Why 24 bit audio and anything over 48k is not only worthless, but bad for music.
Jul 14, 2015 at 3:25 PM Post #661 of 3,525
I have Titanium watches and Glasses. Also Tommy Hilfiger spares made from industry glass plastic frames...:wink:
The performance from them is insurmountable. 

Jul 14, 2015 at 3:58 PM Post #664 of 3,525
Ah so not the cave of the terrible beast then.....right.....
Jul 15, 2015 at 11:40 AM Post #666 of 3,525

ABX tests test memory only.  
Memory recall of music is very different than initial reception of music.
Since we cannot listen to and compare multiple audio sources in parallel we have to rely on memory to perform this test.
But it isn't a memory test, it's a sound quality test.
Here is your fatal flaw in ABX tests. Not the only fatal flaw either.
Jul 15, 2015 at 12:00 PM Post #667 of 3,525
Jul 15, 2015 at 12:01 PM Post #668 of 3,525
ABX tests test memory only.  
Memory recall of music is very different than initial reception of music.
Since we cannot listen to and compare multiple audio sources in parallel we have to rely on memory to perform this test.
But it isn't a memory test, it's a sound quality test.
Here is your fatal flaw in ABX tests. Not the only fatal flaw either.

A common goal for ABX testing is: Can the listener consistently distinguish a difference?

Audiophiles claim they need to listen longer to decide on a preference (or what you call a sound quality test) .  

ABX testing methodology says " Fair enough but 1) first tell me which samples are different and then 2) we'll let you listen longer to tell us the one you prefer".

When it comes to wires, extreme sample rates, insane dynamic range and fairy dust, audiophiles have trouble getting past step 1. 

You can't prefer something that you don't hear as different.

Jul 15, 2015 at 12:02 PM Post #669 of 3,525
ABX tests test memory only.  
Memory recall of music is very different than initial reception of music.
Since we cannot listen to and compare multiple audio sources in parallel we have to rely on memory to perform this test.
But it isn't a memory test, it's a sound quality test.
Here is your fatal flaw in ABX tests. Not the only fatal flaw either.

You don't know what an ABX test is, with the proper equipment switching should be quasi-instantaneous. But if you think your brain and ears are objective measuring tools, your sense of reality is already distorted.
Jul 15, 2015 at 12:19 PM Post #670 of 3,525
ABX tests test memory only.  
Memory recall of music is very different than initial reception of music.
Since we cannot listen to and compare multiple audio sources in parallel we have to rely on memory to perform this test.
But it isn't a memory test, it's a sound quality test.
Here is your fatal flaw in ABX tests. Not the only fatal flaw either.

And done properly within the constraints of Echoic Memory one can do well. Reception?
 You are funny.
Jul 15, 2015 at 12:47 PM Post #671 of 3,525
  ...You can't prefer something that you don't hear as different.


actually that being wrong in practice is the main problem - you can prefer the story that goes along with - sighted listening definitely gives different neuron firing patterns in your brain even if the sound waves reaching your ear are the same
logic isn't our most common decision making strategy
Jul 15, 2015 at 1:18 PM Post #672 of 3,525
  actually that being wrong in practice is the main problem - you can prefer the story that goes along with - sighted listening definitely gives different neuron firing patterns in your brain even if the sound waves reaching your ear are the same
logic isn't our most common decision making strategy

Call it Fantasy Audio.
Jul 15, 2015 at 1:35 PM Post #673 of 3,525
ABX tests test memory only.  
Memory recall of music is very different than initial reception of music.
Since we cannot listen to and compare multiple audio sources in parallel we have to rely on memory to perform this test.
But it isn't a memory test, it's a sound quality test.
Here is your fatal flaw in ABX tests. Not the only fatal flaw either.

judges ABX. doesn't know what it is.

abx doesn't test memory, it's the opposite. it tries to limit the impact of memory by offering instant switching.
and it isn't a memory test, just like it isn't a sound quality test. it's a test to tell if people are repeatedly able to notice differences. not to test which sounds better or is better.
for somebody so concerned about fatal flaws, you write quite a load a BS. again.
Jul 15, 2015 at 3:25 PM Post #674 of 3,525
  actually that being wrong in practice is the main problem - you can prefer the story that goes along with - sighted listening definitely gives different neuron firing patterns in your brain even if the sound waves reaching your ear are the same
logic isn't our most common decision making strategy


Not being able distinguish a difference is an outcome from most types of AB testing.

Hearing differences based on bias is an outcome from most types of audiophile testing.  

Logic is not possible when one is uninformed.  Fantasy is. 
Jul 15, 2015 at 4:18 PM Post #675 of 3,525
ABX tests test memory only.  

Obviously you have never actually personally done an ABX and have no idea what they are because ABX tests are not just tests of memory.
ABX tests can test the whole experience of listening to music. If you don't know that, you know nothing about ABX. 

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