having said that, I do think that my Shures are better than stock Shures. They have a better cable, dual bores for the drivers, and an acrylic housing, all of which contribute to tighter bass, improved highs, and wider soundstage.
Mar 28, 2008 at 12:52 AM Post #28 of 30
Well c'mon Rob, lets see some pics, I know you wanna! I've already seen 'em in your thread about them, but it never hurts to show them off again.

Wired00, to answer your question, the biggest thing about amping the SE530 with the Predator is that there is absolutely zero hiss. I also find that the highs no longer need to be EQ'ed to not be "rolled off" when using the predator. They are still warm, but also detailed. I actually find the highs to be absolutely perfect using the Predator. Wouldn't change a thing about em.
Mar 28, 2008 at 12:56 AM Post #29 of 30

Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well c'mon Rob, lets see some pics, I know you wanna! I've already seen 'em in your thread about them, but it never hurts to show them off again.

Wired00, to answer your question, the biggest thing about amping the SE530 with the Predator is that there is absolutely zero hiss. I also find that the highs no longer need to be EQ'ed to not be "rolled off" when using the predator. They are still warm, but also detailed. I actually find the highs to be absolutely perfect using the Predator. Wouldn't change a thing about em.

Ok, I'll get around to taking a few more glamour shots!

You know, after thinking about it for a bit, I would guess that the Shures are probably as good as, if not better than the Denons. The reason I would say that is becuase i generally listen to the Shures unamped straight out of my Toshiba gigabeat, which has great sound by the way, but just can't compare as a source to my Musiland into my WA6.

With similar source and amplification, I would say that they are pretty much on par with each other.
Mar 28, 2008 at 1:02 AM Post #30 of 30

Originally Posted by mrdeadfolx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well c'mon Rob, lets see some pics, I know you wanna! I've already seen 'em in your thread about them, but it never hurts to show them off again.

Wired00, to answer your question, the biggest thing about amping the SE530 with the Predator is that there is absolutely zero hiss. I also find that the highs no longer need to be EQ'ed to not be "rolled off" when using the predator. They are still warm, but also detailed. I actually find the highs to be absolutely perfect using the Predator. Wouldn't change a thing about em.

yeah the mod to the es500's is great
will be back in japan '09 or '10 depending on how my standard cables are holding up i might be keen to have the mod done too

Thanks mrdeadfolx yeah thats just what im after. At first i didn't mind/notice any ipod hiss but after a few days even though the sound is still blowing me away im noticing hiss more and more. The laptop is far worse.

I just got word from work mates that my D2 package arrived 20minutes ago (!!). Im working onsite at a clients and i can't hear it till after work.
can't wait

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