Will wax buildup/ear cleaning make my UE-5c's not fit?
Aug 2, 2006 at 4:45 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 7


May 27, 2006
Kind of a strange question, but heres my thinking:

I'll be getting my UE-5c's this Friday, and I'm wondering if, over time, as earwax accumulates, will the earphones stop fitting, requiring me to visit a doctor and get them cleaned?

Or even the other way around...if I clean my ears and remove wax, will my UE's stop fitting?

I know, I know, very strange question, but I'm really concerned about not having a good fit after spending so much money!
Aug 2, 2006 at 6:36 AM Post #2 of 7
Yes this is a big problem
And yes, you may start noticing fit problems(both ways)
Yes, they'll still be able to fit inside your ears... but you'll start to notice messed up sound/bass escaping due to loose fit

A big thing you want to find out... is what kind of earwax you have. Is it the liquid goo kind? Or the crusty dry kind? You'll run into different problems. You'll have to be prepared to face the difficulties each presents.
Aug 2, 2006 at 2:35 PM Post #3 of 7
Hi there!

Did you clean your ears before you got your impressions? If you did, it'll be easier to get the fit the customs intended.

I've also heard you can go to the drugstore and get ear cleaning solutions. Not too sure how well/if they work, though...
Aug 2, 2006 at 2:41 PM Post #4 of 7
I clean my ears with a Q tip - insert about 1/3 of an inch or slightly more, but take care to stop if you feel pain, then rotate as you withdraw.

Do this regularly to keep ear canals free.
Aug 2, 2006 at 2:45 PM Post #5 of 7
When I went to go for impressions made, the audiologist told me that I had quite a build up in my left ear. He recommended getting Murine from the drugstore, which I did and it worked a treat. Great clumps of built up wax (which was a very dark brown) came out after around 4 applications.
Aug 2, 2006 at 2:49 PM Post #6 of 7

Originally Posted by Aflac
Hi there!

Did you clean your ears before you got your impressions? If you did, it'll be easier to get the fit the customs intended.

I've also heard you can go to the drugstore and get ear cleaning solutions. Not too sure how well/if they work, though...

No, I didn't
. I'm afraid now when I clean my ears, my UE-5c's are going to stop fitting...uh oh.
Aug 2, 2006 at 2:53 PM Post #7 of 7

Originally Posted by Julz
When I went to go for impressions made, the audiologist told me that I had quite a build up in my left ear. He recommended getting Murine from the drugstore, which I did and it worked a treat. Great clumps of built up wax (which was a very dark brown) came out after around 4 applications.

Did you use Murine before or after your impressions? I had my impressions made, and then about a week later, my regular doctor told me during a routine checkup that I have a wax buildup. I'm now afraid to clear them out!

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