Worst (serious) Amazon.com CD comments ever?
Feb 2, 2006 at 7:09 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


Headphoneus Supremus Prolificus
Jul 2, 2004
I was looking at the SACD for Kind of Blue on Amazon when I came across the worst comments ever, both looking serious, that liked Kind of Blue, and hated Kind of Blue. Both were cringe-worthy in their own way. Have you come across any like this - that were horrible but you could tell were serious?


u will always be in my heart miles, January 28, 2006
Reviewer: miles davis "cornbread" (ur booty) - See all my reviews
miles davis is my hero. if peein ur pants is coo then consider me miles davis. his music be amazin

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---------------Not Like

This music is too quiet!, January 19, 2006
Reviewer: Zak Wylde - See all my reviews
This sounds like music for a dinner party. I heard Miles Davies music was rockin and he played really loud. This is not loud. In fact it is boring and sounds like music for people over 60. If you want to hear music that rocks then you should check out Warrant or Ratt. You could also buy some Motely Crue.

Highlights of this album: NOTHING

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Feb 2, 2006 at 7:13 PM Post #2 of 23

Was this review helpful to you?

Uhhh...no? lol...Yeah I know what you mean, I've seen some pretty funny comments, but more so about consumer products.
Feb 2, 2006 at 7:21 PM Post #3 of 23

Originally Posted by Jahn
This music is too quiet!, January 19, 2006
Reviewer: Zak Wylde - See all my reviews
This sounds like music for a dinner party. I heard Miles Davies music was rockin and he played really loud. This is not loud. In fact it is boring and sounds like music for people over 60. If you want to hear music that rocks then you should check out Warrant or Ratt. You could also buy some Motely Crue.

Highlights of this album: NOTHING

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God, this one is sad. I guess everything should be mastered like RHCP, and the signal should be between 95 and 100% of the peak at all times.
Feb 2, 2006 at 7:26 PM Post #4 of 23

Originally Posted by Feanor
God, this one is sad. I guess everything should be mastered like RHCP, and the signal should be between 95 and 100% of the peak at all times.

The funny thing is, I heard Miles live in 1989 and he WAS loud - busting out some serious chops with his wah wah pedal hooked up to his horn and just going to town. Soon after he was on the Arsenio Hall Show and tearing it up. That man never stopped moving forward! I sort of feel bad for that rocker, because obviously he missed the "right period" of Miles for his tastes.
Zak was probably looking for this guy-

Not this guy-

And certainly not THIS guy!
Feb 2, 2006 at 8:48 PM Post #5 of 23
The "Was this helpful to you?" buttons are the best way to counteract stupid comments. There's nothing better than reading a lame comment studded by "0 of 100 people found this helpful."
Feb 2, 2006 at 9:03 PM Post #6 of 23
I recently checked out the reviews of the tremendously under-rated Bruce Springsteen transitional offering Tunnel of Love, which by personal preference is my favourite of his albums. One of the reviewers said nothing even remotely specific about the album (one wondered whether he had ever heard it) but he lambasted Springsteen in the most puerile way for his politics. The reviewer signs himself in this fashion: "Springsteen fans implicate their commie-loving roots "by virulently attacking and sabotaging" (the free speech of those criticizing the COMMUNIST BOSS)"

Another triumph for 'current' standards of democracy. I do believe in the justice of a comprehensive ideal of 'Freedom of Speech' but this lad's appraisal of a splendid album about personal crisis had me struggling with my own ideals.
Feb 2, 2006 at 11:25 PM Post #7 of 23
Heres a pretty interesting review of Dark Side of the Moon that I found:

Hey, you whiners and boazers this here $%%#$# CD is your typpical stuff for JACK-U-OFF trippy mothballs.

Hey let's fare and be, this monster disc is full of shortcomings, anomalies and horrible asslike melodies, man with a taste can tell they're boring.

I have never been a prock fan to begin it with but (and hear's my point) even this sow-cold hors d'oeuvre is nothing but a limping and pimping mess for lack of a better discription.

Steer calm and steady, AWAY FROM THIS comatose doper's show.

Feb 2, 2006 at 11:33 PM Post #8 of 23
Motley Crue > Kind of Blue?

Not in this world....

EDIT: And clearly that guy is just going around crapping on jazz albums, he does the same thing on a few others. I doubt he's ever even heard a jazz album... :p
Feb 3, 2006 at 3:32 AM Post #9 of 23

Originally Posted by Asr
The "Was this helpful to you?" buttons are the best way to counteract stupid comments. There's nothing better than reading a lame comment studded by "0 of 100 people found this helpful."


The "dinner party" guy had only 2 out of 46 helpful votes, lol. Lowest percentage I've ever seen. I voted him down another notch.

How about some more nay votes: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...=glance&n=5174
Feb 3, 2006 at 11:59 PM Post #11 of 23
I saved a couple of gems when I was idly surfing teenage girls' lists for lack of anything more interesting to do (why, yes, this _was_ while I was at college, how did you know?)

"Christina Aguilera. Christina can sing in both Latin and English. She has a beautiful voice and almost as good as Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston. This girl's music rocks!"

(I particularly like "can sing in both Latin and English." I must have missed her early plainsong album.)

"I'll watch just about any TV show but I'm actually pretty picky about my TV shows - I only watch my favorite TV shows (and I have to say that I have many favorite TV shows)."

"This album makes me want to rip off my shirt, grab a huge sword, and go running
through the local shopping mall yelling at the top of my lungs. EPIC to the max."

(OK, you were _so_ close. Rip off the shirt, good, sword, excellent, running, yes...shopping mall? Argh.)
Feb 4, 2006 at 1:15 AM Post #12 of 23

Originally Posted by catachresis
I recently checked out the reviews of the tremendously under-rated Bruce Springsteen transitional offering Tunnel of Love, which by personal preference is my favourite of his albums. One of the reviewers said nothing even remotely specific about the album (one wondered whether he had ever heard it) but he lambasted Springsteen in the most puerile way for his politics. The reviewer signs himself in this fashion: "Springsteen fans implicate their commie-loving roots "by virulently attacking and sabotaging" (the free speech of those criticizing the COMMUNIST BOSS)"

Another triumph for 'current' standards of democracy. I do believe in the justice of a comprehensive ideal of 'Freedom of Speech' but this lad's appraisal of a splendid album about personal crisis had me struggling with my own ideals.

That one, I reported.

Heh, the teen pop comments reminds me of a poll that was done by the campus newspaper. I quote:
"Do you support a bill to reinstate the daft [sic] for men (optional for woman)?"
"I think it totally blows. I think it's unconstitutional, even though the Constitution allows for it. I would protest in any way possible."
Feb 4, 2006 at 2:56 AM Post #13 of 23

"I'll watch just about any TV show but I'm actually pretty picky about my TV shows - I only watch my favorite TV shows (and I have to say that I have many favorite TV shows)."

I nearly died when I read that.
Feb 4, 2006 at 3:36 AM Post #15 of 23

When Nietzsche described the ubermensch he was prophesizing the coming of none other than David Hubermensch. Not only does David have the "will to power" as described by Nietzshe, but also has proven that it is possible to overcome nihilism via soulful rock ballads.
The popularity of this album has not only made it more valuable than a midget in a spandex suit with a banana, it has forced true believers to search far and wide to hear the sweet melodies of the one and only David.
After months of searching dusty, decrepit second hand record stores I came upon a mint condition copy of the hallowed Looking For album. Like a turd surfacing in a bathtub the CD case beckoned to me from behind an old Cher recording. This moment in my life is forever emblazoned on my brain like a searing cattle brand in the shape of a W. I assume the W is meant to represent Wunderbar.
The Hubermensch hath commeth into my hands.
Trancelike I gently transferred the artifact to it's resting place: a pre-built receptacle of pure platinum (I'm also very rich) in memory of the momentous occasion and the status the album has attained in triplicate.
Never to be played, to be preserved for all eternity. This is my shrine to the Hubermensch.
Since that moment I have downloaded the album in MP3 format and listened to it, especially Hot Shot City, for a week without eating or drinking. I am near the end of my powers and these might be my last words. I am in Nirvana.

Yeah man I dig...

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