www.burzynskimovie.com Everyone who knows someone with cancer or has cancer must see this!! No ifs, ands or buts.
Aug 5, 2011 at 10:31 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 14


MOT: Bellatone Audio
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Apr 17, 2006
Everyone who knows someone with cancer or has cancer must see this!!  No ifs, ands or buts.
This is the most important documentary you will ever have seen.
Watch the full movie here on YouTube for free:
From the website:
Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.
His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and could begin the final phase of FDA testing in 2011–barring the ability to raise the required $300 million to fund the final phase of FDA clinical trials.

When Antineoplastons are approved, it will mark the first time in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a paradigm-shifting medical breakthrough.

Antineoplastons are responsible for curing some of the most incurable forms of terminal cancer. Various cancer survivors are presented in the film who chose these medicines instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation - with full disclosure of medical records to support their diagnosis and recovery - as well as systematic (non-anecdotal) FDA-supervised clinical trial data comparing Antineoplastons to other available treatments—which is published within the peer-reviewed medical literature.

One form of cancer - diffuse, intrinsic, childhood brainstem glioma has never before been cured in any scientifically controlled clinical trial in the history of medicine. Antineoplastons hold the first cures in history - dozens of them. [ANP - PubMed 2003] [ANP - PubMed 2006] [Rad & other - PubMed 2008] [Chemo/Rad - PubMed 2005]

This documentary takes the audience through the treacherous, yet victorious, 14-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons.

Dr. Burzynski resides and practices medicine in Houston, Texas. He was able to initially produce and administer his discovery without FDA-approval from 1977-1995 because the state of Texas at this time did not require that Texas physicians be required to adhere to Federal law in this situation. This law has since been changed.

As with anything that changes current-day paradigms, Burzynski's ability to successfully treat incurable cancer with such consistency has baffled the industry. Ironically, this fact had prompted numerous investigations by the Texas Medical Board, who relentlessly took Dr. Burzynski as high as the state supreme court in their failed attempt to halt his practices.

Likewise, the Food and Drug Administration engaged in four Federal Grand Juries spanning over a decade attempting to indict Dr. Burzynski, all of which ended in no finding of fault on his behalf. Finally, Dr. Burzynski was indicted in their 5th Grand Jury in 1995, resulting in two federal trials and two sets of jurors finding him not guilty of any wrongdoing. If convicted, Dr. Burzynski would have faced a maximum of 290 years in a federal prison and $18.5 million in fines.

However, what was revealed a few years after Dr. Burzynski won his freedom, helps to paint a more coherent picture regarding the true motivation of the United States government's relentless persecution of Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D.

Note: When Antineoplastons are approved for public use, it will allow a single scientist to hold an exclusive right to manufacture and sell these medicines on the open market—leaving the pharmaceutical industry absent in profiting from the most effective gene-targeted cancer treatment the world has ever seen.
Aug 6, 2011 at 12:38 AM Post #2 of 14
This is good news.
The large pharmaceutical companies don't like cures.
The like to manage your disease as they do a better job of cleaning out your wallet than Head-Fi does.
The prescription residuals are mind-boggling.
Also, Big Pharma can afford fund universities to research their projects to the point that uni's can't do much real research on what they want because:-
1. There's no research money in it.
2. It would upset their bill payers (Big Pharma) if they were doing research that would kill their cash cow.
It was on the news about six months go that a uni researcher sat on a cure for cancer for almost 25 years because he could not synthesize the active ingredient which is patentable if synthetic.
You do the will of who pays the bill.
Aug 6, 2011 at 1:43 AM Post #3 of 14
This Mom blogger subjected her daughter to Burzynski's  -
...and she died anyway.
Not saying there is nothing to it, but I think the conspiracy theory is far fetched. Assuming it really is a cure, opposition is likely sincere in motive: "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance."
The cop's testimony at the beginning was touching, however.
Aug 6, 2011 at 3:00 AM Post #4 of 14

This Mom blogger subjected her daughter to Burzynski's  -
...and she died anyway.
Not saying there is nothing to it, but I think the conspiracy theory is far fetched. Assuming it really is a cure, opposition is likely sincere in motive: "Never attribute to malice what can be explained by ignorance."
The cop's testimony at the beginning was touching, however.

He never claimed it to be a cure for 100% of people, yet.  It cures between 25% - 50% of people treated.  He has been improving the methods for decades.  It is a non-toxic treatment which has a much, much higher rate of success than conventional, toxic chemotherapy.  If you watched the movie, you know what's going on because everything presented was fact, not a conspiracy.  The FDA is one of the most corrupt institutions within the government.
Aug 6, 2011 at 3:09 PM Post #5 of 14
Some patients claim to have been helped by antineoplaston therapy, but these anecdotal reports are not considered evidence of effectiveness by the medical community, either for this or for any other type of therapy. Some promising results for the use of antineoplaston therapy have been reported in small studies. Most of these studies were directed by Dr. Burzynski himself. Results from a few small studies conducted by one group of researchers in Japan have also been published. However, the available clinical evidence consists of early-phase clinical trials and best case series.
During the 1980s, the United States Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) reviewed medical journal articles describing cases of cancer patients whom Dr. Burzynski had treated with antineoplaston therapy. Its report, published in 1990, concludes that, "Despite a substantial number of preliminary clinical studies published by Burzynski and his associates describing outcomes among the patients he treated with Antineoplastons and an attempt at a 'best case' review, there is still a lack of valid information to judge whether this treatment is likely to be beneficial to cancer patients." The OTA report criticized Burzynski's research process and noted that his definitions of advanced cancer and of complete and partial cancer remission were not used in accordance with generally accepted definitions. One example they pointed to was a patient said to have had a complete remission after treatment with antineoplastons. The report concluded, however, that this claim was inappropriate because the cancer had been removed by surgery before the antineoplaston treatment was started.
In 1982, consultants to the Ontario (Canada) Ministry of Health visited Burzynski's clinic and reviewed records of twelve patients selected by Burzynski from among the thousands he had treated. According to the OTA report, the Canadian doctors "found no examples of objective response to Antineoplastons." In 1985, the Canadian Bureau of Prescription Drugs examined the records of Canadian doctors who had treated patients at Dr. Burzynski's clinic in Houston. Of 36 patients, 32 had died without showing signs of improvement. Of the remaining 4, one patient died after slight improvement, while one patient died after stabilizing for a year. The 2 remaining patients had widespread cancer.
In 1991, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) reviewed several 'best cases' (involving patients with brain tumors) chosen by Burzynski. According to a 1992 article in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, "two NCI extramural investigators independently reviewed the case histories of some patients treated with antineoplastons. At the investigators' recommendation, the NCI examined the case histories, pathology slides, and imaging studies from seven patients with primary brain tumors ….[T]he site visit team and, subsequently, the [NCI] Division of Cancer Treatment's Decision Network Committee believed that evidence of possible antitumor effect was demonstrated." NCI concluded that these results warranted further investigation through clinical trials at other medical centers. But because of disagreement between NCI researchers and Burzynski, the clinical trials were terminated in 1995. By 1999, the researchers concluded that only 6 of the 9 patients treated in that study could be evaluated according to the study's initial requirements. None of the 6 showed evidence of tumor shrinkage. The researchers noted, however, that the small number of patients participating limited their ability to say with confidence that antineoplaston treatment had no benefit. Side effects of antineoplaston treatment included temporary sleepiness and confusion, and worsening of epilepsy (seizures) in patients who already had that problem (as a result of the tumors).
Although some proponents of antineoplaston therapy have suggested that the reviews of this treatment by conventional cancer specialists are biased by mistrust of alternative therapies, even some prominent figures in the field of alternative medicine have reservations about antineoplastons. According to Dr. Andrew Weil, "Over the years, Dr. Burzynski claims to have treated more than 8,000 patients, but his success rates are unknown. His Web site states only that he has helped 'many' people. If antineoplaston therapy works, we should have scientific studies showing what percentage of patients treated have survived and for how long, as well as evidence showing how Dr. Burzynski's method stacks up against conventional cancer treatment…. Until we have credible scientific evidence showing what antineoplastons are, how they act in the body, and what realistic expectations of treatment with them might be, I see no reason for any cancer patient to take this route."

Aug 6, 2011 at 7:38 PM Post #6 of 14
Did you even watch the movie or are you just posting nonsense that the NCI and FDA are pumping out?  If you watch the movie you'll see all the facts for yourself.
The NCI purposely let people die by not following his protocols and giving them much lower doses than they were supposed to receive and you'll find out exactly why if you watch it.
I hate when people try to make claims of quackery before even reviewing all the evidence.
Aug 6, 2011 at 11:43 PM Post #7 of 14
There was a trial done on the efficacy of vitamin C which went against Linus Pauling's research.
It was found out later that the people doing the research were putting around 30mG of vitamin C in the pills which is the dose to prevent scurvy.
It is not enough to prevent vitamin C deficiency.
It was later found that there was half a dose of the agent (vitaminC) in the placebo.
Naturally, the result was that even though those on the vitamin C pills showed some improvement, there was not enough statistical improvement to those on the placebo to warrant a confirmation.
You need approx 12 to 16 grams of vitamin C to really help, and then taper off the dose at about 1 gram a day until you reach nil or a maintenance dose.
Aug 7, 2011 at 12:12 AM Post #8 of 14

There was a trial done on the efficacy of vitamin C which went against Linus Pauling's research.
It was found out later that the people doing the research were putting around 30mG of vitamin C in the pills which is the dose to prevent scurvy.
It is not enough to prevent vitamin C deficiency.
It was later found that there was half a dose of the agent (vitaminC) in the placebo.
Naturally, the result was that even though those on the vitamin C pills showed some improvement, there was not enough statistical improvement to those on the placebo to warrant a confirmation.
You need approx 12 to 16 grams of vitamin C to really help, and then taper off the dose at about 1 gram a day until you reach nil or a maintenance dose.

......and that's exactly what happened with the NCI trials, which Nick would know and wouldn't have posted what he did had he watched it. :)
Aug 7, 2011 at 12:29 AM Post #9 of 14

Everyone who knows someone with cancer or has cancer must see this!!  No ifs, ands or buts.
This is the most important documentary you will ever have seen.
Watch the full movie here on YouTube for free:
From the website:
Burzynski, the Movie is the story of a medical doctor and Ph.D biochemist named Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski who won the largest, and possibly the most convoluted and intriguing legal battle against the Food & Drug Administration in American history.
His victorious battles with the United States government were centered around Dr. Burzynski's gene-targeted cancer medicines he discovered in the 1970's called Antineoplastons, which have currently completed Phase II FDA-supervised clinical trials in 2009 and could begin the final phase of FDA testing in 2011–barring the ability to raise the required $300 million to fund the final phase of FDA clinical trials.

When Antineoplastons are approved, it will mark the first time in history a single scientist, not a pharmaceutical company, will hold the exclusive patent and distribution rights on a paradigm-shifting medical breakthrough.

Antineoplastons are responsible for curing some of the most incurable forms of terminal cancer. Various cancer survivors are presented in the film who chose these medicines instead of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation - with full disclosure of medical records to support their diagnosis and recovery - as well as systematic (non-anecdotal) FDA-supervised clinical trial data comparing Antineoplastons to other available treatments—which is published within the peer-reviewed medical literature.

One form of cancer - diffuse, intrinsic, childhood brainstem glioma has never before been cured in any scientifically controlled clinical trial in the history of medicine. Antineoplastons hold the first cures in history - dozens of them. [ANP - PubMed 2003] [ANP - PubMed 2006] [Rad & other - PubMed 2008] [Chemo/Rad - PubMed 2005]

This documentary takes the audience through the treacherous, yet victorious, 14-year journey both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons.

Dr. Burzynski resides and practices medicine in Houston, Texas. He was able to initially produce and administer his discovery without FDA-approval from 1977-1995 because the state of Texas at this time did not require that Texas physicians be required to adhere to Federal law in this situation. This law has since been changed.

As with anything that changes current-day paradigms, Burzynski's ability to successfully treat incurable cancer with such consistency has baffled the industry. Ironically, this fact had prompted numerous investigations by the Texas Medical Board, who relentlessly took Dr. Burzynski as high as the state supreme court in their failed attempt to halt his practices.

Likewise, the Food and Drug Administration engaged in four Federal Grand Juries spanning over a decade attempting to indict Dr. Burzynski, all of which ended in no finding of fault on his behalf. Finally, Dr. Burzynski was indicted in their 5th Grand Jury in 1995, resulting in two federal trials and two sets of jurors finding him not guilty of any wrongdoing. If convicted, Dr. Burzynski would have faced a maximum of 290 years in a federal prison and $18.5 million in fines.

However, what was revealed a few years after Dr. Burzynski won his freedom, helps to paint a more coherent picture regarding the true motivation of the United States government's relentless persecution of Stanislaw Burzynski, M.D., Ph.D.

Note: When Antineoplastons are approved for public use, it will allow a single scientist to hold an exclusive right to manufacture and sell these medicines on the open market—leaving the pharmaceutical industry absent in profiting from the most effective gene-targeted cancer treatment the world has ever seen.



you do realize that one of the NCI scientists actually came out and said they rigged the study to fail because they couldn't patent it, right?
Aug 7, 2011 at 2:52 AM Post #10 of 14
Not only that, the woman who worked for Burzynski tried to steal molecules used in the antineoplastins and went to work for Elan pharmaceuticals, where, they were granted a patent by the U.S. government on molecules already patented by Burzynski.  It's the largest FDA/Pharma case of fraud to this day as far as I'm aware.  The FDA is more or less owned by the pharmaceutical industry.  I thought what went on between the FDA and Monsanto was bad, but this goes way beyond that.
Aug 7, 2011 at 3:06 AM Post #11 of 14
It's funny how conspiracies are recorded throughout history, but the modern conspiracies are only theory....
As someone once said "I may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean that they're not out to get me".
Aug 7, 2011 at 4:01 AM Post #12 of 14

It's funny how conspiracies are recorded throughout history, but the modern conspiracies are only theory....
As someone once said "I may be paranoid, but that doesn't mean that they're not out to get me".

Well, there are a ton of conspiracies that are B.S.  The difference here and why this documentary is so well done is that every single thing presented in there is factual and has all the documented evidence to back it up.  None of it is hearsay.
Aug 7, 2011 at 5:38 PM Post #14 of 14
Well, there are a ton of conspiracies that are B.S.  

There is tons that are... trouble is there are a lot that aren't which get caught in the garbage flow.

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