Who else is up Crap Creek for Valentine's?
Feb 14, 2007 at 4:33 AM Post #46 of 73
I've ordered a catered dinner for both of us (neither of us have time to cook tomorrow night and my children will hinder us going out). Then we will watch Saw III (long story) and that will be that! But on the weekend I'm taking her out to the movies, then to dinner and then I'll present her with a Wii (provided it has come in by then). It will be a combo birthday/Valentines day gift.
Feb 14, 2007 at 4:40 AM Post #47 of 73

Originally Posted by LobsterSan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Valentine's Day in Japan is pretty interesting... the tradition here is that women are supposed to buy chocolate for the men in their lives. Dads and husbands receive chocolate from their daughters and wives, boyfriends receive chocolate from their girlfriends, and it can be a big day for a girl to fess up and tell that special guy she has been crushing on with a special box of chocolate. In the office, male workers with seniority receive "giri choco" (obligatory chocolate) from their younger female co-workers, regardless of whether or not the ladies like the guys. Female students will sometimes give "giri choco" to their male teachers.

I saw that on TV yesterday! Now you can even have a bath in chocolate it seems. Only in Japan
Feb 14, 2007 at 4:52 AM Post #49 of 73

Originally Posted by nickknutson /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm getting my wife a heart shaped pizza from Papa Murphy's. I hope she doesn't get mad.

She shouldn't get mad, it's the thought that counts. That's a fun idea!

You can add a handmade card or a love note hidden somewhere.
Feb 15, 2007 at 12:26 AM Post #51 of 73

Originally Posted by Usagi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You guys should have purchased a $100+ Vermont Teddy Bear like I did. .....

I almost did. Instead I got a $80.00 Hello Kitty stuffed toy and a Swarovski crystal pendant. First portion of V-day involved roses delievered to her workplace....reaction positive. Next will be dinner at an atmospheric Japanese restaurant near the Golden Gate Bridge. Wish me luck.
Feb 15, 2007 at 2:03 AM Post #52 of 73

Originally Posted by soundboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I almost did. Instead I got a $80.00 Hello Kitty stuffed toy and a Swarovski crystal pendant. First portion of V-day involved roses delievered to her workplace....reaction positive. Next will be dinner at an atmospheric Japanese restaurant near the Golden Gate Bridge. Wish me luck.

Sounds romantic. Go get her tiger!
Feb 15, 2007 at 3:08 AM Post #53 of 73

Originally Posted by 1911 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
sirloins?? you are one cheap person!

you are SO right. i'm took the advice from the Chopmaster, 1911, and instead got two Choice cuts (no one had any Prime) of Prime Rib, 2 inches thick baby. I dry rubbed em, pan seared em, broiled and basted em, an pan fried em quick while tossing the veggies and stuff in there, finished off the veggies with the romano and the rest of the rub, and BAM awesome meal!

the only downside? she said i should do this all the time...i don't think she was joking.
so there i am with a blister on my middle and ring fingers (damn skillets) and she says "hmm i hope that won't be a problem...because there's something waiting for you downstairs."



I think that's the first and last time she won't mind something arriving of such a large boxage. So I rip open the top and the top flap has this tucked into it...


Oh. Uh honey, I love...banjos! I mean, how did you know Deliverance was my favorite movie? Such a shame my fretting hand is all blistered right now otherwise I'd bust out some good 'ol country bluegrass to serenade ya...(looks feverishly at my History to see when the heck I was surfing for banjos)



[size=x-small]Well now I know exactly what it is, and you googlers out there can figure it out too! I was definitely surfing this only a few days ago - how the heck did it get here RIGHT on Valentine's Day? MY WIFE ROCKS! Unfortunately no pics until the chill leaves the bones of this beast - it's like negative whatever out there in NYC right now, it has to sit overnight to acclimate. Anyhow I couldn't do it justice right now, my blisters are totally in the way. Ah, bittersweet joy!

So, Valentine's Day = Mission Complete!

Feb 15, 2007 at 3:14 AM Post #54 of 73
I have no idea what exactly is inside that case, but congrats dude!
Its nice to see your wife supports some of your hobbies.
Feb 15, 2007 at 3:17 AM Post #55 of 73

Originally Posted by Jahn /img/forum/go_quote.gif
you are SO right. i'm took the advice from the Chopmaster, 1911, and instead got two Choice cuts (no one had any Prime) of Prime Rib, 2 inches thick baby. I dry rubbed em, pan seared em, broiled and basted em, an pan fried em quick while tossing the veggies and stuff in there, finished off the veggies with the romano and the rest of the rub, and BAM awesome meal!

the only downside? she said i should do this all the time...i don't think she was joking.
so there i am with a blister on my middle and ring fingers (damn skillets) and she says "hmm i hope that won't be a problem...because there's something waiting for you downstairs."



I think that's the first and last time she won't mind something arriving of such a large boxage. So I rip open the top and the top flap has this tucked into it...


Oh. Uh honey, I love...banjos! I mean, how did you know Deliverance was my favorite movie? Such a shame my fretting hand is all blistered right now otherwise I'd bust out some good 'ol country bluegrass to serenade ya...(looks feverishly at my History to see when the heck I was surfing for banjos)



[size=x-small]Well now I know exactly what it is, and you googlers out there can figure it out too! I was definitely surfing this only a few days ago - how the heck did it get here RIGHT on Valentine's Day? MY WIFE ROCKS! Unfortunately no pics until the chill leaves the bones of this beast - it's like negative whatever out there in NYC right now, it has to sit overnight to acclimate. Anyhow I couldn't do it justice right now, my blisters are totally in the way. Ah, bittersweet joy!

So, Valentine's Day = Mission Complete!


congrats on the guitar...you were salivating over a new one too....
you backstabbed me..i picked up some cheesy sirloins because i have no imagination....you suck
Feb 15, 2007 at 3:29 AM Post #57 of 73
Well done Jahn.

I feel the need to share my day because it's my first Valentine's Day where I had a valentine.

(Corny high school story coming in)

I had originally planned to set up a present for her in first period on her desk as a suprise. Seeing as how school was closed, that didn't work out so well.

I have been sick, so my parents wouldn't let me walk over to her house. Because the roads were crap today, she wasn't allowed to drive. So we're stuck in our houses, when her mom becomes my best friend and agrees to pick me up. yay!

so we get to her house. she gives me a framed collage of photos of us. with lyrics to a song i don't know, but they're pretty anyways.

so we go downstairs and i set up her present, and tell her to close her eyes. it was a piece of computer paper with a rose that I drew (didn't look half bad) and I made a heart out of those heart-shaped candies with the valentine notes on them like "be mine". on the paper with the flower, i wrote 'no matter what happens to us and where our lives lead us...I promise I will care about you for as long as this rose is alive."

she loved it. we watched dirty dancing and cuddled before i went back home.

not bad for my first real valentines day. not bad at all :-D
Feb 15, 2007 at 3:37 AM Post #58 of 73

Originally Posted by rockin_amigo14 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well done Jahn.

I feel the need to share my day because it's my first Valentine's Day where I had a valentine.

(Corny high school story coming in)

I had originally planned to set up a present for her in first period on her desk as a suprise. Seeing as how school was closed, that didn't work out so well.

I have been sick, so my parents wouldn't let me walk over to her house. Because the roads were crap today, she wasn't allowed to drive. So we're stuck in our houses, when her mom becomes my best friend and agrees to pick me up. yay!

so we get to her house. she gives me a framed collage of photos of us. with lyrics to a song i don't know, but they're pretty anyways.

so we go downstairs and i set up her present, and tell her to close her eyes. it was a piece of computer paper with a rose that I drew (didn't look half bad) and I made a heart out of those heart-shaped candies with the valentine notes on them like "be mine". on the paper with the flower, i wrote 'no matter what happens to us and where our lives lead us...I promise I will care about you for as long as this rose is alive."

she loved it. we watched dirty dancing and cuddled before i went back home.

not bad for my first real valentines day. not bad at all :-D

you are a very lucky man..cause if i came home and my daughter was watching dirty dancing and cuddling with a pimple faced geek...it would be all over...but since she wasnt my daughter...congrats!
Feb 15, 2007 at 4:01 AM Post #59 of 73
1911, you bit offa my plans? after you dissed the sirloin action? don't you know on gameday you kick it up one more notch? man and to think i learned the art of steak marination from you. anyhoo i'm sure she enjoyed em!

yep, martin guitar martin guitar...honestly i think she heard me whine enough about the guitar hero plastic controller being the only thing on the rack after i traded my Guild away. i had zero idea she would pull the trigger on the God of All Guitars! i've always wanted one but could never justify the cost. i've been going on and on about richie havens and double pickguards too, so i have a very good feeling what this one is! CAN'T WAIT!
Feb 15, 2007 at 4:24 AM Post #60 of 73
Well the day turned out ok after all. The florist had told me they might not deliver if the roads were icy, which they were. I was prepared to pick up the flowers and deliver them myself. I also decided to bring her and all her nurse friends some decent Pizza. The flowers arrived just before me bringing the nice thin crust pizza. She was very happy and her nurse friends proceeded to tell her what a great find she has...
I get to live another day...

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