WiiM Streamers Mini and Pro
Mar 6, 2024 at 8:18 AM Post #781 of 825
Probably checking for updated firmware
Most likely the case! I submitted a feedback ticket to request an “offline” mode. They’ve been very responsive to community feedback since launching, so we’ll see!
May 16, 2024 at 2:43 AM Post #785 of 825
I guess you need to be able to connect to your wiim to use!
The wiim app refuses to talk to mine, so I stream from Amazon which can connect to it!
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Jun 4, 2024 at 7:06 AM Post #790 of 825
blessed be the wood ears like me, who can be perfectly happy with the WiiM mini feeding their integrated amp via SPDIF.
I finally took delivery of my Mojo 2 and the Wiim Mini yesterday. All I can say is it is pure audio bliss listening to Tidal Connect through the mini connected to Mojo 2 via SPDIF/optical. Having previously struggled with Chord Poly and its cumbersome setup, getting the mini to work was as smooth as I could have dreamt of. Highly recommended!
Jun 4, 2024 at 5:33 PM Post #791 of 825
Glad you're liking it. Been helping a friend build up a nice system for his office. I have his Wiim Pro in my 2nd system breaking in, using a good coax out into his PS Audio PerfectStream Junior DAC with the new Sunshine FW. I didn't compared the Wiim to my Rose 130 but I have been A/B'ing it against a Bluesound Node 2i that I modded out with a DC power supply board (a/c board removed) and using a 5V Teddy Pardo linear power supply (dual 5V out).
Comparing the sound quality of the two going into the PS Audio was quite different and very apparent in my system, the bluesound was easily beating out the Wiim, The Wiim sounded smaller, shallow and thinner; there was imaging but pretty much just in the center, and out of L&R speaker, compared the BS, which had a bigger soundstage, sounds spread out more than the Wiim, the BS was more natural sounding.
I was about to send it back for a refund. Granted the BS Node with mods is about 3-4x's the price but it was so much better. I then decided to try the Wiim with the LPS (forgo the stock power) and it really helped and improve the SQ of the Wiim. It made it much closer to the modded BS Node 2i. I did not bother comparing it to the Rose which is better than the Node.

Everything else was the same when comparing the two, same digital cable, source (tidal), amp, DAC....etc.

Short Version: Wiim with a linear power supply made a big improvement. There's now cheap 5V usb out LPS's that can be purchased for under $100. Of course if you have wooden ears or not a very resolving system then, YMMV : )
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Jun 4, 2024 at 10:07 PM Post #792 of 825
I've pre-ordered an Ultra from Crutchfield -- expected shipping here in about a month (first week of July.) I have a Mini that I use with an Audioengine B2 speaker which is a great combo. I also have a Pro that I added to my main system so my wife had something a bit easier to use than my RPi/pCP/LMS setup. The "easier to use" aspect is great since it supports Alexa voice commands and WiiM has a good phone app, but I've been disappointed with the sound quality of the Pro's internal DAC. I'm hoping the Ultra has a much better DAC.
Jun 5, 2024 at 3:30 AM Post #794 of 825
your impressions of the Bluesound (BS) sound like complete and utter BS...
You're comparing the digital output.. there's no processing invloved whatsoever.

What differences you hear are either due to volume differences or made up in your mind!
While digital signal sources are less impactful to the over all sound in your system, they are not created equal. Differences in component choices, processing/software, power supply, and so on can all effect the end result. Even switching out the cable you use to connect the streamer to your DAC has an impact on the sound. There are also outside variables, like your DAC having a better coax implementation than USB, or favoring yet another connection. There is also the question of volume you raised, but if you are using both at fixed volume going to the external DAC that should not be a factor (granted that is unknown in his case).
I have a Wiim Pro connected to my Bifrost 2/64 via coax, and it definitely sounds better than using the optical input (quirk of the DAC in this case). I changed the RCA cable which improved the sound a little "bit" more, and I swapped out the power brick as well which had a less noticeable improvement (I didn't drop $100+ on a better power supply though). In my use case I am looking to upgrade to the ultra for it's USB out, as Schiit Audio's USB implementation is arguably one of their better connections.
Just keep in mind that your ears are not my ear, and my ears are not his ears. We all experience sound differently, so there is no telling what he actually heard through his system. I have also noticed that as you move up the the amp/DAC levels/quality, source gear differences become more apparent especially when driving more revealing headphones. Granted that I can hear above 18khz, so your mileage may vary! 😉

Happy Listening!
Jun 5, 2024 at 10:51 AM Post #795 of 825
In my use case I am looking to upgrade to the ultra for it's USB out, as Schiit Audio's USB implementation is arguably one of their better connections.

You're going to be disappointed -- the Ultra does not have a USB output to an external DAC. The USB connection on the back is for using a thumb drive as a music source. The only digital outs on the Ultra are coax and optical, the same as your current Pro. There is a big thread on the Ultra over at the WiiM web forum if you want further detail -- https://forum.wiimhome.com/forums/all-things-about-wiim-ultra.56/

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