Why do 90% of the people use iPod/iPhone as their portable player?
Mar 5, 2011 at 4:35 PM Post #46 of 124
My 7th gen Ipod Classic with 256 AAC files sounds BETTER than the actual cd paired with any cd player I can find.  Nuff said.  The "classic" is an outstanding player!  Perfect synergy with JH13's.
I have to chuckle at so many posters that bash Apple for no custom EQ...yet those same posters vote EQ "off" in the polls of whether they EQ or not.
Mar 5, 2011 at 4:54 PM Post #48 of 124
The dock connector.
I tried to resist for as long as possible but last year I had to give in and get an iPod when my old Creative Zen's battery went. The iPod dock connector is as close to universal as a proprietary system can get. I can plug my iPod into my car, into my hi-fi, my friends stereo, into the sound system in my favourite sports bar. The list goes on and on but the point is it's convenient not to have to mess around with taking cables with you if wherever you go you can just plug it in.
- It's a similar reason why I still use Nokia phones. Wherever I am I can find a charger because they are everywhere.
Mar 5, 2011 at 5:18 PM Post #49 of 124
This feels like a parallel argument to the subject of PC's vs Macs. When I was younger I wanted to design computers, fix the OS bugs myself in CP/M and found the early challenges of MS Windows exciting. I haven't got time for all that now. I won't my computer to switch on every morning and to effortlessly get them to do what I want them to. It is the same with music now.
Some might want to carefully dust off a record and gently place the needle in the groove but it is not everyone's cup of tea. I think someone mentioned it before, Apple is about smart convenience. Many don't want device or OS divorce proceedings every couple of years. OK, so Apple figured that the media market is lucrative and came up with a business model that kinda locks you in. The hardware is only an enabler. I'm sure there are a few other companies which wish they had figured it first.
Mar 5, 2011 at 11:22 PM Post #51 of 124

My 7th gen Ipod Classic with 256 AAC files sounds BETTER than the actual cd paired with any cd player I can find.  Nuff said.  The "classic" is an outstanding player!  Perfect synergy with JH13's.
I have to chuckle at so many posters that bash Apple for no custom EQ...yet those same posters vote EQ "off" in the polls of whether they EQ or not.


I don't really bash it, I just think it would be a nice feature. Doesn't really matter that much, really.
Mar 6, 2011 at 12:13 AM Post #52 of 124
I actually like the "Rock" EQ preset, as it's actually how I set my personal EQ w/some of my cans. I personally enjoy the hell out of my classic 7G.
Mar 6, 2011 at 12:53 AM Post #53 of 124
No EQ and all my music is in lossless on all my Mac products and when home played through the Paradigm Studio's and Sennhiser 580 and on the move with Ultimate Ears sfi5 and senn px 100's and still sounds great no regrets and in my line
of work I get to test a lot of Hi-Fi gear, I love my job.
Mar 6, 2011 at 2:30 AM Post #54 of 124
I can't speak for everyone, but a few of my reasons are:

1. I bought my first iPod a while back. It offered 20gb of storage and so did the Rio Karma. I tested them side by side and liked the way the iPod worked better. I bought the 2nd Gen iPod based on ergonomics and hard drive size.

2. iPod classic - I was using a FLAC loaded Phatnoise music keg in my car. The thing had a 60 gb hard drive and I moved it from car to car. My current vehicle has an iPod connector. I bought a 160gb classic and converted the Flac files to ALAC.

3. iPhone 3GS - bought mainly for Apps, but I prefer to carry just one device. It can stream music via 3G and it can handle ALAC.

Accessories that pull sound from the line out or bypass the DACs are another reason.

I also have a Sanza Fuze and I would rather spend time listening to music than messing with EQ settings. I just don't find EQ very useful for when I am on the go.

Others probably want iTunes music store, think the Nano is cute, or whatever. People make choices for their own reasons.
Mar 6, 2011 at 4:39 AM Post #55 of 124
I only read through the first couple pages of this thread, but I use an iPod Touch:
1. I can do more than just listen to music; I have Chinese learning apps installed, traditional Chinese Mahjong apps, Notes for quick reminders or the sort (e.g. a room number/time for a meeting), Safari for basic internet browsing (e.g. checking my school e-mails)
2. I'm not an audiophile (yet), but even if I was, the iPod is a portable device and since I'm on the go when I listen to my music it would be hard (at least for me) to tell the differences in sound quality between lossless format music vs compressed.
3. Relating to sound quality, I actually don't know how to properly use an equilizer. That being said, I almost never use an EQ. If I want bassy sounds, I use my Sennheiser CX-300 earbuds. If I want a more balanced-sounding experience, I switch to my Skullcandy Hesh headphones. <- both sound muddy and I'm looking to buy my first high-fidelity phones (which is the main reason why I'm in this forum :D)
4. My previous PMP's were from Creative Labs, one broke while the other was hard to use, so I wanted something durable and easy to use. The iPod Touch has a glass touch screen and a metal backing, it sounded durable at the time, more so than plastic anyhow and the interface was really easy to adjust to. I've tried using the old Zune interface and I found it difficult to navigate around the device.
5. If I need to let someone else use the device to browse my music or apps, chances are the other person will know how to use an iPod over, say a Cowon device.
6. The brand name and external cases make an impact on the user's image, in my opinion.
For a Zune, I usually hear: "Hey what kind of MP3 player is that? Oh......a Zune.....I see..." wheras an iPod would be more like: "Hey what kind of MP3 player is that? Oh sweet, an iPod! What kind of apps do you have, etc."
As a side note, this is actually one slight disadvantage to using high-fidelity headphones at school. For a less school-friendly brand: "Hey what kind of headphones are those? Huh....Grados, I've never heard of them" wheras a more school-friendly brand: "Hey what kind of headphones are those? Woow Beats by Dr. Dre! No way! I've heard those sound soooo good! Can I try listening to  them?"
7. It's easy to add/remove digital media on the iPod Touch using iTunes. I'm not super technical (I've tried Songbird and I never really liked it) so I want something that can manage my media and allow it to sync to my PMP with ease. With iTunes I can add music via drag-n-drop to my library, organize my libary (though it's pretty limited I think), and sync what I want to my device.
Edit: I didn't mean to bash any of the above media devices/gear. I honestly haven't heard of nor used a Cowon device before so I personally would find it hard to use if a friend let me take a look at it. At the schools I've attended, the Zune has usually been an unpopular and looked-down upon device amongst the crowd. Finally, I also haven't heard of the Grado brand prior to joining thse forums, so if someone told me that they were wearing a pair of Grado headphones my reaction would be: "oh okay" wheras the more mainstream school headphones like Beats by Dre would lead me to a reaction similar to what I posted above.
Mar 6, 2011 at 8:39 AM Post #56 of 124
Because it's in the human nature to travel the most common road available. Change and exploring is a hard task.
Mar 6, 2011 at 5:41 PM Post #57 of 124
I personally think these threads are great.  You have the Apple bashers that come out, then you have the Apple defenders that stand their ground about the products.  Then you have the Cowon defenders that will raise their head up.  Maybe S:Flo2, Sansa, Hifiman, Sony, Samsung, Archos etc. defenders are on their way. 
It is all awesome .  That shows that there are many options for us out there.  Some will choose Apple, some Cowon, some will get some Sansa love etc..  For us audiophiles (yes, if you're reading anything on this site, you're an audiophile= how to get my music to sound the best), it's great to have many options.
It's always the same with Mac & PC.  A never ending story that at the end of the day, each of us is going to choose what is best for them.  Period....There are no right or wrong answers.  Just beautiful debate.  That's what makes it special.  Let us all enjoy our toys in our way and be happy...
If I, Me, Mua, Myself would have to choose just one DAP to take to a desert island that has electricity, headphones, headphone amps, powered speakers etc. but no sources, I would definitely choose the iPod 5.5G video.  Why?  capacity, Rockbox, line-out, good headphone out.  There are a crapload of options there where you can use this DAP. 
Again, no right or wrong answers.  ENJOY THE MUSIC.

A little A5 love after the Heat got their @ss beat again by the Bulls.

My current portable collection.  Thanks Head-Fi...


My gym friends:

Mar 6, 2011 at 6:31 PM Post #58 of 124
It's probably marketing and for most youth, apple is the cool thing to do. I have heard the touch extensively and it definitely does alot of things well. However for me it will be the J3, simply because
- Better sound enhancement options. At flat for both, it is very difficult to really make out any difference at all, I thought the J3 was a tad more detailed after listening to particular segments repeatedly between both. I haven't heard the eq apps for the touch but I find it hard to believe it will improve over BBE and all the other options. 
- Expandable storage space - my cousin was stuck with 8gb, I could upgrade my space at will with minimal expense
- Battery life, he had to charge his player on a daily basis while I can go days without having to charge it
- Drag and drop, life is so much easier this way 
- Flac and all the other formats it supports
It really comes down to what you are looking for. By no stretch of the imagination is the iPod touch/iPod an inferior product. If you are looking for all round entertainment value you can;t go wrong with the touch. But for the reasons stated above, I picked the J3. The whole argument about whether eq/sound enhancements are bad is a different issue. Music should be listened to how you enjoy it. If eq distorts the sound and makes it unlistenable, I certainly can't hear it because I think the enhancements make it sound better. 
Mar 6, 2011 at 6:31 PM Post #59 of 124
If cost was no object, I would get the 64GB Touch. To me, a phone is just a phone - I dont need a lot of the geegaws on an iPhone and I dont want to be locked into a plan - but the SQ of my 6G Nano, the form factor of the Touch and the incredible number of apps available make it a no-brainer, even at the inflated Aussie price (a hundred dollars more than the US price for the 64GB despite our dollar being above parity with the USD)
Mar 6, 2011 at 8:06 PM Post #60 of 124
#1 reason why i would buy ipod classics again and again- price for the huge amount of storage, those reknowned kenwoods/cowons/irivers are all capped at 62gb for $$$, whereas i can just get  160g for $
#2 reasonably durable, dropped mine many times, and a few times on pavement lol. cons- spinning conventional hard drive
#3 HATRED for all korean products, just would not use it, hate their whole design, hate their inferior mimicry of the good old days of the sony spirit,
#4 I do not and don't care about EQ, you might think that those iriver cowons sound really good but its just artificially jacked up and muddled by EQ, you should listen to music as its author intended, on my ipod the eq is always flat or off. or if you need to EQ-up every detail for listening to moe anime songs

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