Why does the Ipod scratch so easily?
Jan 4, 2004 at 1:28 AM Thread Starter Post #1 of 38


New Head-Fier
Aug 14, 2003
Just got a 40GB Ipod for Christmas and am distressed to see that I have minor scratches on the chrome back and acrylic front, despite my treating it as gently as possible.

I wonder if all mp3 players scratch so easily? I ordered an iskin case, but until it comes, I don't dare touch the Ipod!

I've tried my unit with the Shure E5 and Koss Porta Pro headphones. Both sound great. I haven't plugged in the Sennheiser HD600 phones yet. (Might have to get the sound amplified first).

Anyone else distressing over Ipod case scratches?
Jan 4, 2004 at 2:55 AM Post #2 of 38
no, i really dont worry about scratching it,a nd what it looks like. I love these people who just look at it through a plastic bag, and then pile a couple of inches of case onto it so that it does not put little scratches on it. Its an audio player, it does what it is supposed to do, even if it is scratched up, so who cares what it looks like? The worst is these people that spend like 70-90 bucks on a leather case from vaja...thats a little too much, especially after spending 400-500 already on an overpriced audio player in the first place.
Jan 4, 2004 at 3:38 AM Post #3 of 38
First of all you are spending nearly $500 on a mp3 player, if I spend that kind of money on any audio gear not limited to the Ipod I would care what it looked like. As with any mirror polished surface that isn't protected with a hard enamel coating it will scratch easily. The polsished metal casing and the Lucite front panel of the Ipod will scatch if you try to wipe it down with a t-shirt or towel. That because the surfaces isn't protected with anything.
You can do a search here on how to remove scratches from the Ipod as it was a thread discussed here recently. My advice would be to invest in one of those protective rubber sleeves and if you wipe your Ipod to clean it, use a cloth with a fine thread count such as a cheese cloth or the cloth used to clean reading glasses.
Jan 4, 2004 at 3:45 AM Post #4 of 38

Originally posted by carlin
no, i really dont worry about scratching it,a nd what it looks like. I love these people who just look at it through a plastic bag, and then pile a couple of inches of case onto it so that it does not put little scratches on it. Its an audio player, it does what it is supposed to do, even if it is scratched up, so who cares what it looks like? The worst is these people that spend like 70-90 bucks on a leather case from vaja...thats a little too much, especially after spending 400-500 already on an overpriced audio player in the first place.

Ditto! My iPod is naked

I don't understand the people that are like "OMIGOD I SCRATCHED MY IPOD - SHALL I TAKE IT BACK?!??!!!" (happens alot at iPod Lounge) I mean honestly, are you going to use it or just sit and look at it? It'll get covered in scratches eventually, it seems almost as though just touching it scratches it. Even taking it out of the case scratches it! I mean I didn't buy a £250 MP3 player to sit and stare at it, I bought it for listening to music on the go, and it doesn't really matter to me how scratched it is. It's a tool.
Jan 4, 2004 at 4:05 AM Post #5 of 38
I beg to differ.

The iPod is truly gorgeous, the interface, the buttons, the looks, and the feel of the iPod in your hands. I have found myself petting the iPod while listening to it! Of course, it is primarily for listening to, and that is what I do! But, not taking any measures to preserve its beauty is just stupid! Why not protect the iPod? There is no reason not to protect it.

Of course, though, if your iPod gets a few scratches, then let it be. But definitely, if you are taking the iPod somewhere outside your home, put a case on it.
Jan 4, 2004 at 4:10 AM Post #6 of 38
not all mp3 players scratch as easily, scratches on ipods are more noticeable because of they're shiny(!) back and front.

for my iHP, i dont like the included leather case at all... i had been using KSC-35's peather soft bag with it ever since day one. it has been going in and out of the bag countless times, yet i can not find one scratch even if i try hard. shiny stuffs lookes a lot sexier, however they scratch a lot easlier as well..
Jan 4, 2004 at 4:25 AM Post #7 of 38

Originally posted by ProFingerSk8er
not all mp3 players scratch as easily, scratches on ipods are more noticeable because of they're shiny(!) back and front.

for my iHP, i dont like the included leather case at all... i had been using KSC-35's peather soft bag with it ever since day one. it has been going in and out of the bag countless times, yet i can not find one scratch even if i try hard. shiny stuffs lookes a lot sexier, however they scratch a lot easlier as well..

Didn't you sell your iHP-120 to tbdoah?

Anyway, I guess another reason I don't like using a case is because it add's bulk and I don't want to mess around opening the case everytime I want to change tracks/change volume. I know the answer would be to get an iSkin but I personally think they look kinda tacky and they're abit of a pain to keep taking the iPod out of. Does anyone know of a soft case which covers the entire iPod and the screen, and allows you to be able use all the controls as normal. Kinda like a Vaja i-Vod but not as bulky...?
Jan 4, 2004 at 4:36 AM Post #8 of 38
i too, run around nyc with a naked ipod. i've been through the stock case, a jam jacket, and was this close to shelling out $90+ for a vaja when it hit me. this is a tool. a handsome one at that, but still a piece of equipment. to me at least. and i'd rather use the $50-$70 on something i can hear. not just see. and anyway, i'm the type of guy that likes things broken in. jeans, boots, jackets, woman......and ipod's.

strip it down and say no to vaja.

ps. if your looking for a thin protector i saw this static plastic cover somewhere which covers the front and back. wheel and buttons too. probably the only thing i'd consider.
Jan 4, 2004 at 4:38 AM Post #9 of 38
He had two of them because some dumbass place didn't cancel his order.

As for iPod scratch protection... it's heavy enough as it is without adding extra bulk. It's tolerably thick, but with a case it's beyond that. (especially the included leather case). Enamel it like the Sharp DR7 minidisc recorder and your scratch worries are over. Yes, the DR7 is shiny.
Jan 4, 2004 at 4:44 AM Post #10 of 38

Didn't you sell your iHP-120 to tbdoah?

Ritzcamera.com messed up my order so i ended up with 2 iHPs -___-
Jan 4, 2004 at 12:00 PM Post #11 of 38
Yeah, it's a weird situation. Would I put clear plastic slip covers on my couch? (The answer: NO!). But I can see wanting to protect the ipod since it's so good looking. I went through a couple cases but they all hide the iPod, so what's the point of protecting it's looks if you cover it up? That's the real falacy. Are you like a miser who breaks out his shiny gold coins at home to gloat over them when you're alone. That's what your doing covering it up to protect it. That's like Naomi Cambell walking around in a ski parka. Baby, show me something!

So now I use a leather case when I throw it in my bag and then unsheath it when I'm at a mall, at work or where ever I'm feeling a little flashy. The rubber iSkin was nice protection, but it's a pain to take on and off. That's why I went leather.
Jan 4, 2004 at 5:52 PM Post #12 of 38

Originally posted by myself, aka me
=Enamel it like the Sharp DR7 minidisc recorder and your scratch worries are over. Yes, the DR7 is shiny.

Uhh what? How do I enamel my iPod. I would love to enamel it. Please, for the love of god, tell me how to enamel my iPod. QUIT HOLDING OUT ON ME, MAN!
Jan 4, 2004 at 7:20 PM Post #14 of 38
I use the naked iPod, but I do have a Timbuktu pouch for it when I need to toss it in my backpack or something. After 9 months, there are very few scratches on my iPod even after regular travels with it.

One "trick" with the iPod (and iBook for that matter) is that the first scratches will look worse than they are, so let it get a little more of a used look and it'll look fine, if you understand what I mean.

Jan 4, 2004 at 7:47 PM Post #15 of 38
I can understand people thinking that the iPod looks good and stuff. But isn't it the idea of a portable mp3 player to keep it in your pocket? I keep mine in my pocket all of the time. However I do keep it in the mesh bag that came with the unit. I mean it looks nice, but I don't want the extra bulk of a case, and people looking down my jeans probably aren't interested in the iPod.

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