World of Warcraft sucks.
Jan 13, 2006 at 2:38 AM Post #31 of 77
If any of you here are contemplating buying WoW... DONT DO IT. IT WILL STEAL YOUR LIFE. It happened to me until I got to 52 and finally decided to quit. IT IS NOT FUN, ITS JUST ADDICTIVE. I played for hundreds of hours until I realized it was not any fun at all, just alot of work! Stay away!
Jan 13, 2006 at 6:13 AM Post #32 of 77

Originally Posted by hungrych
If any of you here are contemplating buying WoW... DONT DO IT. IT WILL STEAL YOUR LIFE. It happened to me until I got to 52 and finally decided to quit. IT IS NOT FUN, ITS JUST ADDICTIVE. I played for hundreds of hours until I realized it was not any fun at all, just alot of work! Stay away!


Got to 56 on my rogue, pvp'd loads, ran instances with friends, had a lot of fun for a while, and then realized that if I wanted to do any end-game content, I would have to give up my job or school or all of my other hobbies - and probably all of them combined. I'm a pretty competitive gamer and I like to own in PvP, since being a hardcore Q3 player I definitely have a ton more skill than the average MMO player. So why the hell should I lose to some 13 year old pimply kid simply because he has 14 hours a day to play this game when I only have 1.5, and therefore has better gear despite having no skill? Why should I have to be repeatedly ganked by higher level players when I'm trying to level, which is made even more frustrating by the fact that I only have a few hours a day in which to play. Ever been parked by enemy players? Nice, wasn't it? Bet you liked disconnecting since there was nothing you could do while a pair of 14 year olds spent 2 hours hijacking your account.

Bleh. A game should not require you to throw away all of your free time in order to enjoy it. I liked the PvP aspects of WoW, but I hated the ganking bully mentality that everyone who played it had, at least on Laughing Skull, and I sure as heck didn't have the kind of time necessary to do any of the end-game stuff, nor did I want to spend that kind of time even if I had it.

I'd rather play a competitive game where competition is based on skill, not on hours spent meaninlessly farming for better gear. I'd rather spend my time practicing and having interesting matches instead of running the same instance over and over hoping that the guild leaders, in their infinite wisdom, will pass up some low-level item for this lowly player to inherit, because, you know, you already have one Perdition's blade, why do you need a second when I'm the only Rogue around without it? Wait, I play less than 2 hours a day. Nevermind
(not that I ever got into an MC guild... but that's another story).

MMO's are for people with no life.

[Edit: what also frustrated me was the utter idiocy of most of the Alliance players on Laughing Skull, or anywhere else for that matter. I guess I made a mistake in playing Alliance over Horde, and once I got into the 50s, I didn't want to spend time doing it all over again on a different server. Alliance players were so incompetent when I was playing that you simply could not do a high(er) level instance without wiping 10 times and almost giving up before someone logs their 60 to walk a group through what should have been a walk in the park. I couldn't stand Alliance pickups... fortunately I had my friends to play with, but when I couldn't keep up in level due to limited playing time, I lost that too. And it was a very, very long while before Alliance ever won in BG. I hated BG pickups even more than instance pickups, if that's even possible.

Now, on the other hand, playing with my group of friends was awesome, since we we had a balanced group and almost always could 4 man what was tough for a 5 man pickup group 3 levels higher. Or tearing up BG with our little 4 man raiding party while the rest of the pickup gets their behinds handed to them on a silver platter.

There were good times. But so few and far between.]
Jan 13, 2006 at 7:01 AM Post #33 of 77
I'm on Spinebreaker with a couple 40's, some 30's and 20's, too.

MMO's are a lot different when you have a good, consistent group to play with. I wouldn't continue to play, if I didn't have some friends I could casually play with
Jan 13, 2006 at 12:37 PM Post #34 of 77
That part is definitely true. I had a group of about 10-15 people who were either friends I knew personally or friends of those friends. We all guilded up and started about the same time, so we had a good mix of classes, people who were not incompetent, and no fear of talking trash or being honest if people were being loot whores or playing stupid.

Things got somewhat less fun when we realized we didn't really want to recruit into our guild but were also too small for the big end-game raids and merged with another guild. We can go raid MC, but I have to mute guild chat to keep my sanity and ventrilo during raids is SAD.
Jan 14, 2006 at 2:19 AM Post #35 of 77
Don't hit that Warcrack -- it's really bad for you!
Jan 14, 2006 at 4:48 AM Post #36 of 77
WoW is satan in a nice gui form. It seriously sucks the life outta you. I played for most of the year last year during college, and it def screwed up my grades!
Jan 14, 2006 at 5:19 AM Post #37 of 77
take it from me, a recovering Evercrack addict. this game will waste your life and you won't even have anything to show for it - unlike headphones, where you can point to the Tower of Power and say "there's my time and money!"

i was a level 50 in everquest, and with each expansion i leveled to that max within a week. i was in the #1 guild in one of the oldest servers - that guild is so damn old that it stayed #1 through all the server splits and even the original server being killed off. but when they moved to EQ2 I jumped ship and ran for the hills. they are still #1 on their server in EQ1 just to kill things, but once you get to that level you realize that you've basically "beat the game" and there's no payoff. and your real life suffers, believe me.

headphones is a WAY more cool and constructive hobby, and my wife can say "he's into audio" to her friends now instead of saying "he's camping a rotation pop of a major deity in the Planes today with his guildmates."

but sometimes with 1911 i'll "Slay the Dragon" on the PS2 for nostalgia and kicks - Champions of Norrath isn't bad, you can walk away...
Jan 14, 2006 at 5:23 AM Post #38 of 77
I seriously worry for our nations youth (even though im still only 20), because games like WoW and such must corrupt a lot of people at least socially
Jan 16, 2006 at 6:06 AM Post #39 of 77

Originally Posted by Little J040
I seriously worry for our nations youth (even though im still only 20), because games like WoW and such must corrupt a lot of people at least socially

Actually, for those people capable of socializing WOW is a perfect arena. I've developed amazing relationships within my guild and friends there.

Jan 16, 2006 at 7:22 AM Post #42 of 77

Originally Posted by Nightfall
Actually, for those people capable of socializing WOW is a perfect arena. I've developed amazing relationships within my guild and friends there.


Am I the only one who sees something wrong here?
Jan 16, 2006 at 7:26 AM Post #43 of 77
yup i played for a few weeks had a 31 and 25 and realized to get fully done to PvP it would take me 9 months and thats if i got a good guild and did MC all the time...

so i realized that it was too much and quit and now im back here.... lol
Jan 16, 2006 at 9:17 AM Post #44 of 77
Hmm, MMORPGs are a mixed bag for me.

My big gripe with all of them is the level-based systems that they continue to use. In most cases this means you are forced to group with those leveled close to you. When I played FFXI with my friends, we were too far apart to play together, and I never caught up to them. I only played for a month.

The one I keep going back to is Ultima Online. NO, NOT the UO that's out on the market today. The one you can play for free on any of the hundreds of servers out there to play on. I still think it had all the right ideas and nobody has stepped up as the true successor yet.

Though when I get bored I do play some of those free Korean MMOs. You can recognize them easily because they all have the exact same website format.

Oh, and for the topic, I have never played WoW and I don't plan to.
Jan 16, 2006 at 10:00 AM Post #45 of 77

Originally Posted by discord
Level 73 char in Lineage 2 = biggest waste of time ever. WoW's lvling doesn't even compare.

I try and steer noobs in real life away from MMO's.

Ahh good ol' grinding. lvl 73 in Lin2 is like a few 60s in WoW. A few as in like 10

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