Who has the Solo?
Dec 2, 2004 at 1:50 AM Post #16 of 40
For metal with the solo, might i recommend not the CD3K but instead the MS-2? It will rock but still keep the Solo nice and tight - and you'll get bass slam like metal requires, something i feel the CD3K didn't achieve with the Solo.
Dec 2, 2004 at 3:08 AM Post #17 of 40

Originally Posted by Jahn
For metal with the solo, might i recommend not the CD3K but instead the MS-2? It will rock but still keep the Solo nice and tight - and you'll get bass slam like metal requires, something i feel the CD3K didn't achieve with the Solo.

I agree with the recommendation. I feel the cd3k would just be overbearingly bright with the solo. I never use the rs-1's with the solo...ever. In a matter of fact I won't use the solo with any grado's beside maybe the hp-2's once in a while.
Dec 2, 2004 at 3:14 AM Post #18 of 40

Originally Posted by Jahn
For metal with the solo, might i recommend not the CD3K but instead the MS-2? It will rock but still keep the Solo nice and tight - and you'll get bass slam like metal requires, something i feel the CD3K didn't achieve with the Solo.

Due to the low budget, thin recordings of most pre-2000 metal, headphones that can tease out any existing bass would be best. There is usually more than enough treble already in these mixes, so an overly bright pair of cans or cans/amp combo would be harsh and fatiguing, hence the MS-2 is very tempting. I am considering the MS-Pro as well, which I can also buy locally. As long as the Solo keeps everything under control at both ends of the frequency range I think the end result should be great. It's hard to comment on how well the Senns handle metal because they're not running off a dedicated amp yet. They're certainly good, but I sense that the headphone socket on the Arcam looses the plot with severe guitar distrotion, even through the usually fastidious Senns.

Arrghh....I want my amp now!! Yesterday's posts prompted a few dreams last night featuring the amp and headphones in general. That's a tad disturbing. I've also caught myself wandering through homewares stores looking for potential headphone stands. LOL.
Dec 2, 2004 at 3:59 AM Post #19 of 40

Originally Posted by Bosch
Due to the low budget, thin recordings of most pre-2000 metal, headphones that can tease out any existing bass would be best. There is usually more than enough treble already in these mixes, so an overly bright pair of cans or cans/amp combo would be harsh and fatiguing, hence the MS-2 is very tempting. I am considering the MS-Pro as well, which I can also buy locally. As long as the Solo keeps everything under control at both ends of the frequency range I think the end result should be great. It's hard to comment on how well the Senns handle metal because they're not running off a dedicated amp yet. They're certainly good, but I sense that the headphone socket on the Arcam looses the plot with severe guitar distrotion, even through the usually fastidious Senns.

Arrghh....I want my amp now!! Yesterday's posts prompted a few dreams last night featuring the amp and headphones in general. That's a tad disturbing. I've also caught myself wandering through homewares stores looking for potential headphone stands. LOL.

Also consider grado sr 225's. I know most people who prefer the ms-2's but I really liked these headphones and should of never sold them. You might be surprised.
Dec 2, 2004 at 6:27 AM Post #20 of 40

Originally Posted by GoRedwings19
Also consider grado sr 225's. I know most people who prefer the ms-2's but I really liked these headphones and should of never sold them. You might be surprised.

I can try those out too locally. I'm sure the shop won't mind me putting on some Deicide in their CD player.

Dec 2, 2004 at 6:32 AM Post #21 of 40

Originally Posted by Bosch
I can try those out too locally. I'm sure the shop won't mind me putting on some Deicide in their CD player.


Good luck with your search.
Dec 2, 2004 at 8:58 AM Post #22 of 40
Just for the record: I remember (from a now deleted former email) that Graham Slee told me he used a SENN HD-25 (I think it was !) while developping his amp.
Pinkie, correct me if I'm wrong !!!
So the amp must be suited for (this) Sennheisser.
Personally, I've never heard this combination.
Dec 2, 2004 at 3:30 PM Post #23 of 40
for a complex distorted track, i like using anthrax vs. public enemy on "bring the noise" - if an amp isn't fast, detailed, tight, and punchy, this track can get flabby and messy really quick. the solo can pull off both the metal and hip hop aspects perfectly imho, no small feat for all the junk going on in this track.
Dec 2, 2004 at 3:42 PM Post #24 of 40
I have a solo and I am more than happy with its abilities. Teamed with by HD650s/Zu Mobious I am happy to present it with any genre of music and just sit back and enjoy.

When I was thinking of buying earlier this year, I had a chat with Graham Slee, and it helped me make my decision. I recall that one of his comments was that the 650s complement the amp well.

On a slightly different note, I haven't been around for a while and I am pleased to note that Pink Floyd's review of the Solo has made it as a sticky - Well done Pinky!


Dec 3, 2004 at 8:15 AM Post #25 of 40

Originally Posted by Yeldarb
I have a solo and I am more than happy with its abilities. Teamed with by HD650s/Zu Mobious I am happy to present it with any genre of music and just sit back and enjoy.

Hey Brad,

I have the same set equipment except I have the stock cable with the 650's.
How does the Zu Mobius differ sonically from the stock cable, is it worth the investment, and how did you get hold of one? I was happy to buy the Solo without an audition, but my scepticism of seamingly over-priced aftermarket cables demands that I try before I buy. Do you have a stockist over there in the Emerald Island as I am a frequent visitor ?
Dec 4, 2004 at 8:42 PM Post #26 of 40
The Solo is a great little amp and I use mine solely (excuse the pun) to drive the AKG K-501 headphones.. it's got the required amount of muscle and plenty of current on tap to drive even the most demanding loads.

The Solo MKlll was an "ok" kind of amp, nothing special, but the latest one simply called the "solo" (sometimes referred to as the 2004 Solo) is streets ahead of the MKlll. I worked with Graham in the capacity of a second pair of ears and my Solo was used as a guinea pig / test rabbit prototype.

Graham finally opted to base the design around the AD823 opamp and that's the amp that is now being produced.... there have been a couple of small revisions since the very early "2004" models (which were fitted into the black faced enclosures) these include the new aluminium clam shell enclosure, PCB mounted phono sockets, a 2.1mm board mounted DC socket, higher capacity capacitors (470uF instead of 100uF) and the bootstrap mod which gives even better drive and control.

I suggested to Graham at the time that it may be worth his while producing a maxed out version of the Solo (blackgate caps, ALPS blue velvet pot, welwyn RC55Y resistors, gold plated headphone socket etc. etc.) but he reckoned the addition of these components would hike the price up from an already expensive £400 odds to a crazy price.

I'm in the process of refitting the Solo PCB with different components to see if it makes much of a difference and initial impressions are very favourable indeed.... so far I've strategically replaced the stock capacitors (a mixture of ELNA Stargets and ELNA rjh) with a sprinkling of Black Gate and ELNA Cerafines and the sound quality has benefitted no end... cerafines and black gates make great music there's no doubt about it! I've also replaced the stock hook up wire with teflon coated silver stranded stuff and there was no real improvement to be honest so that's probably not worth doing.

I've had great experiences with the LM6171 in the WNA amp so decided to try a dual channel LM6171 (the LM6172) in the Solo in place of the AD 823.... it required nothing more than the 47k resistor being replaced with a 43k resistor to optimise the LM6172 and the addition of the LM6172 has brought about bags more attack, more space around performers (it's easier to follow individual instruments) more depth, more height..... in fact, more of everything... the LM6172 can be had for £3.00 and the 43k resistor costs a couple of pence so for £3.02 this is one truly great tweak which is also very easy to implement..... it brought about the same noticeable improvement as the bootstrap mod and cap swap mod taking the amp into another dimension entirely.

Next on my agenda is replacing all the bog standard metal film resistors with Welwyn RC55Y 0.1% 15ppm temp coefficient type resistors and replacing the stock "carbon" pot with an ALPS blue velvet conductive plastic potentiometer.... The existing enclosure is too small to accomodate an ALPS pot so I'll also be housing the guts in a larger enclosure to allow for the better components..... I guess the ALPS pot and Welwyn resistors will bring about, yet again, further improvements
I'll also fit a gold plated headphone socket in place of the stock one and power the Solo from my Calex linear PSU, again, I expect this to prove beneficial to the sound.

These mods are not expensive to implement and are within the capabilities of anyone who knows the hot side of a soldering iron from the cold side, if anyone needs any advice on taking their Solo to another dimension then please don't hesitate to contact me.

All the best.




Stock 2004 PCB:
Dec 4, 2004 at 9:10 PM Post #27 of 40
your Solo is looking very nice with the blackgates and elnas pinkie.

I'll be interested in reading your opinions on it once your done the mods.

Does the MKIII appear on ebay at alll, I'd may be interested in trying one in the new year since the 2004 Solo is out of my budget.
Dec 4, 2004 at 9:40 PM Post #28 of 40

Originally Posted by Madcat05
your Solo is looking very nice with the blackgates and elnas pinkie.

I'll be interested in reading your opinions on it once your done the mods.

Does the MKIII appear on ebay at alll, I'd may be interested in trying one in the new year since the 2004 Solo is out of my budget.

Hi Madcat,

They seldom appear on ebay which either means not a lot of people own them or the people that do own them don't sell them as they are happy with them...... I know that there are a few thousand Solo's out there so it's probably the case that people are happy with them and don't want to part with them..... GoRedwings19 has indicated he may want to sell his, may be worthwhile having a word with him.
Dec 5, 2004 at 1:25 AM Post #29 of 40

Originally Posted by Jahn
for a complex distorted track, i like using anthrax vs. public enemy on "bring the noise" - if an amp isn't fast, detailed, tight, and punchy, this track can get flabby and messy really quick. the solo can pull off both the metal and hip hop aspects perfectly imho, no small feat for all the junk going on in this track.

I actually have this track on Return of the Killer A's, which is a best-of Anthrax compilation and a jolly good one too - had been a while since I listened to it! On my current set up this song was rendered quite well...has a wide soundstage with a thick and crunchy guitar sound (layered?) together with a snappy snare drum and clear vocals. The switches between hip-hop and metal were interesting on headphones because you can 'see' more readily where the mix fades one out and brings the other in on the headstage. Bring the noise indeedy! Thanx for the suggestion, Jahn.

I now have a pair of Grado RS-325s and am looking forward to the end of initial burn-in. I will chuck them into the GSPaudio Solo when it arrives but I'm am not expecting as much synergy as with the Senn HD600. However, you never know...
Dec 5, 2004 at 1:40 AM Post #30 of 40

Originally Posted by Bosch
I actually have this track on Return of the Killer A's, which is a best-of Anthrax compilation and a jolly good one too - had been a while since I listened to it! On my current set up this song was rendered quite well...has a wide soundstage with a thick and crunchy guitar sound (layered?) together with a snappy snare drum and clear vocals. The switches between hip-hop and metal were interesting on headphones because you can 'see' more readily where the mix fades one out and brings the other in on the headstage. Bring the noise indeedy! Thanx for the suggestion, Jahn.

I now have a pair of Grado RS-325s and am looking forward to the end of initial burn-in. I will chuck them into the GSPaudio Solo when it arrives but I'm am not expecting as much synergy as with the Senn HD600. However, you never know...

I notice you setup. I have a similar setup. I have the 325's and hd600's(cardas). I never use the solo for grado's. It just sounds bad. I use it sometimes for my grado hp-series but seeming the are more like the senns it works out quite well. The hd600 really benefit from the solo as the pacy and slightly forward nature of the amp compensates for the senns imperfections. Very good synergy. The 325's will kill you when used with the solo. Sounds thin and bright. This is just my opinion and experiences. You might totally disagree when you get your solo amp.

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