Winnipeg meets' thread (Ongoing)
Apr 6, 2016 at 10:32 PM Post #2,416 of 4,172
Hey guys, I'm alive. Life got insanely busy. Sorry that I vanished suddenly and unexpectedly when I mentioned I may be able to host a meet some months ago. 
Apr 7, 2016 at 9:21 PM Post #2,417 of 4,172
I think all of us have been like that lately. Barely time to even listen to music sometimes.
Apr 8, 2016 at 2:43 PM Post #2,418 of 4,172
Hey, I'm alive too!
Is anyone going to Manitoba Metalfest, April 15-16 at the Park Theatre? I'm going to try to come in to the city for that. Kalmah (melodic death metal from Finland) are playing on the Saturday! I can't believe this forum won't let me swear as I proclaim my joy about that fact. I've got so many cuss words to augment the simple statement that Kalmah are amazing.
Bear, very cool that you're finally getting your BHSE! 
Apr 8, 2016 at 3:20 PM Post #2,419 of 4,172
Thanks. I was thinking about having the first annual Roseau mini-meet. But I just sent my LC and LL back to Cavalli for measurements and testing. Maybe when they get back...

I am also real tempted to get a LAu....
Apr 8, 2016 at 4:56 PM Post #2,420 of 4,172
  I think all of us have been like that lately. Barely time to even listen to music sometimes.

I hear ya - i just moved and i havent been able to really do anything with my system. Ive had a Bottlehead Crack w/ Speedball still in the box for the past 3 weeks...
That at my hifiman smc chassis came in a couple weeks ago - still havent found the time to re-terminate my TH-X00, still hardwired booo. 
Apr 9, 2016 at 12:37 AM Post #2,422 of 4,172
A road trip could be a nice break... let's see how well we can coordinate our schedules eh?
As an aside, I've been getting more into pro audio gear lately since I run sound for a couple studios around town. I was taking stock of my cables and took this pic...

So lessee...
20' XLR x 11
25' XLR x 13
100' XLR x 2
6' TRS x 2
10' TRS x 2
3' TS x 4
6' TS x 8
10' TS x 3
20' TS x 2
25' TS x 10
30' bi-amp speakon x2
25' regular speakon x2
30' regular speakon x2
50' regular speakon x2
plus a whole ton of adapter cables, some rolls of bulk, and a few dozen more in use elsewhere
Hey @q2klepto, if you think doing a big braid is tough, try twisting 30' of cable

Apr 9, 2016 at 9:00 PM Post #2,423 of 4,172
My LC and LL2 won't be back for about a week or so. As soon as I know when they will be back I will let everyone know. Or if you are only interested in the BHSE we can meet sooner.

Depending on how many people we can either meet in my apartment or we have a nice meeting room for free we can use where I live. Just need to reserve it.

Would be nice to do it on a weekend so we have all day (or at least all afternoon) to check out the gear.

I'm up for whatever works for you guys.

To entice more to come I'll buy the pizzas. :D
Apr 10, 2016 at 7:26 PM Post #2,425 of 4,172
Well I guess if it's warm enough we could go to the city park to do the barbecue. we can't use barbecues at my apartment. And I don't own a BBQ Grill. We could sneak into one of my friends yards and use their BBQ. Heck they might even have beer in their fridge. :D
Apr 13, 2016 at 9:43 PM Post #2,426 of 4,172
Hey guys, I've got a friend selling a couple headphones:
Audioquest Nighthawk: 1 month old, asking $460
Hifiman HE-400S (w/FocusA pads): 2 months old, asking $350
If interested, let me know and I'll forward you his email.
Apr 13, 2016 at 11:19 PM Post #2,427 of 4,172
Wow, super cheap HD598 on kijiji:
Apr 27, 2016 at 2:39 PM Post #2,428 of 4,172
Anyone own a pair of Hifiman HE-300 I could demo or borrow for a bit?

With the massdrop hifiman he-350 going on I'm curious about their sound before purchasing.
Apr 27, 2016 at 2:53 PM Post #2,429 of 4,172
I used to have one, but sold it to dscythe's friend years ago. You could try sending him a pm to see if you can try it out.

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