Wow! I'm blown away with the Shue e4s!
Jan 3, 2006 at 3:05 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 32


Jan 2, 2006
After reading here for a while, I decided to get the Shure e4s, and I thought I'd let you know my views on them, because I'm so impressed that I just can't keep it to myself!

I'm no audiophile, but I love listening to music. I have a Zen Xtra 60gb, and started off with the supplied earphones, then went to Sony Fontopia, then Shure e2.

I'm just completely blown away with the e4s! It's as if every track I own has been reborn: the clarity, the separation (each instrument has its own space in the spectrum), the fullness, and yes, even the bass is superb. I like everything from accoustic folk, through rock, progressive, metal, indie etc (so nothing bass-dependent), but the bass has real punch and depth: you can hear the bass guitar and bass drum with real weight - exactly as it should be.

I can really tell the difference between well and badly recorded tracks, too; judging the quality of how the e4s output the sound is obviously dependent on the quality of the source.

As has been said many times here the single most important factor in getting the most (or indeed anything worthwhile) out of IEMs is the fit. I never felt I got the e2s snug enough, but after a week or so of endless swapping of sleeves and in-ear manipulation, I'm back with the default grey soft sleeves on the e4. The fit is absolutely superb: a complete seal, and very comfortable - I hardly know I'm wearing them.

Lastly, although this isn't a very important consideration, I think they look pretty neat too.

So, no, they're not cheap, but they're worth every penny.

Just one question: I'm certainly not thinking of replacing them, but just out of interest because the difference between the e2s and the e4s is so huge. What's the next significant step up from the e4s - or is there anything above them - the reviews of the e5s don't seem that impressive?
Jan 3, 2006 at 3:12 PM Post #2 of 32
I would say that after the E4's, you would most likely go to a custom IEM. The jump to the E5's to me is worth it, because I just couldn't get the best sound out of the E4's. I have found the ER-4's more to my liking, and if I ever get a new IEM, I will go custom!

Oh! And sorry about your wallet!
Jan 3, 2006 at 6:12 PM Post #4 of 32
dam i thought this thread wuz gonna be about elizabeth shue
Jan 4, 2006 at 2:33 AM Post #9 of 32

Originally Posted by NineToTheSky
After reading here for a while, I decided to get the Shure e4s, and I thought I'd let you know my views on them, because I'm so impressed that I just can't keep it to myself!

I'm no audiophile, but I love listening to music. I have a Zen Xtra 60gb, and started off with the supplied earphones, then went to Sony Fontopia, then Shure e2.

I'm just completely blown away with the e4s! It's as if every track I own has been reborn: the clarity, the separation (each instrument has its own space in the spectrum), the fullness, and yes, even the bass is superb. I like everything from accoustic folk, through rock, progressive, metal, indie etc (so nothing bass-dependent), but the bass has real punch and depth: you can hear the bass guitar and bass drum with real weight - exactly as it should be.

I can really tell the difference between well and badly recorded tracks, too; judging the quality of how the e4s output the sound is obviously dependent on the quality of the source.

As has been said many times here the single most important factor in getting the most (or indeed anything worthwhile) out IEMs is the fit. I never felt I got the e2s snug enough, but after a week or so of endless swapping of sleeves and in-ear manipulation, I'm back with the default grey soft sleeves on the e4. The fit is absolutely superb: a complete seal, and very comfortable - I hardly know I'm wearing them.

Lastly, although this isn't a very important consideration, I think they look pretty neat too.

So, no, they're not cheap, but they're worth every penny.

Just one question: I'm certainly not thinking of replacing them, but just out of interest because the difference between the e2s and the e4s is so huge. What's the next significant step up from the e4s - or is there anything above them - the reviews of the e5s don't seem that impressive?

I'm glad you are happy with the e4's. I've had almost all the IEMs out there, and the e4's are by far my favorites; and, despite the horrible influence head-fi is, these headphones have keep any upgradititis at bay. Honestly, the only significant step up from the e4's, in my opinion, is the top of the line custom IEMs (ue10pro, sensas, and maybe the westone es2's). All the universal IEMs have at least one significant fault, and I think the e4's are the best all-round IEM. Enjoy
Jan 4, 2006 at 9:34 AM Post #11 of 32

Originally Posted by Jmmmmm
I'm glad you are happy with the e4's. I've had almost all the IEMs out there, and the e4's are by far my favorites; and, despite the horrible influence head-fi is, these headphones have keep any upgradititis at bay. Honestly, the only significant step up from the e4's, in my opinion, is the top of the line custom IEMs (ue10pro, sensas, and maybe the westone es2's). All the universal IEMs have at least one significant fault, and I think the e4's are the best all-round IEM. Enjoy

Phew! So you mean that what little is left in my wallet can stay there for a while?
Jan 4, 2006 at 4:34 PM Post #12 of 32

Originally Posted by NineToTheSky
I'm just completely blown away with the e4s! It's as if every track I own has been reborn: the clarity, the separation (each instrument has its own space in the spectrum), the fullness, and yes, even the bass is superb. I like everything from accoustic folk, through rock, progressive, metal, indie etc (so nothing bass-dependent), but the bass has real punch and depth: you can hear the bass guitar and bass drum with real weight - exactly as it should be.

Hey Ninetothesky,

Since you had the E2c and I have the E2c, could you compare the bass quantity between the E4c and E2c. You seem satisfied with the bass, but the E4c is reputed to be somewhat weak in the bass.

Jan 4, 2006 at 5:41 PM Post #13 of 32
Hi George

Yeah - I'd heard that the e4 is supposed to be lacking in the bass area, but I can tell that it's absolutely not true. Assuming you get a good fit (it's essential), the bass is full and true: real depth and punch. I never was that impressed with the bass on the e2s. Even after months of experimenting with all the sleeves, I just couldn't get the oomph I wanted.

And I can tell you: in every way the difference between the two is huge. You're on a whole different plane with the e4s. I just love them.
Jan 4, 2006 at 8:28 PM Post #14 of 32

Originally Posted by NineToTheSky
Hi George

Yeah - I'd heard that the e4 is supposed to be lacking in the bass area, but I can tell that it's absolutely not true. Assuming you get a good fit (it's essential), the bass is full and true: real depth and punch. I never was that impressed with the bass on the e2s. Even after months of experimenting with all the sleeves, I just couldn't get the oomph I wanted.

And I can tell you: in every way the difference between the two is huge. You're on a whole different plane with the e4s. I just love them.

Thanks for the reply. Despite what everyone says, after months of use, I also do not find the E2c bass very strong. And I am 99% sure I have a good fit. Hmmmm, maybe I'll give the E4c a shot.


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