Wow! Sennheiser HD 540 Reference are so good.
Mar 28, 2018 at 6:41 AM Post #1,861 of 4,363
If you mean the 250 Linear I which is also a closed back . . .
Night and day difference. Wouldn't be fair to compare as the sound signatures are completely different
I only use my DT 250's for studio monitoring or editing work. I wouldn't use them to enjoy music with, although im sure they are folks who do and enjoy them as such
Personally I find them warm, soft, quite detailed, warmly neutral with nothing that stands out.
To be honest I haven't tried with all my amps so I should do that soon. I like them but so far, for musical enjoyment I much prefer other headphones in my collection
But i must stress that is just personal taste - They are in themselves, a very nice headphone :)

Im going to write some impressions here soon about the 250 Linear I as the [newly arrived] pair that came yesterday have just blown me away.
They sound very very similar to the 540's - In fact the soundstage is NO different to the 540's . . . which for a closed back headphone, shouldn't really be possible !!!
Also, sometimes the detail retrieval is even better than the 540's. Again something I did not expect o_0
No, I meant the Beyerdynamic DT 250 - 250 ohm version, not the Sennheiser 250 linear..
Mar 28, 2018 at 6:57 AM Post #1,862 of 4,363
You asked how 'they' compare to the DT 250
The previous post I talked about the Sennheiser HD Linear I 250 (closed back)

Please confirm which 'they' you are referring to ??

I assumed you asking about the closed back version of the HD540 which IS the HD 250 !!
because to compare the closed back DT250 to the open back HD540 is a it like asking to compare a bus to a Range Rover
They are so different I wouldn't know were to begin! :)
Mar 28, 2018 at 7:33 AM Post #1,863 of 4,363
You asked how 'they' compare to the DT 250
The previous post I talked about the Sennheiser HD Linear I 250 (closed back)

Please confirm which 'they' you are referring to ??

I assumed you asking about the closed back version of the HD540 which IS the HD 250 !!
because to compare the closed back DT250 to the open back HD540 is a it like asking to compare a bus to a Range Rover
They are so different I wouldn't know were to begin! :)
Yes, I meant the HD 540 vs the Beyer DT 250 (which I currently own now). I was wondering which one of them had a smoother, less grainy upper end..
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Mar 28, 2018 at 7:48 AM Post #1,864 of 4,363
To summarise:
Perhaps you can say the DT250 is over all warmer & smoother but the HD 540 out performs the DT 250 in everything, so the treble of the 540 is far more of a reference quality than the DT250
Mar 28, 2018 at 8:27 AM Post #1,865 of 4,363
Kinda enjoying this conversation :) From what I can gather, the Linear I/IIs are a little 'brighter' and more revealing than the HD540s? Certainly my own Ref1s are the smoothest of all my headphones, even a touch rolled at the very top. They are not as detailed as the HD6XX for sure, though I am still not convinced by the HD6XX after a week with them, with either stock or Mogami cable. I prefer the latter, as they certainly give that more expanded soundstage that isn't just between my ears and slightly in front of my head, but nothing like the Ref1s do! They vanish! I discovered the difference the other night with the Lucinda Williams album, Where The Spirit Meets The Bone. The HD6XX was like looking through the studio window at the performance and listening to the monitors. The Ref1s placed me inside the studio with the musicians, so that sound was almost all around me and there was no barrier at all between me and them. Including that slightly less ultra precise placement of instruments when one is so immersed, the instruments and voices are a touch larger and more diffuse, as opposed to seeing them from the other side of the glass viewing window. That immersiveness happens with every album! It's also true that the HD6XX easily show noticeably more fine instrument (and voice) detail, greater intent in the playing of them, such as how a guitarist bends the strings and the effect that has on the musical flow. You could probably tell the maker of the stings in some instances ... I'm not that knowledgable :) (However, that does not necessarily mean greater involvement and enjoyment as an overall experience!). That information is reduced with the Ref1s and possibly because, at least in part, of the more rolled top end, it's certainly sweeter though the detail it does have is exquisite! The HD6XX narrows the soundstage, though I have to say, I do not find them a warmly balanced headphone, the Ref1s are definitely 'warmer' here, far from the upper-mid exposed edge that used to show itself with less than sterling recordings, pre Mogami and pleather.
I do not prefer the bass of the HD6XX either. It's ok, fairly informative, taut and focused and can go deep enough when called for, it just doesn't have the organic and communicative aliveness of the Ref1s, which are a tad fuller and can go remarkably deep, I would say into the sub-sonics better than the HD6XX does, or close enough to sub-sonics that it certainly feels like it!
The Ref1s feel like an integrated wholistic experience, like a lot of live music does, all my other headphones - as good as they can often be - reproduce recordings in varying degrees of goodness, sometimes a blessing, sometimes not. If I only wanted to keep ONE set of headphones, it's a no brainer for me, the HD540 Ref1s. Period. Musical genius in so many important ways.

P.S. Dammit, I'll have to qualify that last statement now, I need TWO sets of cans, one for the QP1R DAP as well, the HifiMAN HE400S, which come to musical life with only 40mW of pure class A and whatever else Questyle do with this thing to make it sound so damn good! Besides that, I don't actually enjoy them with the Schiit stack .... so the Ref1s reign supreme.
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Mar 28, 2018 at 9:54 AM Post #1,866 of 4,363
Yes, I meant the HD 540 vs the Beyer DT 250 (which I currently own now). I was wondering which one of them had a smoother, less grainy upper end..

I'll have to revisit the DT250 with the same amps Im currently using for the 540 to give a clearer more 'authoritative' reply. I dont remember either as having a grainy upper end although its difficult to be 100% as there are so many variables such as equipment used, the source amongst others. With my tube amp I have 15 or so different tubes all of which give a different sound o_0 :)
Mar 28, 2018 at 12:43 PM Post #1,867 of 4,363
Hey guys. Is it possible to separate the driver from the fabric net that covers the driver? I've just bought another pair (Ref I, early 600 ohm) and I'm afraid there might be some fungus/mold on the net on both sides. I'm thinking about assembling those drivers with net from different pair of HD 540.
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Mar 28, 2018 at 1:14 PM Post #1,868 of 4,363
I'll have to revisit the DT250 with the same amps Im currently using for the 540 to give a clearer more 'authoritative' reply. I dont remember either as having a grainy upper end although its difficult to be 100% as there are so many variables such as equipment used, the source amongst others. With my tube amp I have 15 or so different tubes all of which give a different sound o_0 :)
Alright, when you have done that, please tell me the results!

Also, which version of the HD 540 (outside of the Gold one) has the smoothest upper end, and overall better sound?
Mar 28, 2018 at 6:24 PM Post #1,869 of 4,363
Hey guys. Is it possible to separate the driver from the fabric net that covers the driver? I've just bought another pair (Ref I, early 600 ohm) and I'm afraid there might be some fungus/mold on the net on both sides. I'm thinking about assembling those drivers with net from different pair of HD 540.
Are you talking about the net with the pads, or the outer foam cover between the rear of the driver and the capsule outer? The latter should be fairly straight forward by capsule disassembly. If you're talking about the inner cover that comes with the pads, it ought to be fairly easy too, provided any fungus hasn't infected the drivers themselves.
I am going to have to find replacements for the outer foams on my Ref1s soon, one of them is starting to deteriorate. I'd prefer originals if possible, though there could be a viable alternative, even within the Sennheiser inventory. Anyone?
Mar 28, 2018 at 6:26 PM Post #1,870 of 4,363
Are you talking about the net with the pads, or the outer foam cover between the rear of the driver and the capsule outer? The latter should be fairly straight forward by capsule disassembly. If you're talking about the inner cover that comes with the pads, it ought to be fairly easy too, provided any fungus hasn't infected the drivers themselves.
I am going to have to find replacements for the outer foams on my Ref1s soon, one of them is starting to deteriorate. I'd prefer originals if possible, though there could be a viable alternative, even within the Sennheiser inventory. Anyone?
PS Don't know what happened above, why my text appeared as the original quote :)
Mar 29, 2018 at 11:14 PM Post #1,871 of 4,363
@sennsay, big Lucinda fan, (i have about 60 concerts and most studio releases) I just listened to Down Where the Spirit Meets the Bone and your description is spot on. Getting a Schiit Lyr 3 delivered tomorrow or Saturday and looking forward to see if there is a difference with all/some of my recent headphone acquisitions.
Mar 30, 2018 at 4:28 AM Post #1,872 of 4,363
Hey, wanted to ask what size are the ear cups supposed to be, will the standard 10 cm size ones fit correctly, or do they have to be bigger?
Mar 30, 2018 at 8:22 AM Post #1,873 of 4,363
Hey, wanted to ask what size are the ear cups supposed to be, will the standard 10 cm size ones fit correctly, or do they have to be bigger?
Yes, they're 10cm/100mm. Looking for new pads, eh?
Mar 30, 2018 at 9:10 AM Post #1,874 of 4,363
Yes, they're 10cm/100mm. Looking for new pads, eh?
Thank you, yeah need to replace these velour ones, got sennheiser hd 560 ones in the mail, but would rather prefer leather pads.
Mar 30, 2018 at 6:57 PM Post #1,875 of 4,363
Thank you, yeah need to replace these velour ones, got sennheiser hd 560 ones in the mail, but would rather prefer leather pads.
Ah yes. Well, a few of us around here really love the results overall from our pleather pads, you might have noticed :) They'll turn your HD540s into sweet beasts that'll give you bass you wouldn't have expected from the 540s and smooth out the sound.
These ones, be quick, they're almost gone, by the looks of it!
If you go back probably several pages in this thread .... maybe quite a few ... you'll see me make mention that the inner driver covers that come with these pleather pads don't leave a lot of ear space and balance the sound towards the duller side of neutral a tad. I swapped 'em out for the thinner ones that came with some DT880 pads and voila! Perfect match. I think it was these ones:
Others, like Messieurs Git, Quimby and Parker may be able to add more if you need it :) The pads are worth it. Almost as comfy as the original velour pads but ohhh so much better performance!
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