X5 Napster compatibility
Jun 30, 2005 at 1:43 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 1


May 13, 2005
First of all, please set your flame throwers to "newbie" mode for what I'm about to say. I have no idea what the sentiment is around here with regard to Napster, or any music download services for that matter. This is just an FYI.
I have read a couple of people, either here or on other forums lament the fact that the iAudio X5 doesn't support music downloads, or something to that effect.
I just read on the JetAudio (now Cowon) website that the iAUDIO flash players ( iAUDIO G3 / U2 / 5 ) are now compatible with Napster. There is also some fine print at the bottom that mentions that the X5 isn't far behind. So, if you aren't a music download hater and are an X5 (or iaudio flash player) owner, you have or will soon have that capability.
Forgive me if this is old news, but the news was from 06/20 on the Cowon website.
Cheers, Dean

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