Why did George Lucas wait forever to release the original SW trilogy on DVD?
Oct 19, 2004 at 10:32 PM Post #16 of 20

Originally Posted by highflyin9
It's just an incredibly bizarre decision to wait soooo long after DVDs came out to release them. Was there some bizarre equation of profits with a variable that took years to be satisfied? Anyone have any wild guesses?

Because George Lucas is a marketing genius and a film retard.
Oct 20, 2004 at 2:12 PM Post #18 of 20
i had a teacher who bought the white album in 5 "wonderful hi fidelity" formats
Oct 20, 2004 at 2:51 PM Post #19 of 20

Originally Posted by jefemeister
I'm not so sure. I picture Lucas as someone who would love to sell us the same movie 3-4 times on every new format available. It's just obviously going to be up to him what we get and when.

If that were true, the "original" trilogy would have been out already on dvd (standard). It had never been released on dvd until this past Sept, and you know that it could have been released any number of times with slightly different add-ons, special features, packaging, etc. Just look at how Disney does it (release in one format, sell it as limited edition, announce that it is being retired, then 6mos-2 yrs later, re-release, hopefully on new standard, but usually just with new packaging, sometimes with new theatrical release inbetween).

Ergo: The other reason for not releasing something that successful would be Lucas' intention to mount a possible theatrical re-release (something I would really enjoy), possibly in imax format (now wouldn't that be something). But, I think the truth is that with the limited success of the prequels, he probably ran out of time and patience and needed some cashflow for other projects. Also, I understand that he has a number of children (adopted with then wife, who left as soon as kids were around, leaving him as a really terrific single father who put film making on hold to raise kids) and we know how expensive that is.

As to differences in quality between original star wars and later star wars prequels? that's easy to explain. I understand that Lucas' guru was Joseph Campbell, and now that Campbell has been dead for so many years, Lucas lost his "vision" (Joseph Campbell, The Hero With A Thousand Faces, Princeton University Press, 2004. Also available in paperback from Fontana Press; at Amazon or B&N ) But that's ok, because Andy Wachowski also apparently read the book.
Oct 20, 2004 at 7:22 PM Post #20 of 20

Originally Posted by Bunnyears
According to HDDVD.org, or someother hd dvd site, Lucas was committed to releasing the original star wars trilogy on dvd when the hd standard was finally agreed on. I think the "technical" adoption by the dvd forum of the AOD (toshiba/nec) technology may be the guiding principle. But, with microsoft pushing its technology and sony (columbia-tristar) pushing blue ray, (not to mention JVC's hd vhs) the release of hd dvds has been delayed again. I guess Lucas finally became impatient with all the delays caused by the inability of the studios to come to an agreement. I wouldn't be surprised if when we finally see the original trilogy on dvd, it comes in some sort of hybrid disc that can be read on conventional machines and hd machines. AOD can also be read by conventional machines, but I don't know whether this is the technology that Lucas has finally agreed to use.

LOL, too bad for HD-DVD, it looks like Blu-Ray is going to probably be the defacto HD disc standard.


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