Why does radio suck?
Apr 16, 2006 at 3:41 AM Post #2 of 57
One of the reasons I only listen to NPR (national public radio for those not familiar) is because commercial radio sucks so bad. I thought living in Seattle would give me some good options but no, Seattle radio stations suck ass. Worse than Spokane
If NPR ever stopped I'd rather listen to the noise of my car than have my ears abused by half-wit dj's and their crappy 'not payola really' playlists.

America really does have some of the world most sucky TV and Radio.
Apr 16, 2006 at 3:52 AM Post #3 of 57
Apr 16, 2006 at 4:37 AM Post #4 of 57
Radio sucks because the majority of people have lousy taste in music and will take whatever sewage the record labels will spill their way without complaining.

Radio stations make most of their money from advertising, not payola. If people started tuning out to punish payola-laden programs, advertisers would ensure these disappear.
Apr 16, 2006 at 4:47 AM Post #5 of 57
...and the advertising sucks even worse than their programming. A lose-lose situation.

As for XM, I don't think the amount of time I spend in the car would really justify the cost of subscribing, and in the car is the only place I listen to radio ever. I'll stick with NPR and my DAP+transmitter.
Apr 16, 2006 at 5:04 AM Post #6 of 57

Originally Posted by smeggy
...and the advertising sucks even worse than their programming. A lose-lose situation.

As for XM, I don't think the amount of time I spend in the car would really justify the cost of subscribing, and in the car is the only place I listen to radio ever. I'll stick with NPR and my DAP+transmitter.

There is XM to go, which allows you to listen to XM anywhere (except underground)...and it is commercial free... plus now they are going to come out with XM + DAP this summer. There you go...
Apr 16, 2006 at 5:04 AM Post #7 of 57

Before I went to college, I would volunteer and work at this station nearly every day. It is a completely non-for-profit station, which takes ZERO funding of any kind, even GOVERNMENT funding. It's run almost entirely by volunteers (only one manager, and he is also the only person that gets a salary). I ran a four-hour show every Tuesday for quite a long time during my time there. I played avant-garde, experimental, and progressive music on that show: Everything from Edgar Varese to Anthony Braxton, and most everything in between. It's a beautiful, wonderful establishment; the music is always fresh, outward bound, and something you will not find anywhere else in our area. There are no comercials, and no ********. It's just music, and it's incredible.

Every time I visit back home, I make sure to go on air for a while. The people there are just amazing and I am glad that I had the oportunity to work at a station that was such a rare find as this. This kind of stuff is what radio is about - not the terrible crap that is on the radio today. Even jazz and classic rock stations are becoming intollerable - how can one listen to the same 500 songs over and over and over again? I can't, I'll tell you that much. Questing spirits do not belong at the radio, unless it's a station like WPKN.
Apr 16, 2006 at 8:15 AM Post #8 of 57
I like NPR too, it's one of the few news sources I regularly listen to at home and in the car. And it doesn't seem particularly biased when it comes to politics.
And there's the Puzzle every Sunday morning with Will Shortz from the NY Times, I love listening and thinking up the answer even if I never submit one...
Apr 16, 2006 at 12:36 PM Post #9 of 57

Why Does Radio Suck?

*Poor sound quality
*DJs that love to hear their own voice
*Bad music
*Short, repeating playlists

As for XM/Sirius: I'm not paying $13/month to hear 64kb MP3s. And on top of that, their "super broad selection" they used to boast about is becoming alot shallower because some hill-scoggins were complaining they didn't play enough hits. Plus I can think of several dozen musicians who will never be heard because they are not "marketable enough".

Also, my wife works for a satellite radio company (I won't say wich one to protect their stockholders). But I have never witnessed a more poorly run company, with terrible terrible customer support. If you ever have to talk to a rep in India or China, just be thankful you're not talking to ***'s American phoneworkers.
Apr 16, 2006 at 6:23 PM Post #10 of 57

Originally Posted by Rock&Roll Ninja
*Poor sound quality
*DJs that love to hear their own voice
*Bad music
*Short, repeating playlists

Bull's Eye. Personally, I'm just starting to detest radio. There's almost NEVER anything good on. Philadephila's 102.9 occasionally has something decent on, but then again we don't even get very good reception of that station where I live in NJ, so I'm mostly stuck with NYC's 104.3, and that station is just totally commercialized. They play a lot of commercials, they have annoying, over-enthusiastic DJ's, and they play crap most of the time. I mean, I've caught them playing Green Day more than once, and that's not even remotely "classic rock" by my standards, not to mention that it sucks.

I've officially given up on radio. Time to get a CD player for the car!
Apr 16, 2006 at 6:33 PM Post #11 of 57

Originally Posted by smeggy
One of the reasons I only listen to NPR (national public radio for those not familiar) is because commercial radio sucks so bad. I thought living in Seattle would give me some good options but no, Seattle radio stations suck ass. Worse than Spokane
If NPR ever stopped I'd rather listen to the noise of my car than have my ears abused by half-wit dj's and their crappy 'not payola really' playlists.

America really does have some of the world most sucky TV and Radio.

KEXP 90.3
get with the program, man!
Apr 16, 2006 at 6:33 PM Post #12 of 57
I haven't voluntarily listened to the radio in about three years.

*sound quality sucks
*they don't play what I listen to
*even if they did, they don't play it precisely when I am in the mood to hear it
*even if they did, they don't play full albums
*even if they did, I refuse to listen to more advertising than I am already bombarded with daily.

So when someone comes up with a radio that plays what I want to hear exactly when I want to hear it at acceptable quality and without advertisement, I will listen to it.
Apr 16, 2006 at 6:43 PM Post #13 of 57
i havnt listened to radio in about 7 years now. the samew thing happened here too. (those in the uk wholisten to rock/metal) remember when xfm was freelance? remember how good it was? as with all things, it was bought out by a bigger company and has turned into complete garbage. ill spare the social commentary, but commercialism sucks.
Apr 16, 2006 at 8:15 PM Post #14 of 57

Originally Posted by Rock&Roll Ninja
*Poor sound quality
*DJs that love to hear their own voice
*Bad music
*Short, repeating playlists

Nope, none of the above. If everyone shared your opinion, stations would quickly go out of business. Radio sucks for the same reason Arrested Development was canceled from Fox - most people have no taste whatsoever.
Apr 16, 2006 at 8:45 PM Post #15 of 57
Commercial radio sucks because it operates on "lowest common denominator" logic. Its primary raison d'etre is to sell advertising time (nothing wrong with that, per se), not to produce programs you would be terribly interested to hear. It sucks, but it doesn't suck bad enough for you to change the frequency.



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