WOO!!! I'm done with high school!
May 22, 2004 at 10:01 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23


1000+ Head-Fier
Jan 2, 2003
It's been a bittersweet last few weeks of my senior year, but after graduating I feel absolutely elated. The ceremony was great, our principal's speech was hilarious and had a ton of inside jokes, and it was great to get everyone in a single place one last time. My friends and I are going bowling at midnight tonight as celebration. It was a good four years at Harris County High, I stayed in the top 5% of my class, and in the fall I'll be going to Georgia Tech for civil engineering... new things to conquer there, no doubt. Hard to believe it's already over, but at least I still have one last summer at home with my friends to enjoy. Thanks for reading!

I'd add a pic but they're currenty 6 megapixels and like 3 megs... if anyone can tell me how to resize pics in iPhoto I'd really appreciate it!
May 22, 2004 at 10:23 PM Post #2 of 23

Whilst I hated most of my high school experience, I thought the graduation ceremony was quite satisfying.

To be honest, regardless of how much I hated it I think going through high school was a great thing for me.. I'm glad I didn't drop out or go to a private school or something like that. Without truly understanding darkness you can't fully appreciate the rays of the sun. Perspective, Moderation, Yin-Yang, whatever the heck you want to call it

I was always surprised at people who said they missed high school. I feel kinda sorry for them. I mean, sure high school's a cool social community (well, in some ways), but now that high school's over I have two new communities: HeadFi and my workplace, and I like both better than I liked the community high school gave me.

I know what you mean with the "hard to believe it's over" thing... my Senior year went so slow.. then suddenly, a few months fly by, and, BAM Graduation. Funny how that works.

I think my GPA was like 2.4 or something like that. I was the guy that was really smart (yeah yeah, I know people hate it when someone says that...), such that if I wanted to I could easily ace every class and assignment. You know, the class average was 50 on the final, I got 98. That sort of thing. Teachers always hated me because I never wrote down my work. In fact I loathed homework because I would always understand the concept fully after five problems, even though we were assigned fifty-two. I just never saw the point in doing homework, and refused to do things I found completely pointless. I for one don't like spending hundreds of hours of my time furthering no end other than to prove to someone I don't care about (and prove I meet classifications that I don't care about) that I know something.. when I technically proved I knew it to begin with by acing tests. Call it close-minded or childish or whatever if you wish, but I don't mind. I'll continue to abhor stupidity and wasted time until the day I die.

Have fun, it only gets better from here.

May 22, 2004 at 10:48 PM Post #3 of 23

Originally Posted by djgustashaw
I'll be going to Georgia Tech for civil engineering....

OMG. I didn't wanna look at this thread for fear of another dude thinking of going to GA Tech. Sure enough it's another Techie. I just finished my freshman year at Tech...and man, if I had another choice I'd be elsewhere.

Believe them when they say that there are no women at Tech. You'll go to FASET(GA Tech's orientation) thinking that it's not that bad since most of the FASET leaders are pretty good-looking chicks. Well, wait until your first week of school is over.

It's not the women that I have a problem with. My major gripe is the work load. Tech is a hard school...very hard. You'll find that out soon enough. In fact what many people do is take the hard courses elsewhere and transfer those credits over to GA Tech.

Tech requires a great deal of commitment. Don't learn this the hard way.... On the brighter side of things, it sounds like you have that quality.
May 22, 2004 at 11:22 PM Post #4 of 23
haha yeah harkamus, trust me, I've been warned before. My sister is a senior in CE and I've seen second-hand through her that it's a very hard school. That said, though, if she keeps her GPA where it is for two more semesters she'll graduate with high honors. There's also a few other people who went to my high school who are currently at Tech and are trying to move to GA State. I'll admit that I'm worried about having no social life there... two years ago when I was an underclassman, this would've been the least of my worries because all I focused on back then was school and nothing else. But my junior and senior years I started having fun AND kept my grades up. I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that at GT.

I'm planning on joining a fraternity, though (that is unless I just think they all suck-- or if I'm not accepted into 'em). I finally made up my mind that it'd be best for me to join one after my senior prom. I got kinda depressed after prom because it finally kicked in that it was my last one and I'll never have stuff like that to look forward to again. If I join a frat, I'll have a (hopefully) good group of friends and also formals and stuff like that to look forward to. I don't, however, plan on drinking. I've never understood drinking, and my sister tells me that while most of the frat guys obviously do drink, they don't pressure others into it if they don't want to and they'll respect your decision.

How 'bout that physics II? I hear it's a bear

Oh, and about the girls... yeah, no doubt Tech doesn't have many, but the incoming freshman class has more girls than any other GT class in history, something like 37%... still doesn't touch UGA's ~70% female population, but we'll see how it goes
May 22, 2004 at 11:24 PM Post #5 of 23
Weird, just finished my first year at Tech as well. I liked it so much I stayed in summer school (well, that or I had nothing else to do). My girlfriend is a CE, pretty fun major (well, CAD and solid edge are fun, she let me mess around some with them). I don't think it's that bad as a CS major...
May 22, 2004 at 11:31 PM Post #7 of 23

Originally Posted by djgustashaw
How 'bout that physics II? I hear it's a bear

I'm taking that now, not too bad so far, the teacher isn't too great, but most of them aren't. Physics I is rough as well, I know a bunch of people in summer school now just to retake that class. Take the credit if you have it, as with any class. A stupid mistake people make is not taking AP credit so they can get the "easy" A.

edit: I just realized my gpa might be higher at tech than in high school after the summer (not so much because my gpa here is that great as my high school gpa left a lot to be desired)
May 23, 2004 at 12:10 AM Post #9 of 23

Originally Posted by djgustashaw

How 'bout that physics II? I hear it's a bear

Oh, and about the girls... yeah, no doubt Tech doesn't have many, but the incoming freshman class has more girls than any other GT class in history, something like 37%... still doesn't touch UGA's ~70% female population, but we'll see how it goes

Frat? What is this you speak of? Dude, there are no parties at Tech. The ones that are there suck from what I hear. It's so sad that Techies party with the UGA people.

Physics? Eh? HAHAHA. Let's just say I'm taking physics I and II at GPC. I hear it's hella hard at Tech. I won't even go there to try it; if you try and fail a class at Tech you need to finish at Tech.

37%? Uh...that's like nothing. LOL. Oh yeah, wait 'til you discover the TBS...Tech bit*h syndrome.

And to JUVE: I just switched to CS from ME!
May 23, 2004 at 12:15 AM Post #10 of 23
I don't see how you could say there are no parties at tech. Some frats throw some pretty nice ones throughout the year, and during the final four it was pretty damn fun. I'm not really into that scene but I've been to a couple during football season which weren't too bad. Considering we're in the middle of Atlanta there are other things to do than hang around a frat (which is what I do).

I can't compare this to other schools, because, well, I haven't been to any others.
May 23, 2004 at 12:20 AM Post #11 of 23

Originally Posted by harkamus
And to JUVE: I just switched to CS from ME!

Good choice! I almost went ME. That's a weird switch though, don't know of many who switched to CS.

I'm thinking about switching to compE at the moment.
May 23, 2004 at 3:38 AM Post #12 of 23

Dude, there are no parties at Tech.

I'm more after camaraderie than parties. Yeah, 37% is low but at least it's better-- gotta have a positive outlook. And if you go looking for em, there's bound to be some lookers around campus. In any case though, finding the right person is difficult regardless of percentages.
May 23, 2004 at 5:56 AM Post #13 of 23
Congrats on finishing high school.
I hated high school, and managed to get out a month before graduation. I am kind of sad that I didn't go to the graduation ceremony.
May 23, 2004 at 5:58 AM Post #14 of 23
Hey! Congrats to you and best of luck at Tech.
May 23, 2004 at 6:06 AM Post #15 of 23

I hated school but once I graduated, I missed everything about it.

The grad parties didn't help either ...

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