X-Can V3 Tube Rollers Mod. Oh Yeah!
Dec 9, 2006 at 2:55 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 13


100+ Head-Fier
Sep 26, 2006
I love my tubes, some music sounds better with some than others, and sometimes you are just in th mood for a certain type of tube. It really bothered me that every time I wanted to change tubes I would have to open the case, swap the tubes, and close the case back up (not that much of a pain, but you know;-]) I also love the fact that on my Little Dot 2+ the tubes are right there for all to see in their glory and warmth. What to do? How about mounting the tubes on the case?! Problem being the case doesn't work so well with mounting and opening as the case itself is a tube and the PCB slides in and out, but I got it.

Bought some sockets from theTubeStore.com. Picked up some 18ga solid core wire from Welbornelabs.com and some screws and tools from Lowes. I mounted the sockets on some pieces of Lexan and soldered 3.5 inch leads(about an inch too long, but it worked) to the sockets. Heat shrinked the joints for protection and mounted to the inside of the chasis with some 6-32 machine screws with wing nuts. I counter sinked the mount holes on the top and cored out the chasis with a 1 inch bit used for coreing door locks. Had to add some flat black model paint to cover up the exposed aluminium.

Presto, it works great. Now the tubes are on display and easily swapable. Now I just had to show it off.



Dec 9, 2006 at 11:09 AM Post #5 of 13
Now, that's a nice job.
Dec 9, 2006 at 11:35 AM Post #6 of 13
Nice work there Duc! Definitely more convenient for rolling; I prefer exposed tubes also. Now all you have to do is upgrade the caps...
Dec 9, 2006 at 12:55 PM Post #8 of 13
I nearly fell off my chair there...... awesome stuff man! That guy was right, there really is something "war of the worlds" about it now.... cool
Dec 9, 2006 at 2:29 PM Post #10 of 13
Dec 13, 2006 at 12:55 AM Post #12 of 13

Originally Posted by PinkFloyd /img/forum/go_quote.gif

From a few years ago

Oh Yeah, thats the spirit!

Oct 27, 2007 at 2:06 AM Post #13 of 13
So after about a year, though I would post up some of the tubes I have had good luck in the X-Can.

My 3 favorites:

Tungsram (red lettering) - What a wonderful tube. Extremely smooth and relaxed. Low's are very apparent and full; Well defined. Mids are like liquid, the notes just run together so smoothly; Fluid. Highs are nice and relaxed but defined; Very nice if you want to tone down any sharpness in the music or setup (or if you just are not in the mood) This tube also has an extremely quiet soundstage. The best way I can describe it would be when it is snowing outside and it is dead calm, then snow is falling straight down and you can hear something you know is over 10 miles away. This is that tube, very easy to hear all over the music.

Telefunkin (diamond on bottom, halo getter) - Very sweet and forward tube. Absolutely zero noise or microphonics. Just a great all arounder, it really pushes the music out of the box (it doesn't put you in the music, it brings it to you.) Very even from top to bottom, nothing in perticular, just enjoyable. Can be somewhat bright but not piercing.

Valvo (gold pin A-frame disk getter) - Pretty much a toned down version of the Telefunken but much more sweet. I'd say a nice blend of the Tungsram and the Tele. Has a little broader soundstage than the Tele as well.

The OK:
I like Amperex tubes and they tend to carry a good rep but I find them to be little stacked up top and bright, sometimes piercing. The one plus with them though is always the imaging. Very 3-d and halographic on the A-Frames and Bugle Boys. If you like bright, these are for you.

Russian 6H23 and 6N1P (7 volt version)(rocket logo) are OK and can be had for not much money. I think they tend to be a little too warm and the bass can be boomy without any sharpness up top to help even them out, but not bad. The 6N1P is a little more clear and has better soundstage.

Mullard (national) have a great top end shine that is almost holographic but it tends to only be towards the very top of the frequency spectrum so it can leave the rest of the music dull compared to the glitter in the top.

Tesla (gold pin) A toned down version of the Valvo. Nothing special but low noise and microphonics. (save your money, alot like the OEM JAN Phillips)

And last. The New Ei Elite's are very musical and colored but the soundstage is somewhat compressed. More of a "fun" tube


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