Which is the BEST 20gb MP3 player?
Mar 2, 2005 at 7:03 PM Post #106 of 113
Does anyone know if WMP10 will recognize the Karma? For $179 (currently at Buy.com) it seems like a great deal. I know that there is a firmware update available (1.68, I believe) and I've noticed that other players on the RIO website are certified as PFS (plays for sure) with WMP10.

Seriously confused about what player to get.
Mar 3, 2005 at 4:28 AM Post #107 of 113
Sorry to hear about the sonicstage problems: I know some people have had real problems like that. Have you looked for help on the www.minidisc.org discussion forums? Many SS problems are described there from MD users and there could be some hope.

Perhaps if you wait for the new version 3.0 and DL it from the internet you will have better luck. Then at least the HD1/2/3 series might be an option.
Mar 3, 2005 at 1:42 PM Post #108 of 113

Hi all

I've been reading through this thread hoping for answers... but i've just seemed to of got more confused
I need a player that's not too big, pretty nice looking, and its got to have half decent sound quality. I'll be using it walking to school everyday, listening to it home a bit and taking it on holidays too. The rio karma looked like a serious option until i started reading about it jolting when keeping it in your pocket and hard drive problems etc.

The best option looks like the iaudio m3 or the ipod (ouch), but does anybody have anyother suggestions?


Karma HD issues are much less common now - no more common than on any other players. As for the jolt, as long as you don't jog for too long with it playing, you'll be OK. I have listened to mine while jogging short distances, and had no problems. Karma gets my vote.
Mar 3, 2005 at 4:11 PM Post #109 of 113

Originally Posted by Naybor
Sorry to hear about the sonicstage problems: I know some people have had real problems like that. Have you looked for help on the www.minidisc.org discussion forums? Many SS problems are described there from MD users and there could be some hope.
Perhaps if you wait for the new version 3.0 and DL it from the internet you will have better luck. Then at least the HD1/2/3 series might be an option.

Well.... at first i tried to download it from the site, and it wouldn't let me because i use netscape instead of internet explorer, so i (think) i downloaded it correctly, but then it wouldn't open
. So i searched on the internet and managed to find a solution which involved downloading and installing a couple of things. I did everything but i still refused to work
Thanks for the help anyway!

Originally Posted by Girdag
Karma HD issues are much less common now - no more common than on any other players. As for the jolt, as long as you don't jog for too long with it playing, you'll be OK. I have listened to mine while jogging short distances, and had no problems. Karma gets my vote.

The karma is seeming like a more of a possibility everyday, but considering that i'm goin to have this in my school bag every day, which gets quite a few knocks, will it hold up? (i've got a muvo 4gb and its fine)

Mar 3, 2005 at 4:44 PM Post #110 of 113
As long as it isn't turned on whilst being heavily bumped. One option might be to buy a Caselogic case (cost me £7) for when you aren't using it. Bulks it up a little, but I take it out and put the player in my pocket when I listen to it, then put it in the case back in my bag later.
Mar 3, 2005 at 4:53 PM Post #111 of 113
Thanks for the fast reply! Well.... i think its between the ipod and the karma! The main downfall of the ipod is that i'd have to convert ALL my music to aac which wouldn't be too fantastic!
Anybody have any opinions on which one to go for?
Mar 3, 2005 at 5:43 PM Post #112 of 113

Originally Posted by dommica
Thanks for the fast reply! Well.... i think its between the ipod and the karma! The main downfall of the ipod is that i'd have to convert ALL my music to aac which wouldn't be too fantastic!
Anybody have any opinions on which one to go for?

what is your music in now? ipods do play mp3s.

I don't know if I'd say all the karma problems are fixed - they still use the same hitachi drive, which is certainly better than it used to be, but it isn't as stable as some of the new harddrives. That being said, there are many many people with no problems at all, and I am one of them. I definitely would choose the karma over the ipod...but that's just me...
Mar 3, 2005 at 5:51 PM Post #113 of 113
Well about 3/4 of my music are wmas, and recently i've started copying all my music in mp3 (in preparation of a new mp3 player) so the rest is in that. I can't get it out of my head that the karma is fragile so and i don't think that it'll hold up. That (and the fact that it aint too pretty) is the only reason that's holding me back from buying it.


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